Champion of Irori with Low Charisma


I have a level 6 half-elf monk (Zen Weaponmaster (Homebrew Archetype)) in a Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign with the following stats:

Str: 18
Dex: 16
Con: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 8

Initially I was fine with taking straight monk throughout the campaign, but after finding the Champion of Irori/Enlightenment on the SRD I find it almost perfect from a RP and a mechanical standpoint for my character.

The problem is, of course, my having used charisma as a dump stat at creation. Could anyone suggest any feats/abilities that might allow for a Wisdom-Charisma substitution? Or is the lack of a charisma bonus not that harmful to a Champion of Irori build? Any other suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated. and-of-mental-superiority

or and-of-alluring-charisma

Plus Tomes obviously.

I'll be expensive, but that's your best bet.

But remember you need a Smite ability as well. So either a level in Paladin, 3 levels in Chevalier, Hellknight, etc.

You can't substitute Wis for Cha as far as I know. But because you would only use Cha pretty much for saves( if you go paladin) and smiting, items will do just fine.

16k and get head band of CHA+4
It 2 level of Paladian that dose not work well for you.
Divine grace dose not work
lay on hands is weaker but still works
Smite evil and Smite Chaos you loss CHA to Hit and AC
Talk to your GM and see if you can do a rebuild on your STAT
or drop alot money on STAT items or Drop this idea.

This is cool class but must be though out before hand.

Good ideas all around, I didn't know about the Tomes until just this moment.

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