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Liberty's Edge

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Paizo Employee Developer

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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
How do you properly cook rice noodles? I tried making pancit bihon (chicken), which turned out great, except the noodles.

Assuming you're starting with dried noodles, you just put them in a bowl of warm water and let them reconstitute. You don't actively boil them or anything or else they'll get sticky and overdone.

Paizo Employee Developer

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lucky7 wrote:


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What do you want?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Kajehase wrote:
What do you want?

Just a tiny bit more than I need.

Why does Paizo hate flumphs? I ask this because you folks have only statted them out to be ridiculously low level creatures; real flumphs are CR 50 titans of raw, divine, slightly greasy power.

Paizo Employee Developer

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We hardly hate flumphs! (At least I don't.) The only reason that the high CR flumph hasn't been statted up is that we haven't gotten a chance to present the flumph godhead anywhere yet.

Dark Archive

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Easy enough to advance a Flumph up to size 'rather quite a bit larger than Gargantuan', and give it the half-celestial, half-dragon, celestial, axiomatic, advanced, mythic and kaiju templates/subtypes.

If you've got the Advanced Bestiary or perhaps some sort of Dreamscarred Press psionic bestiary (assuming such a thing exists), the Flumph Overlord Mothership would probably have some sort of Psionic Creature template as well...

"That's no moon..."


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Maybe we'll get lucky and Adam will be able to convince Erik into allowing the Godmind Flump into the Monster Codex II.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Set wrote:

Easy enough to advance a Flumph up to size 'rather quite a bit larger than Gargantuan', and give it the half-celestial, half-dragon, celestial, axiomatic, advanced, mythic and kaiju templates/subtypes.

If you've got the Advanced Bestiary or perhaps some sort of Dreamscarred Press psionic bestiary (assuming such a thing exists), the Flumph Overlord Mothership would probably have some sort of Psionic Creature template as well...

"That's no moon..."

Dreamscarred Press's Psionic Bestiary was released a few months ago as a completed product, but it really only has one template appropriate for this. Marked One, a +3 CR template that would require a tattooed flumph obsessed with law and order... which kind of fits flumphs anyway.

You have to overlook a RAW limitation that the template can only be applied to humanoids, but still, a flumph obsessed with imposing order and harmony while expanding its psionic prowess sounds like a good trait for the Overlord to have.


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Here's a question for you Adam, which I'm hoping you'll have some insight to since you're King of the AP Beasties.

I'm a little confused as to how oni actually spawn. This snippet, which is taken from Bestiary 3, implies that oni sort of just "poof" into existence.

Bestiary 3 Oni Article:
Eventually, an oni's spirit manifests a physical body on the Material Plane. The methods by which this may occur vary, but the process generally takes place in areas already despoiled by sin, tragedy, or cruelty. The type of oni a spirit transforms into is influenced by a wide variety of variables, ranging from the nature of what the oni spirit was before to the location where it is reborn into the realm of flesh and blood. Once an oni manifests its physical body, that body becomes its true form for the rest of its life—all oni are shapechangers, but this original form is the form in which they are born and the form they revert to upon death.

When I read the nogitsune article from Pathfinder #50, however, it seemed like oni actually need to corrupt mortals in order to manifest on the Material Plane.

Nogitsune Article, Pathfinder #50:

Nogitsune are created when oni spirits take over the bodies of kitsune (sagacious humanoid fox-creatures). The resultant possession creates a creature with the kitsune’s foxlike grace and cunning and infuses it with the destructive power of an oni. Nogitsune are always female, and resemble shapely humans with a covering of fur and a fox’s head. A nogitsune’s fur color varies and can be orange and white, grey, pure white, or even black. Whenever nogitsune use their shapechanging abilities to assume a humanoid form, they still evince somewhat pointed, vulpine features. In addition, any hair on their assumed form betrays the natural coloration of their pelts. Nogitsune stand between 5 and 5-1/2 feet tall and weigh just over 100 pounds.

So how, exactly, are oni created? Is the nogitsune the exception or the rule? Do Golarion and the Core Rules differ in this aspect of oni ecology? Will I ever stop asking questions?

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Now to give a somewhat appropriate answer, one of the dishes I've made in the last month that I'm most proud of was an aloo bhindi curry I made recently. I've never really done much with Indian food, especially making everything from scratch. It turned out pretty tasty (and a bit spicier than I anticipated).
Was that the curry that you posted on Twitter? That one did look good, and I'm not really a fan of Indian cuisine.
I don't think I posted a pic. Curry doesn't tend to photograph well.

What are you talkin' about? Of course he does!

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Here's a question for you Adam, which I'm hoping you'll have some insight to since you're King of the AP Beasties.

I'm a little confused as to how oni actually spawn. This snippet, which is taken from Bestiary 3, implies that oni sort of just "poof" into existence.

** spoiler omitted **

When I read the nogitsune article from Pathfinder #50, however, it seemed like oni actually need to corrupt mortals in order to manifest on the Material Plane.

** spoiler omitted **

So how, exactly, are oni created? Is the nogitsune the exception or the rule? Do Golarion and the Core Rules...

I hate to see you ask such a well worded and detailed question, and have to give you such a crappy answer, but...

I don't know much about oni. I had zero part of their design for Pathfinder and I'm not well-versed on Japanese folklore. I was a freelancer when they first appeared, and didn't even write anything for that AP, so I can't answer those questions without going to someone else for the answer.

Sorry, man.

Paizo Employee Developer

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Now to give a somewhat appropriate answer, one of the dishes I've made in the last month that I'm most proud of was an aloo bhindi curry I made recently. I've never really done much with Indian food, especially making everything from scratch. It turned out pretty tasty (and a bit spicier than I anticipated).
Was that the curry that you posted on Twitter? That one did look good, and I'm not really a fan of Indian cuisine.
I don't think I posted a pic. Curry doesn't tend to photograph well.
What are you talkin' about? Of course he does!

:) That's another Curry altogether.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Now to give a somewhat appropriate answer, one of the dishes I've made in the last month that I'm most proud of was an aloo bhindi curry I made recently. I've never really done much with Indian food, especially making everything from scratch. It turned out pretty tasty (and a bit spicier than I anticipated).
Was that the curry that you posted on Twitter? That one did look good, and I'm not really a fan of Indian cuisine.
I don't think I posted a pic. Curry doesn't tend to photograph well.
What are you talkin' about? Of course he does!
:) That's another Curry altogether.


On an unrelated note, in your opinion, would the Sarkorian "deity" Sturnovenen the Dragoneagle and his dawn-feathered children look like?


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Adam Daigle wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Here's a question for you Adam, which I'm hoping you'll have some insight to since you're King of the AP Beasties.

I'm a little confused as to how oni actually spawn. This snippet, which is taken from Bestiary 3, implies that oni sort of just "poof" into existence.

** spoiler omitted **

When I read the nogitsune article from Pathfinder #50, however, it seemed like oni actually need to corrupt mortals in order to manifest on the Material Plane.

** spoiler omitted **

So how, exactly, are oni created? Is the nogitsune the exception or the rule? Do Golarion and the Core Rules...

I hate to see you ask such a well worded and detailed question, and have to give you such a crappy answer, but...

I don't know much about oni. I had zero part of their design for Pathfinder and I'm not well-versed on Japanese folklore. I was a freelancer when they first appeared, and didn't even write anything for that AP, so I can't answer those questions without going to someone else for the answer.

Sorry, man.

So what you're saying is ...


Thanks for taking the time to look at it anyway. Not much I can do if you weren't around for the setting's creation. I think this is the second time now that I overshot how long you've been working at Paizo. Are you sure your presence isn't timeless?

Paizo Employee Developer

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I don't know about timeless, but I can totally see folks not remembering exactly when I made the transition from freelancer to staff. Heck, the time seems weird to me still. I certainly don't feel like the new guy anymore, but some times I feel like I've only been here a year and other times it feels like I've been here way longer than nearly 2-1/2.

Another thing that adds to that is that I've been contributing since 2008, and even before that I was pretty active on the boards and with the community. So, I've certainly been a familiar face for a while, employee or not. :)

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I have a number of questions you might be able to answer!

They're about Baba Yaga, and what opinions you think she holds about certain things on/about Golarion. Reign of Winter gave some of her thoughts on Irrisen (namely that she's a bit disappointed in it), but there's more to her than Irrisen, obviously. Also, I do understand that anything you post might not necessarily be completely canonical, or be prone to being overwritten in published material, so if it's just your own opinion, I'm fine with that. Anyway:

1) What is her opinion of Golarion in the sense that it's a prison for Rovagug?

1a) Would that have at all been in her mind when she picked it to establish Irrisen?

1b) What about the presence of creatures like the aboleths and their experiments with Azlant? Would she be aware of them, or they of her? How would either side treat the other, in your opinion?

2) Would she feel overly threatened by the difficult-to-kill Spawn of Rovagug that tend to pop up every so often?

2a) Might she be a candidate for somebody who may know a method of killing them permanently (if she had to)?

3) Golarion is a place that's had many extraordinarily powerful individuals, including several ascended deities. Is she even mildly interested in the unique Starstone?

4) Did she have any opinion on Aroden, pre- and post-death? His death does seem to have been tied in to mucked-up prophecy.

5) What about her opinion on powerful spellcasters who've done things like summoning the Oliphaunt of Jandelay?

5a) Is she at all interested in or knowledgeable regarding Jandelay, since she's somebody who travels widely across the Material and Outer Planes?

5b) Do you think she could summon the Oliphaunt herself, if she wanted?

6) She offers a boon to the PCs at the end of RoW. She's also been quite nasty to people who demand things from her. If somebody were to ask her for something in exchange for their doing her some service (dangerous or otherwise), do you think she would be more or less open to granting their request? After all, they're not just asking for something without thought to giving her proper payment.

7) Is she ever interested in actually testing her strength/skill against somebody who could challenge her, assuming that she encounters them? She's virtually at the height of "mortal" power, but I'd assume there's somebody out there who could still pose a threat. After so many years of immortality, I sort of imagine that she might get bored enough that the prospect could intrigue her, just as a break from the monotony.

8) Why does her statblock not include a +6 enhancement item for her INT score?

9) With the recent release of technology and sci-fi rules... how much does Baba Yaga know about that sort of thing?

9a) Is she interested in it at all? Or is it outside her experience to the extent that it could surprise her?

10) Has she ever encountered (friendly or otherwise) groups such as the Dominion of the Black? If so, how do you envision such encounters ending? Did the Dominion avoid her? The reverse?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Alleran wrote:

I have a number of questions you might be able to answer!

They're about Baba Yaga, and what opinions you think she holds about certain things on/about Golarion. Reign of Winter gave some of her thoughts on Irrisen (namely that she's a bit disappointed in it), but there's more to her than Irrisen, obviously. Also, I do understand that anything you post might not necessarily be completely canonical, or be prone to being overwritten in published material, so if it's just your own opinion, I'm fine with that. Anyway:

1) What is her opinion of Golarion in the sense that it's a prison for Rovagug?

1a) Would that have at all been in her mind when she picked it to establish Irrisen?

1b) What about the presence of creatures like the aboleths and their experiments with Azlant? Would she be aware of them, or they of her? How would either side treat the other, in your opinion?

2) Would she feel overly threatened by the difficult-to-kill Spawn of Rovagug that tend to pop up every so often?

2a) Might she be a candidate for somebody who may know a method of killing them permanently (if she had to)?

3) Golarion is a place that's had many extraordinarily powerful individuals, including several ascended deities. Is she even mildly interested in the unique Starstone?

4) Did she have any opinion on Aroden, pre- and post-death? His death does seem to have been tied in to mucked-up prophecy.

5) What about her opinion on powerful spellcasters who've done things like summoning the Oliphaunt of Jandelay?

5a) Is she at all interested in or knowledgeable regarding Jandelay, since she's somebody who travels widely across the Material and Outer Planes?

5b) Do you think she could summon the Oliphaunt herself, if she wanted?

6) She offers a boon to the PCs at the end of RoW. She's also been quite nasty to people who demand things from her. If somebody were to ask her for something in exchange for their doing her some service (dangerous or otherwise), do you think she would be more or less open to granting their request? After all, they're not just asking for something without thought to giving her proper payment.

7) Is she ever interested in actually testing her strength/skill against somebody who could challenge her, assuming that she encounters them? She's virtually at the height of "mortal" power, but I'd assume there's somebody out there who could still pose a threat. After so many years of immortality, I sort of imagine that she might get bored enough that the prospect could intrigue her, just as a break from the monotony.

8) Why does her statblock not include a +6 enhancement item for her INT score?

9) With the recent release of technology and sci-fi rules... how much does Baba Yaga know about that sort of thing?

9a) Is she interested in it at all? Or is it outside her experience to the extent that it could surprise her?

10) Has she ever encountered (friendly or otherwise) groups such as the Dominion of the Black? If so, how do you envision such encounters ending? Did the Dominion avoid her? The reverse?

To start, Baba Yaga probably doesn’t concern herself too much with the affairs of Golarion outside of Irrisen and the few other places she’s dabbled in the past 1,400 years. She spent more time on Golarion in the past, but her recent returns have been fairly short affairs. That said, I’ll answer these questions as if Dear Grandmother actually gave a damn about Golarion and its unique concerns.

1. It’s probably interesting to her. It might even be why she first noticed the Cage.

1a. That’s entirely possible, but since she hasn’t ever really gotten involved with anything Rovagug-related, it’s probably not a big factor in that choice.

1b. She likely knows about aboleths and their involvement with Azlant, and I’m pretty sure that some aboleths know about Baba Yaga. She probably isn’t too worried about aboleths, mainly out of hubris. Orchestrating super-humans is probably the most interesting thing about aboleths to Baba Yaga, but she thinks their goals and past actions are poor approaches.

2. Spawn of Rovagug are dangerous and anyone nearby when one emerged would be wise to avoid them. She’s not threatened by them because she knows she doesn’t have to deal with them if she doesn’t want to.

2a. Permanently imprisoning them works just fine, as far as she’s concerned. It would be especially beneficial if you were the one that held the keys to that prison. I’m not sure if she knows a way to permanently kill them, however she’s certainly a candidate for someone with the ability to figure it out if she wanted to.

3. As someone who came from so little to where she is today, she’s likely interested in those aspects of Golarion. It might even be why she first noticed this world.

4. Aroden was a candle that burned too brightly too quickly. She probably has some manner of respect for him as a god of humanity. He also reminds her that even gods can die... and that she’s not a god.

5. Spellcasters do what spellcasters do. She’s all about testing limits and trying for the big things.

5a. Unsure if she’s interested. She probably at least knows it exists.

5b. Probably.

6. That all depends on the request and the act committed. She’d likely drive a hard bargain and put a twist on things if she could, especially if she felt like she was being taken with less respect than she expects.

7. She certainly knows that there are plenty of beings out there that pose a serious threat to her, and despite her hubris, Baba Yaga is wicked smart and has no plans to die anytime soon. She’s note eager to test those kind of limits. She’s built herself a pretty comfortable existence, and plans to keep it as long as she wants. She’s also very patient, and if she wanted something that would be dangerous to attain or wanted to defeat or test a power stronger than herself, she’s likely work a long and convoluted con to achieve it.

8. Hubris. She doesn’t need it.

9. Yes.

9a. She visits hundreds of worlds. Some of those have stone age technology and others have space age technology. They’re all tools, but to her magic is the greatest tool.

10. Unknown.

This thread seems really quiet compared to James and others. Do you think this lets you get more work done?

Also, I'm wondering how you interpret the Divine Source mythic ability, as you were the one who did the Walkena part of Undead Unleashed.

(Note: I'm not looking for a FAQ or a rules clarification here, I'm just wondering how/why you interpreted it in a particular way.)

The caster level seems to go off mythic tier rather than HD for his SLAs, and it uses Charisma for the save DCs.

I usually take the Divine Source ability to mean the user can use any spell of a level granted by the domains, but only once per day (adding more spells as new domains/subdomains are added with subsequent picks of Divine Source). So, for example, as Walkena has Evil, Law and Sun, he could use create undead, hold monster and fire seeds, but could only use one 6th level SLA from that list of three each day (so if one day he used hold monster in the morning, he couldn't use create undead that afternoon because he's already used his SLA for that level for the day). Walkena has a much more limited array than that, though?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Alleran wrote:

This thread seems really quiet compared to James and others. Do you think this lets you get more work done?

Also, I'm wondering how you interpret the Divine Source mythic ability, as you were the one who did the Walkena part of Undead Unleashed.

(Note: I'm not looking for a FAQ or a rules clarification here, I'm just wondering how/why you interpreted it in a particular way.)

The caster level seems to go off mythic tier rather than HD for his SLAs, and it uses Charisma for the save DCs.

I usually take the Divine Source ability to mean the user can use any spell of a level granted by the domains, but only once per day (adding more spells as new domains/subdomains are added with subsequent picks of Divine Source). So, for example, as Walkena has Evil, Law and Sun, he could use create undead, hold monster and fire seeds, but could only use one 6th level SLA from that list of three each day (so if one day he used hold monster in the morning, he couldn't use create undead that afternoon because he's already used his SLA for that level for the day). Walkena has a much more limited array than that, though?

I think that this thread is slow mainly because people don't have as many questions for me. James' thread certainly has more momentum than any other, and since he's the Creative Director and was one of the core crew who came up with Pathfinder and Golarion he's a good choice of someone to ask when people have questions. It might let me get more work done, but I often check the boards at home and one weekends, not just at work. I'm also pretty good at managing my time and if I felt like I was giving too much attention to the boards and my work flow was suffering, I'd correct that.

Regarding Walkena, I based caster level off of tier because pretty much all of the language in that ability bases everything else off of tier, which made sense to me. I used Charisma for the save DCs because SLAs almost always use Charisma.

Your interpretation of the divine source path ability is correct. What is represented in Walkena's statblock is simply me making the spell-like ability choices ahead of time to make a GM's job a bit easier. Part of that is also due to space and that we don't have a standardized way to show that kind of thing in a concise manner. If I would have listed each of the nine spells available for all three domains it would have taken up a big chunk of that column.

Divine source is a cool ability that allows us to tell some interesting stories, but I kinda wish that divine source had a bit more explanation to it.

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Could we get bestiary entries for, like all of these, please?

If I had to pick just two, I guess I'd go for the bear dog and the whale with legs.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Kajehase wrote:

Could we get bestiary entries for, like all of these, please?

If I had to pick just two, I guess I'd go for the bear dog and the whale with legs.

While I didn't include any of those mentioned in that article, I did order three new megafauna for the first volume of Giantslayer's bestiary. I almost added Andrewsarchus, but since we use the real world names for the megafauna we publish, I didn't want to add one with that name (and I didn't come up with an alternate).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are you sure it isn't slow from fear of Flumphs?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Justin Franklin wrote:

Are you sure it isn't slow from fear of Flumphs?

I don't understand the question, J-Frank.


Adam Daigle wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:

Are you sure it isn't slow from fear of Flumphs?

I don't understand the question, J-Frank.

I'm not Justin Franklin, but he seems to be asking whether or not your thread's momentum is slow because of a perceived fear of flumphs from the community.

Side question: do you play in Pathfinder Society, and if so what's your favorite character's race, class(es), and level?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Alexander Augunas wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:

Are you sure it isn't slow from fear of Flumphs?

I don't understand the question, J-Frank.

I'm not Justin Franklin, but he seems to be asking whether or not your thread's momentum is slow because of a perceived fear of flumphs from the community.

Side question: do you play in Pathfinder Society, and if so what's your favorite character's race, class(es), and level?

Ohhhhh! I didn't realize he was referring to an older post. (Jeeze, this thread IS slow.) Maybe it is flumph-related. :)

As for Pathfinder Society, I have a couple of characters, but I've only played them a time or two. I don't even remember the details. I think my first one is a human monk(roughly modeled off Mickey from Snatch). If I were rebuilding him today, I'd go brawler. I also have a human cleric and a human rogue, but those pretty much exist due to GM credit. I really should play more PFS. John keeps talking about starting something up.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:

As for Pathfinder Society, I have a couple of characters, but I've only played them a time or two. I don't even remember the details. I think my first one is a human monk(roughly modeled off Mickey from Snatch). If I were rebuilding him today, I'd go brawler. I also have a human cleric and a human rogue, but those pretty much exist due to GM credit. I really should play more PFS. John keeps talking about starting something up.

Hold him to it! Talk is cheap; time is where its at!

I ask because my swashbuckling hibachi chef just hit Level 4. I've got PFS on the brain at the moment. As someone who values schedules and the work that goes into upholding them, I like PFS's punctuality.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

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I want to rename this thread "Ask Adam Daigle all your questions about Arcadia" and see the stampede of activity ;)

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

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That said: Are Tengu and Syrinx related in any fashion? If so, are there Tengu clans on Arcadia? Might they have migrated/transitioned to/from Tian-Xia?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Robert Brookes wrote:
That said: Are Tengu and Syrinx related in any fashion? If so, are there Tengu clans on Arcadia? Might they have migrated/transitioned to/from Tian-Xia?

Disclaimer: Anything said about Arcadia isn't official until it sees print. These thoughts are my own on how I'd work stuff out.

I don't think there is any direct connection between syrinx and tengu. That said, I don't see why tengu wouldn't have been able to make it to Arcadia. If they'd be anywhere, the most likely place would be on Arcadia's west coast, far away from lands held by syrinx.

The Exchange

Andouille or Boudin?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Crimson Jester wrote:
Andouille or Boudin?

Why not both?

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If a pack of Reign of Winter PCs who want freedom for Irrisen ask Baba Yaga to "let it go," would Baba Yaga smack them with her besom for the stupid Frozen reference, or would she just roll her eyes? :P

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
If a pack of Reign of Winter PCs who want freedom for Irrisen ask Baba Yaga to "let it go," would Baba Yaga smack them with her besom for the stupid Frozen reference, or would she just roll her eyes? :P

She'd probably smack them. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How do you pronounce the name for the empyreal lord Ylimancha? ...
I have a whimsical thought for a PFS character "Don Qixote de Ylimancha", but wanted to make sure I wasn't too far off-base pronouncing it...


Liberty's Edge

How come druids are proficient with scimitars, scythes, sickles and daggers? That makes almost no sense.

Farming implements make more sense than weapons of war. A scythe and a sickle make decent sense, but still.

What is your favorite animal and do you have any pets?

Sorry if I asked that already, I kind of hit my head a few weeks ago.

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TimD wrote:

How do you pronounce the name for the empyreal lord Ylimancha? ...

I have a whimsical thought for a PFS character "Don Qixote de Ylimancha", but wanted to make sure I wasn't too far off-base pronouncing it...


I've always pronounced it similar to the way that you want to use it, basically dropping (or severely downplaying) the Y sound and going with LEH-mancha.

Paizo Employee Developer

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snickersimba wrote:

How come druids are proficient with scimitars, scythes, sickles and daggers? That makes almost no sense.

Farming implements make more sense than weapons of war. A scythe and a sickle make decent sense, but still.

What is your favorite animal and do you have any pets?

Sorry if I asked that already, I kind of hit my head a few weeks ago.

Most of the druid weapon thing is likely a legacy thing, just like in older versions of the game clerics were restricted to bludgeoning weapons.

I'm bad at picking favorites, especially with the huge amount of animals we have in the world. I'm pretty fond of most animals. I really like bugs. I used to have cats, but haven't had a pet in about 3-1/2 years.

Liberty's Edge

Would you enjoy a red velvet cupcake with icing and sprinkles that I made last night?

Well, you could help me with something then! What does a torble look like? I can't find a picture anywere and my mental imaging is not helping.

What happens if you replace all of imijkas holy symbols with the unholy sybmol of urgotha?

Silver Crusade

Adam Daigle wrote:
TimD wrote:

How do you pronounce the name for the empyreal lord Ylimancha? ...

I have a whimsical thought for a PFS character "Don Qixote de Ylimancha", but wanted to make sure I wasn't too far off-base pronouncing it...


I've always pronounced it similar to the way that you want to use it, basically dropping (or severely downplaying) the Y sound and going with LEH-mancha.


Now I just need to find an avatar with a windmill... preferably one with the unholy symbol of Pazuzu on it...

Paizo Employee Developer

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snickersimba wrote:

Would you enjoy a red velvet cupcake with icing and sprinkles that I made last night?

Well, you could help me with something then! What does a torble look like? I can't find a picture anywere and my mental imaging is not helping.

What happens if you replace all of imijkas holy symbols with the unholy sybmol of urgotha?


Do a Google image search for torble. It's the first image that shows up. It looks like an ooze is cosplaying as a bug.

She gets really really mad.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Who in your mind was cooler, the Visigoths or Ostrogoths?

Paizo Employee Developer

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Who in your mind was cooler, the Visigoths or Ostrogoths?

That's kind of a historical blind spot for me. The Goths I like were the ones kicking it with the Scythian nomads long before the split. If I had to pick one of the two, I'm going to go with the Ostrogoths because they were subjugated by the Huns.

But who are the cooler of Västgötar and Östgötar?

Paizo Employee Developer

Seems like a trick question, because both are fine people. If I had to pick one, I'd go with Västgötar.

Correct. ;)

Liberty's Edge

I didn't find a thing, I use bing not google.

Because google is invasive to my privacy and they can go suck it.

Also, what would sajan do if he found out his sister was actually now a man, and is actually oloch?

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
snickersimba wrote:
Also, what would sajan do if he found out his sister was actually now a man, and is actually oloch?

He'd be happy that he found his sister.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
snickersimba wrote:

I didn't find a thing, I use bing not google.

Because google is invasive to my privacy and they can go suck it.

Also, what would sajan do if he found out his sister was actually now a man, and is actually oloch?


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