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Silver Crusade

John, I have a question/comment that you perhaps could answer. Why does an animal companion have to buy proficiencies in each type of armor?

I can easil;y see why a PC has to buy individual armor proficiencies but fluffy or trigger has no choice, Rick the range brings barding home for his furry or scaly buddy and straps it on and trains him how to wear it but the AC does not go to the armor mart and say bud I want this nice leather barding instead of this heavy ass plate barding my master brought home for me.

Perhaps Armor for AC's could be limited to what armor proficiencies the master has. OR allow armor proficiencies to be taught as tricks instead of feats.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
John Kretzer, are you a man of constant sorrow?
Are we not all men of constant sorrows? :(
Does that not depend on if we can differentiate between a Disney Character and a Warner Bros. Character?

No...it depends on if others can differentiate...

Lou Diamond wrote:

John, I have a question/comment that you perhaps could answer. Why does an animal companion have to buy proficiencies in each type of armor?

I can easil;y see why a PC has to buy individual armor proficiencies but fluffy or trigger has no choice, Rick the range brings barding home for his furry or scaly buddy and straps it on and trains him how to wear it but the AC does not go to the armor mart and say bud I want this nice leather barding instead of this heavy ass plate barding my master brought home for me.

Perhaps Armor for AC's could be limited to what armor proficiencies the master has. OR allow armor proficiencies to be taught as tricks instead of feats.

Well (also please understand I am not a employee of Pazio...just a gamer like you) from a mechanics standpoint PF is built on the assumption that PC and monsters/NPCs/AC/etc. are built the same way. So that is why from a design stand point.

But you do have a interesting point. I would probably create a new feat for ACs that is Armor Proficiency: Barding that would allow the AC to wear light barding and open ups tricks for medium and heavy.

So....any questions out there?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

What time is it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
What time is it?

3:46 AM

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

John Kretzer wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
What time is it?
3:46 AM

Does anybody really care?

Lord Fyre wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
What time is it?
3:46 AM
Does anybody really care?

You must case you did ask the question in the first place.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

John Kretzer wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
What time is it?
3:46 AM
Does anybody really care?
You must case you did ask the question in the first place.

If so, I can't imagine why.

We've all got time enough to die.

Liberty's Edge

What must one do to play a Summoner well (And by that I mean not a horrible experience for everyone at the table)?

Lord Fyre wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
What time is it?
3:46 AM
Does anybody really care?
You must case you did ask the question in the first place.

If so, I can't imagine why.

We've all got time enough to die.

Well....that is depressing. Bad Day?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lucky7 wrote:
What must one do to play a Summoner well (And by that I mean not a horrible experience for everyone at the table)?

Besides the K.I.S.S Principle....

1) Don't flood the field with Summoned creatures. Like Max one or two summon spells at once.

2) Role-Play the Eidolon. Give it a interesting personality...not just a pile of stats.

3) If at all possible save the Summoner for a game that has 3 or fewer players.

4) Read the rules...understand them. Make sure your GM understands them as well.

5) Make sure your Eidolon does not trample all over the toes of the other PCs in the group.

It this thread worthy of assimilation?

I don't believe in assimilation.

Liberty's Edge

Here's my (rough) idea to address these, then.

1 and 5)Build the Eidolon as a support: My plan is to have it trip, grapple, and flank it's way to victory.

2)My idea for fluff: The summoner does not know he is a summoner. A former gemcutter and aspiring musician, he was seeking another musician when his eidolon simply walked through the door one day. Having not noticed he now bore a sigil on his head, the eidolon hired itself on as a fellow traveler and has worked with him ever since. The eidolon (Thumper) appears as a very tough looking half orc, and is usually the voice of reason in the duo, as he's keeping the summoner alive "As a favor to his parents."

3)This is the only one I can't guarantee...I'm building the two for PFS.


lucky7 wrote:

Here's my (rough) idea to address these, then.

1 and 5)Build the Eidolon as a support: My plan is to have it trip, grapple, and flank it's way to victory.

2)My idea for fluff: The summoner does not know he is a summoner. A former gemcutter and aspiring musician, he was seeking another musician when his eidolon simply walked through the door one day. Having not noticed he now bore a sigil on his head, the eidolon hired itself on as a fellow traveler and has worked with him ever since. The eidolon (Thumper) appears as a very tough looking half orc, and is usually the voice of reason in the duo, as he's keeping the summoner alive "As a favor to his parents."

3)This is the only one I can't guarantee...I'm building the two for PFS.


Sounds good...though I would personally avoid grappling...but that is more of me seeing grappling abused a lot by glory hound players...so I might be unreasonably prejudiced against grappling.

Liberty's Edge

The idea is to have the eidolon lock down a foe for the other PCs to kill.

lucky7 wrote:
The idea is to have the eidolon lock down a foe for the other PCs to kill.

I get that...but I really never felt that heroic killing somebody who is pinned. But that is just me.

Dark Archive

I once had a party who's tactic was to grapple, pin, then Coup de grace their opponents. Then they met a Gibbering Mouther. I laughed.

1. Do you GM? If so, are you ever evil/cruel to your players?

Liberty's Edge


Cr500cricket wrote:

I once had a party who's tactic was to grapple, pin, then Coup de grace their opponents. Then they met a Gibbering Mouther. I laughed.

1. Do you GM? If so, are you ever evil/cruel to your players?

That is awesome...I have to remember that for my next grapple happy PC....though I think I'll throw a illusion over the Gibbering Mouther because than I can do my evil laughter....

Yes I do GM. I thought being evil/cruel to your players was in the job description....

Yes but I try to be fair about...meaning I don't look for it.

lucky7 wrote:


Dark Archive

John Kretzer wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:

I once had a party who's tactic was to grapple, pin, then Coup de grace their opponents. Then they met a Gibbering Mouther. I laughed.

1. Do you GM? If so, are you ever evil/cruel to your players?

That is awesome...I have to remember that for my next grapple happy PC....though I think I'll throw a illusion over the Gibbering Mouther because than I can do my evil laughter....

Yes I do GM. I thought being evil/cruel to your players was in the job description....

Yes but I try to be fair about...meaning I don't look for it.

I always saw it as the Tapioca in Calvin and Hobbes.

Ah Calvin & Hobbes classic.

Do you mind us controlling and watching you?

Can I eat your brains?

Can you help me?


Have you been upgraded?

illuminati666 wrote:
Do you mind us controlling and watching you?

No controlling me...

Watching me...I guess but I can only promise boredom.

Cr500zombie wrote:
Can I eat your brains?

Maybe after I am done with them.

Polymorphed Diety wrote:
Can you help me?

What do you need?

KillaBot wrote:

Come and get some.

Mythic Cr500Cricket wrote:
Have you been upgraded?

Mythic would be a demotion.

And I see Cr500Cricket has discovered the alias feature.

So says I, John Kretzer, an alias of John Kretzer, and NOT the devilishly handsome lucky7.

TOTALLY John Kretzer wrote:
So says I, John Kretzer, an alias of John Kretzer, and NOT the devilishly handsome lucky7.

You are TOTALLY NOT John Kretzer.

Yes I am.

TOTALLY John Kretzer wrote:
Yes I am.

No...you are not.

Look my name is in blue and yours is in Red(pink?) that denotes a alias.

So any questions?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

John Kretzer wrote:
TOTALLY John Kretzer wrote:
Yes I am.

No...you are not.

Look my name is in blue and yours is in Red(pink?) that denotes a alias.

So any questions?

Where did this bizarre idea that lucky7 was "devilishly handsome" come from?

Dark Archive

John Kretzer wrote:
And I see Cr500Cricket has discovered the alias feature.

Nah. They got bored. They've been around for ages.

Lord Fyre wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
TOTALLY John Kretzer wrote:
Yes I am.

No...you are not.

Look my name is in blue and yours is in Red(pink?) that denotes a alias.

So any questions?

Where did this bizarre idea that lucky7 was "devilishly handsome" come from?

From lucky7...

Or from that thread where you added number represented the letters in your name to determine your sexyness...

Cr500cricket wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
And I see Cr500Cricket has discovered the alias feature.
Nah. They got bored. They've been around for ages.

Just remember it is okay to come out and let them play for a little bit...but make sure after they are done to lock them up again.

Liberty's Edge

lucky7 is incredibly sexy, despite most people not knowing how to say lucky7's name.

lucky7 wrote:
lucky7 is incredibly sexy, despite most people not knowing how to say lucky7's name.

What is so hard about saying Porter Brasell...I mean it has to be like saying Bra Sell.

Liberty's Edge

It's the Porter people get stuck on. And my birth certificate said Porter Braswell. But that's not what's funny. The funny thing is, there are actual Braswells, working for the SAME company as my parents.

Liberty's Edge

And it's pronounced Brazel.

lucky7 wrote:
It's the Porter people get stuck on. And my birth certificate said Porter Braswell. But that's not what's funny. The funny thing is, there are actual Braswells, working for the SAME company as my parents.

Okay so it is Bra Swells...which is actually sexier when you think about it. ;)

Dark Archive

lucky7 wrote:
lucky7 is incredibly sexy, despite most people not knowing how to say lucky7's name.

Lucky7... What's so hard to say about that?

Liberty's Edge

Brazel. Oddly enough, that's the last name of a kid I was in third grade with.

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