The Seppuku Game

Forum Games

Dark Archive


Ummmmm.... Yeah?

Infernal Healer wrote:


You died, so you get all the points here.


Nothing notable about your death that I'm aware of as for reasons why.


Nothing notable about the method of your death, though I suspect it was self-inflicted.

Final score: 14/30

14/30? You regain no honor. Try again.

Scarab Sages

Gentlemen, ladies, and elder beings, I give you...


10/10 - definitely dead
8/10 - Getting good news right before
6/10 - It's not self-inflicted while still being self-inflicted. Loses points for being en masse, the individual seppuku becomes diminished.

25/30 A good score

Scarab Sages

Irontruth wrote:

6/10 - It's not self-inflicted while still being self-inflicted. Loses points for being en masse, the individual seppuku becomes diminished.

For what it's worth, that was supposed to be the point - it wasn't the seppuku of a man, it was the seppuku of Mankind.


three inch rusty iron nail is found nearby, no blood.

a musty smell, kind of like old sneakers hangs in the air.

there is a small puddle of clear liquid on the ground in front of my head.

25/30? You die an honorable death. You honor your ancestors. The first three rounds of sake are free.

Liberty's Edge

Death:10/10. You're dead.

Notable Characteristics-none. 0/10

Honor: You were murdered. 0/10



Found in front of computer, dagger in his eye socket.
Paizo messageboards Online Campaign on computer. Character has been shamed.
Says "it is the way of the samurai"

Scarab Sages

Being alive enough to say a complete sentence that includes a 3-syllable word: 4/10.

Aspiring to be a samurai when you are gaijin, and probably not even nobility: 0/10

Vindicating Jack Chick ("Oh no, not Blackleaf!"): -10/10

-6/30: You are reincarnated as a Kansan.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Being alive enough to say a complete sentence that includes a 3-syllable word: 4/10.

Aspiring to be a samurai when you are gaijin, and probably not even nobility: 0/10

Vindicating Jack Chick ("Oh no, not Blackleaf!"): -10/10

-6/30: You are reincarnated as a Kansan.

Provided a link to further dishonor him.

Can a cold kill you?

Dark Archive

I'm sure I can help it out, if it isn't doing the trick.

*is found dead, in a crater, surrounded by bits of a Remorrhaz and coated in gunpowder burns*

Yukio Mishima art imitating death one year prior....

Dark Archive

tiny pieces of guts, gore and Mill's bomb shrapnel covered in in stomach fluid are found lying on the ground.
A blood covered picture of a beautiful woman is found nearby.

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