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Liberty's Edge

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Is it true Canadians are part bear and drink maple syrup directly from the bottle?

Calex wrote:


What problems do you see? I'm curious for an outside point of view.

I should not have put in that last part...as I don't like doing this kinda of thing. But since I said that.

But I read about a town in Canda that was predominately African-Candians. It start to have have a boon of sorts and became a nice place to live. That is when the goverment came in with the Candian version of our Eminent Domain...and pretty much kick out all the African-Candians out. A few months later they sold the properties to white folk.

(I'll note I find this on the internet...which I admitt might not be 100% true)

There is also from what I understand a very large anti-Japan culture movement to the point a friend of my got arrested when entering Vancouver(I believe) because he had some Japan Anime porn on his lap top. The criminal charges were dropped...but he can't go back because of the custume charges are still open. They also confiscated his lap top and never returned it. The reason for this it seems that the western part of Canda is 'concerned' of the young children being corrupted by Japaneese influences.

It seems that Canda is getting a very close isloationist feel to them...true these things happen in USA also.

lucky7 wrote:
Is it true Canadians are part bear and drink maple syrup directly from the bottle?

I think the part bear part is geneticaly impossible.

As for drinking maple syrup directly from the bottle...I know Americans who do so...so there are probably some Candians who also do so.

Three Cheers for page 9.

Liberty's Edge

Unhip hooray! Unhip hooray! Unhip hooray!

What would you say to be the hardest monster besides the Tarrasque? There is at LEAST one with a higher CR.

lucky7 wrote:

Unhip hooray! Unhip hooray! Unhip hooray!

What would you say to be the hardest monster besides the Tarrasque? There is at LEAST one with a higher CR.

Tarrasques with 20 levels of Wizard...muwhahaha.


But a ancient Red Dragon played well is a terror.

A Marilith with 10 levels of Dervish from 3.5 is also a terror.

If you mean by CR...I'll have to research that.

Liberty's Edge

What's a Marilith?

lucky7 wrote:
What's a Marilith?

It is the deomoness with the top half of a beautiful woman...the bottom half of a giant snake and has 6 arms. It is in the PF Bestiary 1 page 63. It has been in the game(D&D) since atleast 1st edition.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

By the rules (Cleric Aura, Pathfinder Core, p. 39) a Cleric of an Evil God has an Evil Aura.

But some evil gods have Neutral Clerics. (For example, Asmodeus has several LN clerics.)

What happens when a Paladin smites them? (i.e., the Paladin has done everything right, by using Detect Evil, but the target is not actually evil.)

Liberty's Edge

Okay, what's the dervish?

Lord Fyre wrote:

By the rules (Cleric Aura, Pathfinder Core, p. 39) a Cleric of an Evil God has an Evil Aura.

But some evil gods have Neutral Clerics. (For example, Asmodeus has several LN clerics.)

What happens when a Paladin smites them? (i.e., the Paladin has done everything right, by using Detect Evil, but the target is not actually evil.)

My ruling would be the smite does not work...than again I might be bias as I play a neutral cleric of a evil goddess in a game.

lucky7 wrote:
Okay, what's the dervish?

The Dervish was a PrC from orginally Sword Fist(3.0) it was updated in Complete Warrior(3.5). It was a PrC that allowed you to take a full attack action and during a move action during something called Dervish Dance...which was pretty much like a barbarian rage...but much more elegrant. It had niffty other abilities as well.

Pazio for Pathfinder made it into a Bard archetype in Ultimate Combat I believe.

Liberty's Edge

What is one archetype you'd like to make?

If you had a game company, what would you call it?

lucky7 wrote:
What is one archetype you'd like to make?

I would make a Bard archetype based on the old 2nd Ed D&D Bard kit the Blade. Which pretty much was a weapons performer...it was the bards who put on weapons displays, sword swallowing, blind knife throwing kinda of tricks.

Actualy I am kinda working on ity as we speak on and off.

lucky7 wrote:
If you had a game company, what would you call it?

That is easy, Crazy Kretz's Games.

Liberty's Edge

Can you post the blade when you're done?

lucky7 wrote:
Can you post the blade when you're done?

Sure. Not a problem.

Liberty's Edge

Have you ever had/seen/caused a "You do What?" scenario? If so, what?

lucky7 wrote:
Have you ever had/seen/caused a "You do What?" scenario? If so, what?

There was one that I caused.

It was Legends of the five ring. We were playing Emerald Magistrates...think cops who went out to question a spell caster about something. The caster was very hostile and waving around a spell scrool. So my character drew her bow and pointed a arrow at her telling,"Please in the name of the Emperor drop the scroll and calm down."

The GM seemerd to have heard me but continue to have the pc shouting threats and such. So three times I took a aim and said the above warning. The GM seemed to hear me...

He than had the caster do something slightly hostile in which case I declared my action to fire. He said, "You do what?!?!"

At which time I reminded exactly what I was doing and the other player agreed that is what happened...he had no idea I said what I said...anyway I killed her in one shot.

I personaly think it was my curse/blessing kicking in.

What...no more questions? I think I am good for atleast another ten pages of questions.

Liberty's Edge

5 hour energy?

lucky7 wrote:
5 hour energy?

Nah I am highly resistant to things that are suppose to keep me awake/ give me energy...or things that suppose to make me sleepy...so I tend to aviod things like that and coffee as it does nothing for me.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

We have established that you do indeed exist.

But ... "Why do you exist?"

Lord Fyre wrote:

We have established that you do indeed exist.

But ... "Why do you exist?"

To answear questions.

Liberty's Edge

And that's it?

lucky7 wrote:
And that's it?

No...there is more...

I exist to be the only civil sibbling who talks to the rest of them.

I exist to provide a sense of calmness in the midst of chaos.

I exist to challenge peoples ideals...to get them to think.

I exist to be a balance between emotion and logic.

I exist because I think.

Liberty's Edge

In all your years of roleplaying, what was your favorite character and why?

lucky7 wrote:
In all your years of roleplaying, what was your favorite character and why?

A couple...and characters I currently be playing may get on this list also...

I'll break it down by system.

Zora: A tiefling swashbuckler(3.5)/Rogue/Duelist was a very fun character.

Seipora: A human Rogue/Figter/Lasher(prc 3.5)/Dervish(prc 3.5): I explained what the dervish was above...a lasher pretty much was a PrC geared to making whips awesome. So imagine a dancing around the battle field with a whip dagger. It was just a great character.

Champions(super hero game):
Romula: A mutant intelligent wolf with telepathic powers who got transformed into a super human by a evil wizard who gained shamantic magic from the Great Wolf Spirit. So in human form she is highly resistant slightly above human max strong shaman...in wolf form she was telepathic. Though later she lost the abilty to assume her wolf shape when her adoptive human mother got grievously injuried...she gaved it up to heal her.

Red Baroness: Super genius power armor character...think Tony Stark...but female and more...serious...well in puiblic.

Tersa: a Shapechanging wolf headed human(called a Zenith Moon Warper. Pretty much a very rogueish type character.

Lady Shrike: A Knight of the White Rose( basicaly a order of knight with magic and psionic powers...opposing a evil group of knights wioth the same powers set) with very long puple hair with two red streaks on the side. Acting like a evil knight...to inflitrate and to hide her orders existence..

There are more...soo many more.

Liberty's Edge

What is the tactical coverage of splitting up the party?

lucky7 wrote:
What is the tactical coverage of splitting up the party?

I am not getting the question. What do you mean by tactical coverage?

Liberty's Edge

never mind.

lucky7 wrote:
never mind.

Damn now I feel like I failed. Sigh *walks slowly away from the thread with the Hulk's TV show theme music playing in the background*

Liberty's Edge

Which TV show?

Are you excited about Mythic?

lucky7 wrote:
Which TV show?

The Incredilble Hulk....1978 to 1982...Bill Bixby, Lou Ferringo...

lucky7 wrote:
Are you excited about Mythic?

I was...I am growing a little less excited as it seems that it mostly now just one large template to add to a game. I was hoping for a more post 20th level system...but that seems to be more of a after thought.

I just don't see me running alot of Mythic games...though I try to take all of my game past level twenty.

I don't see why you couldn't just take Mythic tiers in place of post-20 levels, if you so desired to use the system that way. It was certainly one of my ideas originally.

Or even just continue advancing the classes normally and tack the tiers on each level after 20th for free, until you max out at 30th, if you think they're too little on their own to substitute for a full post-20th level.

Liberty's Edge

What would you make at Crazy Kretz's Games?

Orthos wrote:

I don't see why you couldn't just take Mythic tiers in place of post-20 levels, if you so desired to use the system that way. It was certainly one of my ideas originally.

Or even just continue advancing the classes normally and tack the tiers on each level after 20th for free, until you max out at 30th, if you think they're too little on their own to substitute for a full post-20th level.

I plan on doing it...it just seems to me with what I am reading lately(like the WBL chart not being extended covering 20 + Mythic tiers) using the Mythic system for post 20th level play is kinda of a after thought.

lucky7 wrote:
What would you make at Crazy Kretz's Games?

3rd party PF stuff of course.

Here is a joke...

You know you had a bad night when you wake up in the morning and look at the person next and want to chew off your arm as not to awake them as you escape

You know you had a good night when you wake up resting your head on a chewed off arm.

John Kretzer wrote:
Orthos wrote:

I don't see why you couldn't just take Mythic tiers in place of post-20 levels, if you so desired to use the system that way. It was certainly one of my ideas originally.

Or even just continue advancing the classes normally and tack the tiers on each level after 20th for free, until you max out at 30th, if you think they're too little on their own to substitute for a full post-20th level.

I plan on doing it...it just seems to me with what I am reading lately(like the WBL chart not being extended covering 20 + Mythic tiers) using the Mythic system for post 20th level play is kinda of a after thought.

Oh it is. But you make do with what you have.

Orthos wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Orthos wrote:

I don't see why you couldn't just take Mythic tiers in place of post-20 levels, if you so desired to use the system that way. It was certainly one of my ideas originally.

Or even just continue advancing the classes normally and tack the tiers on each level after 20th for free, until you max out at 30th, if you think they're too little on their own to substitute for a full post-20th level.

I plan on doing it...it just seems to me with what I am reading lately(like the WBL chart not being extended covering 20 + Mythic tiers) using the Mythic system for post 20th level play is kinda of a after thought.
Oh it is. But you make do with what you have.

Oh I agree...I just thought it was going to be more about post level 20 than let play fantasey super heroes..

I still use it as such...and I like the idea of a campaign being Mythic from the start...it more like I was expecting one thing and they went left on me.

Liberty's Edge

What AP would you most like to see published/publish?

lucky7 wrote:
What AP would you most like to see published/publish?

There is three ideas I would like to see the basis for a AP...

1) A political one around Taldor.

2) One of continents yet to be detailed being explored.

3) A about redeeming the drow race. Or maybe some other race.

Liberty's Edge

Stabby stabby.

lucky7 wrote:
Stabby stabby.

Ouchy ouchy...

Hey wait you not Merisiel.


oh, why?

Why the work holydays pass so fast? T.T

I like ideas 1 and 3 for APs. Not so much as an planetary AP, but looks great. I really like Drows, not for the evil part. The divine magic oriented, matriarchal, underground and House divided part of the Drow have always interested me more than the evil part.

Alaryth wrote:


oh, why?

Why the work holydays pass so fast? T.T

Sigh...that is a great mystery of life. Probably related to time flies while you are having fun.

Alaryth wrote:
I like ideas 1 and 3 for APs. Not so much as an planetary AP, but looks great. I really like Drows, not for the evil part. The divine magic oriented, matriarchal, underground and House divided part of the Drow have always interested me more than the evil part.

Well 2 is not really planetary more of discovering new land. But I understand can't please everyone all the time.

Yeah I really like the drow society...I really wished Pazio went with more outside the box thinking with them like they did with the gnomes than went with the traditional Drow from earlier D&D.

I think I'll brainstorm some alternatives to the drow...because such a society would be a really great type campaign...mmm...I think a new campaign is forming.

Dark Archive

John Kretzer wrote:
Yeah I really like the drow society... I really wished Pazio went with more outside the box thinking with them like they did with the gnomes than went with the traditional Drow from earlier D&D.

In an earlier campaign, I went with the notion that there were six fey humanoid races that originally 'fell to earth,' three different opposing pairs of seelie/unseelie fey, with the gnomes and goblins being one shadow-pair, the elves and hobgoblins being the second, and the bugbears being all that remained of the third pair, since they hunted down, murdered and devoured every member of their 'seelie' race. Gnomes and goblins would retain 'hatred' for one another (and the mechanical benefits of that racial quality), as would elves and 'dark elves'/hobgoblins, but bugbears would instead have transferred their hate of their seelie twins for 'hatred: everyone.'

Instead of drow, the hobgoblins totally replaced their niche, all the way to having underdark cities and twisted decadent elegant societies based on cruelty and excess with baroque weapons and armor and stilted prose and all that jazz. Purer-blooded members of this drow/hobgoblin race would have the 'noble drow' spell-like abilities, and the elven nations would also have 'noble elves' (sort of like 4e eladrin) that are 'even elfier than elfs,' such that the *normal* elves would be seen by some of their leadership as water-down by their time in the mortal world, more like 'half-elves' than 'real elves,' (with actual half-elves being too thin-blooded for them to even acknowledge!).

The dark elf/hobgoblin society would remain matriarchal, ruled from a darkland city built around a purportedly bottomless pit, under the iron grip of a Queen of Air and Darkness-type figure, who rules from an adamantine throne that is suspended over the pit by fine adamantine chains, forcing her petitioners to come to the very edge of the howling abyss and teeter precariously on a rail-less ledge, shouting their questions to her over the cold updraft from whatever slumbers below.

The downside to applying this sort of thing to Golarion would be that it would preclude the elven / alien / Castrovel connection, which is a really, really cool idea.

On the other hand, removing gnomes and goblins entirely from this, and keeping the dark elf/hobgoblin hybridization, elves could remain fey, and gnomes could take the place of strange visitors from another world (with 'the bleaching' being a side-effect of living on an alien world, and not getting some of the nutrients they need from their native environment).

As Paizo developed goblins and gnomes in such interesting ways, I kind of overset my expectations, and the more 'traditional' dwarves and halflings (and outright resistance to adding any sort of depth to orcs or whatever) ended up feeling like a let-down, because I'd over-hyped myself.

Which of the humanoid races would you most like to see given a 'Paizo goblin' race-lift and re-imagined 'outside the box?'

Set wrote:
Which of the humanoid races would you most like to see given a 'Paizo goblin' race-lift and re-imagined 'outside the box?'

I like what you did....I once was GM in a round robin GM game and took the drow as a race. The city were the campaign was based had a actual drow embassy. What had happened was a similair war between the elves those who became drow were driven below the surface world...I changed what the war was about though. Elves were dominate species when humans were coming out of the cave. The elves fresh from offering a hand in frienmdship to the orcs and having it bitten were going to just eradicate these primitives. The fraction that would become drow thought that was unwise and fought thier brothers. The war reached the gods. Eventualy the drow lost and were driven underground...Lolth there goddess was imprisoned. Than Erythnul (we used the Greyhawk pantheon...he was the god of slaughtered) appeared the drow as Lolth(who could not do anything because of her imprisonment) and took them down a CE path. However a few saw through the trickery and remained faithful to Lolth. Pretty much there was two distinct drow cultures/ relgions. Now that could not work for Golarion much though.

As to the what race need a reimagining...

I like how the separeted elves from the fey but retained the otherworldlyness.

Gnomes they did a wonderful job with...and that race probably needed the most help.

The halfling as a slave race thing is a interesting twist.

I kinda like how they kept orcs more traditional...as there been major moves in the other direction with them.

I would have liked kobolds not to have been actualy related to dragons at all...they just believed that.

I think dwarves need something...even if it is a minor tweak. Something to make the writters interested in them.

I also would have liked to see more culture diversity among the different races. Like...

- A drow city where they whorshipp Calistria as their main deity...

- A orc tribe that reveres Erastil would be interesting

- A kobold tribe that hates and hunts dragons...

Just some of the top of my head.

Dark Archive

John Kretzer wrote:
I think dwarves need something...even if it is a minor tweak. Something to make the writers interested in them.

I feel the same way about dwarves. I don't dislike them, but they've had a harder time breaking away from the Tolkien influence than halflings and elves, it seems.

For me, changing the attribute modifiers to +2 Con, -2 Dex and +2 Int could radically change the feel of dwarves. They are the cleverest and most advanced of races, and yet not too nimble or fast in their reactions. It's from dwarven craftsmen that most innovations like masterwork weapons or alloyed metals (such as bronze and steel) leaked out and became known to the rest of the races (some of whom stole those dwarven secrets fair and square, leading to dwarves being pretty darn grumpy about the whole thing, and even more protective of their current 'crafting secrets' to a level that would leave a Freemason thinking 'this is kind of obscure...').

Dwarven wizardry would be legendary, all precise and rote and tradition-bound, and a sharp contrast with elven sorcery, which would be innate and freeform and intuitive.

It would be through the market dominance of dwarven banks, countinghouses, moneylenders, trade cartels, etc. that the various other races would have a common set of currency standards at all, such that an elven silver piece and a Halfling silver piece will weigh the same and have the same percentage of silver by weight, because the dwarves codified that sort of thing long ago, and every coin ends up having to meet their standards eventually.

As a result of their stranglehold monopoly on many special metals (such as adamantine) and crafting techniques, dwarven PCs can get a 10% price break on the cost of adding the masterwork quality to an item or armor or a weapon, or to the cost of special materials like cold iron or adamantine.

Dwarves not only would exist in the setting, but they'd have actively participated in and shaped the development of not only their own society, but many of those they came into contact with, making them more a part of the world and less 'those guys who live in the mountains.'


I also would have liked to see more culture diversity among the different races. Like...

- A drow city where they worship Calistria as their main deity...

- A orc tribe...

Good stuff. I've always seen it as odd that a setting will have a half dozen human ethnicities, and then 'elves, dwarves, gnomes and halflings,' who are all monolithic, or, even worse, if they have divisions at all, they are the sorts of divisions that have statistical modifications, such that 'wood elves' and 'high elves' and 'wild elves' and 'grey elves' and 'dark elves' have completely different stats, while 'not-Egyptians' and 'not-Vikings' and 'not-Romans' have the same stats, despite being, in some cases, even more culturally and environmentally removed from 'wood elves' and 'wild elves' and 'high elves.'

A setting where 'dark elves' were, to a human, completely indistinguishable from 'high elves,' could be scarier, for the humans...

A setting where 'dark elves' were, to a human, completely indistinguishable from 'high elves,' could be scarier, for the humans...

This is how it is in my homebrew. Instead of a physical-traits warping, the "dark elves" is something caused more by a semi-intelligent magical plague sort of thing, which doesn't affect the physique but only the mind. It drives the infected insane and makes them murderous, cannibalistic, sadistic, and otherwise deranged, as well as rewiring their minds to enjoy the pain and suffering they cause. (I'm thinking of tying the plague to kytons and/or my setting's equivalent of Zon-Kuthon.) The scariest part about it is that an infected looks no different from a non-infected; the second scariest part is that the plague doesn't take hold immediately, and an elf can be a passive carrier for quite some time - infecting others along the way - before symptoms take hold.

Since we're on the subject, I completely severed Dwarves from their "underground-dwelling, lawful-leaning, clan-based, creation-focused society" roots, since I wanted Kobolds (who, as John mentioned, I removed the draconic connections of, instead tying them to the earth-element deity of my setting, with their creation myths saying they were "forged of the blood of the earth and set with gem and stone") to have that niche. Instead, my Dwarves are master craftsmen, explorers, and tradesmen.... of the sea. They were the first race to leave land for ocean travel and dwelling, and many dwarves live out their entire long lives without ever touching solid ground. So instead of miners and smiths and builders, my dwarves are merchants, pirates, navy-men, and/or seafaring expeditioneers.

Orcs, in turn, I based heavily off Jaegermonsters. They are still a tribal people, but less bestial backbiting thugs and more Vikings. They live in the coldest, most northern regions of my setting, where the elements determine the necessity of strength, skill, or smarts to survive. They have a love of battle and calamity, but are not actively malevolent nor do they have a "rape and pillage" mindset when dealing with other races. (Especially since I just plain removed Half-Orcs from the setting, putting pureblood Orcs as a replacement PC option in their place [with adjusted stats of course] and removing their genetic compatibility with humans). They do love hats, which they create or claim and decorate with trophies of battle.

Halflings I kept mostly the same, but gave them a reason for their eternal racial-homelessness and penchant for wandering and living among the other species: the Tale of Everything, a collaborative effort of Halflings going eons back, passed parent-to-child, generation-to-generation, of gathering information, stories, records, experience, and knowledge from around the world. That information is, at a set regular time (I want to say once a decade, but I and my group haven't really worked the details out that specifically so that date's tentative), sent to wherever the Halflings are storing all this information and compiled with the rest of the Tale. Thus, Halflings are known for being exceptional scholars, scribes, researchers, and otherwise masters of information, and nearly everyone in a position of power has a Halfling loremaster on their payroll if they can manage it.

... apologies for the hijack, but hope that provides some inspiration or suggestions you might be able to make use of =D

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