Ring of Continuation and spell like abilites do they together as well?

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

I have a level 15 Oracle and just found a ring of continuation, basically it will keep any spell with range of personal for a duration of 24 hours or until the next personal range spell is casted. So I was wondering if my Spirit of the warrior revelation would work with it?

My mystery is Ancestors if you need to look it up, thanks in advance!

SLAs are not spells.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Also, they stealth errata'd the ring to work differently than published.

Agreed with Orfamay Quest. Spell-like abilities are not spells. From FAQ we know that metamagic feats\rods do not function with SLAs, only with spells, so I would expect the ring to behave in a similar fashion.

That said, there was recently an FAQ post asking the staff to clarify when an SLA is treated like a spell, and when it isn't.

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