Pit One


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ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

No, the daze would go off before you could use that standard action. Okay, you got a 5' step backwards in before I Dazed you. Which square are you now in?

Wait a minute, you can not yet have Sound Burst or do you? Are you a Cleric? Because if that was Ear piercing scream you need to roll to hit first.And if that was Sound Burst you would actually hit yourself too.

EDIT: Just saw that sound burst stuns, so that could only have been Ear Piercing Scream wich is a ranged touch.Not an automatic hit.If you have some sort of domain power that I don't know of disregard that

Second Edit: Aahh sorry forget about that its an automatic hit aswell.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

the trigger was Morskitter getting 5' away.
Round 6

The halfling girl spins smoothly through her deadly dance, advancing into the spot just vacated by her small opponent's space as her blood-slicked blade darts out once again.

1 HP healed
Continue Dance
5' step up to H.09 and attack

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
1d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Step into H.09, attack.
Attack: 25, Damage 8

Youre up.

Gosh I hope my next action works


Five foot step
Acid bomb 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8+1d6 ⇒ 3next round

Five foot step away to H-11
Acid Bomb
to hit 12
damage 8 +3 next round

to hell with it I never roll good.Its a f$~#ing cospiracy.

Splash weapon direction
1d8 ⇒ 2

Bomb lands in J-11

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

I would feel bad for you, but I'm still reeling from two face-fulls of bomb. :P
Round 7

Ritti watches the bomb fly wide before yelling, "JUST FALL!"

Once again, the sonic assault echoes in the hooded man's mind.

Spellcraft DC 16:
Ear Piercing Scream

1 HP healed
Continue Dance
Cast Ear Piercing Scream
5' step up to H.10

2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8

Thank Sarenrae for her divine intervention, cast a spell. Morskitter is Dazed and takes 8 damage. Fort Save DC 15 for 4 damage and no Daze.
Then she dances forward to threaten Morskitter (H.10).

Youre up. How many HPs do you have, man?! This is 39 (or 35) altogether!

He's knocked out. This sucks I should have won this match easy peasy.Stupid mistakes.

Wait a minute, game is not over yet!

I was about to close the game, but one thing--you rolled 2d6 damage for your spell, but you are only CL 3 with Ritti. It's 1d6 damage for each one. So Please roll 1d6 for the first spell, then roll another 1d6 for the second one and Morskitter gets a save (unless you have something that boosts your CL that I'm missing, then the game is over. Carry on!

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

What. The. Crap? I have been using this spell wrong from day 1. It's 1d6 damage per two caster levels... which means only 1d6 at caster level 3, right? If this is the case, every time I've used this with Rafiki or Rolg (at level 3) has had the wrong dice rolled.
Can you verify that this is the correct number of dice based on caster level 3? And if it is, why don't we just use the first die for damage each time in this fight and see how much total damage has been dealt to Morskitter. Then we can have Morskitter roll his fort save if that total doesn't drop him.
I'm so sorry about this, everyone.

Yeah, I think that's better than rerolling. Ok, Morskitter has taken 28, then this ear piercing scream hits for 5. Fort Save needed, then it's your turn Morskitter.

Sheesh making that fort save would require me to roll decently well and we all know thats not going to happen.


fort 5 + 1d20 ⇒ 5 + (20) = 25

hah, nat 20 ...go figure.
will take my turn shortly

Ok here we go...


Acrobatics 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Move to H-13
Cast Obscuring Mist
Stealth 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 29

...with a backhandspring Morskitter brings some room between him ad the screaming lady, only to explode into a cloud of mist again.

Acrobatics 30, move to H-13,cast spell ,Stealth 29

Obscuring Mist centered H-G 13-14 from H-G 10 to D 13-14 to H-G 17 to K 13-14.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Sheesh… your rolls seem to be back in. :(

Round 8

"Wuss," the halfling mutters before casting her own spell, melting from view immediately.

Spellcraft DC 16:

Cast Vanish, the rest is PM'd to Arbiter mbauers

1d20 ⇒ 5
1d20 ⇒ 3

Ritti casts a spell and vanishes. A Perception check might get you some more information.

You're up.


1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

perception 17 guess that doesn't help

@Arbiter can I use Acrobatics against an invisible opponent?

I don't see why not, but if you fail your movement ends.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Out of curiosity, why would it halt his movement?

I don't see that either.


acrobatics 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
move to G-14
then anpther move to F-15

Acrobatics in case you are standing next to me and spotted me =30,other than that you can't detect me.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

That the end of your turn?


ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Sorry for the delay. Memorial Day Weekend and all. I'll try to stay available, but this week may be tricky as well (I have jury duty today and a day off on thursday).

Round 9

Silence and mist rules the arena.

1d20 ⇒ 1
1d20 ⇒ 10

Actions PM'd to Arbiter Mbauers

Nothign obvious. A perception check might help.

You're up.

No problem.


I drink an extract of reduce person and end my turn
Stealth 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (18) + 21 = 39

Nothing detectable again,stealthroll if used 39

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Round 10

Nothing obvious. Though, again, a Perception check could change that.

Actions PM'd to Arbiter Mbauers and Master of the Pits
4d20 ⇒ (19, 19, 11, 18) = 67

You're up.


ready action acid bomb as soon as ritti becomes visible
Stealth 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26

You should become visible at the start of your turn right?Time to end this.Stealth 26.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

I guess you'll need to try to catch sight of her to find out. :D (Cover can provide stealth, too, right?)
Though, in that same vein, did your initial Obscuring Mist just run out? It was cast in the Surprise round, meaning - that if your Oracle caster level is 1 – that round 9 was your last round of it being active. Let me know if it's gone. Then, if it is gone, let me know if Morskitter is now visible to Ritti.

Yes the first obscuring mist is gone but Morskitter is nowhere to be seen.That could get complicated though, we both don't know where the other is to determine line of sight.We might need to get the Arbiter to weigh in.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Yep. It could get tricky… and long. But I'm guessing that's just how cat-and-mouse games are going to play out.
Good to know about the Obscuring Mist, which means there's jus the one mist remaining, right?

Round 11
Again, nothing apparent.

PM'd to both Arbiters
5d20 + 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (12, 18, 8, 2, 11) + (8) + (4) = 63

I guess I'd suggest we try to move forward, trusting the Arbiters to step in when one of us gets wind of the other.
My Perception for the round is 27 (thought that doesn't count range penalties). Given that you seem to be in the fog cloud, does that roll actually get me any more information? (I don't think so, given that you have full concealment. At best, it means Ritti might have heard you in the fog, but be unable to use it to echo-locate, right?)
You're up.

You would notice my presence but you could not pinpoint me.


drink extract of shield

move to G-12 Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

perception 26
Morskitter peers through the mist looking for a sign of his opponent.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Round 12
From her hiding spot, Ritti puts one finger up to her lips as she smiles to the crowd, "Ssshhhhhhh…"

Actiosn PM'd to you guys

5d20 + 8 ⇒ (12, 4, 8, 17, 4) + 8 = 53

Ritti rolls an ineffectual Perception 13.
You're up. Your Perception DC is 31 plus range.


move to I-14
cast obscuring mist

Obscuring mist from I-J-11 to I-J 18 to F 14-15 down to the wall part of it overlaps with the other cloud.If you are behind the collumn in J-12 or behind part of the wall in G-16 I would see you and you wouldn't have cover right now.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Okay, first off, what's the center point of that? Top-right corner of which square?
Secondly, if I'm reading this right, you'd have had to break from the mist to get to another location to cast obscurign mist. If that's correct, are there any physical differences in Morskitter? Any obvious spells active on Morskitter? And what square did he end in/cast the spell from?

And if you came to the 05 column (or farther left), you can plainly see a miniaturized Skitter (not Tiny) in G.04 holding a crossbow.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

i wasn't quite ready for you to break cover. :(

What 5th collumn? Could you name the square please. Also I didn't leave the mist I'm still in the first cloud and have cast obscuring mist again.For sake of simplicity I will tell you that the center is I-J 14-15.

Oh you mean the wall in F-G 05? can't see behind that from where I stand but I'm going to look in all the corners now wich might take me a couple of turns.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Oh, somehow I completely misread your post. My bad. So Morskitter re-cast it in the same area ? (I'm assuming to extend the duration)
Then yes, ignore what i said about Ritti.... dang.

Round 13
Other than the expanding mist, there is no motion in the arena.

PM'd to Arbiters

5d20 + 1d8 ⇒ (3, 2, 20, 14, 7) + (3) = 49

Ritti's Perception 9. No other obvious acts. Her Stealth roll was 22 plus range penalties.

You're up.

Just to make it clear its not the same area the two clouds just overlap in some spaces.


Move to I- 17 to look for ritti behind the wall
then move back to K-15 looking behind the two collumns

I just ruled out two sides where you could hide ,wich was kind of redundant since I already knew you werent there.But I would have looked there for you if you wouldn't have said anything so....

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

I appreciate the integrity. :)
... though i wish i hadn't revealed her location to you.

Round 14
More stillness...

PM'd to Arbiters

2d20 ⇒ (12, 13) = 25

Ritti's Perception 22. No obvious acts on her part. Her Stealth roll was 31 plus range penalties.

You're up.


Move to K-12
Stealth 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28

The end is drawing near

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Round 15
Apparently everyone hears the end drawing near.

PM'd to Arbiters

2d20 ⇒ (7, 19) = 26

Ritti's Perception 28. No obvious acts on her part. Her Stealth roll was 26 plus range penalties.

You're up.


Smoke bomb attacking square K-8 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
move to K-8

With a loud boom the silence comes to an end.Smoke Bomb , Fog Cloud spans from I-6 to I-10 and to the southern wall.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Round 16
Ritti's eyes and ears continue to strain against the all-but-silent arena.

PM'd to Arbiters

4d20 ⇒ (10, 20, 11, 20) = 61

Ritti's Perception 29. No obvious acts on her part. Her Stealth roll was 29 plus range penalties.

You're up. (And a 29 perception isn't helping me, huh?)

Well I assume you know my general direction(wich is somewhere southeast of you) but thats about it.


Move to J-7
Cast obscuring Mist

Obscuring mist again centered I-J 6-7, spans from I-J 3 to F 6-7 to I-J 10 against the wall.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

I believe that should be the end of the Obscuring mist you cast in Round 7 as well as the Smoke bomb.

Round 17
Like a rabbit flushed by wildfire, Ritti bolts from her spot, rushing across the sands to find another defensive spot.

Swift for Quick Runners to B.6, then to B.12.
Readied action (same as before)

Move to B.12.

You're up.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

And a Perception check, in case it becomes useful...

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Perception 21

Mmmh..looks like a trickshot.


move to I-9
Not sure about the range increment from here but I'm counting squares from I-9 to I 12 to B12 to represent the diagonal so that would be 9 squares or 45 ft -10 ft from trait thats a -2 penalty on the roll.
Acid Bomb 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 9 - 2 = 9
damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 +1d6 ⇒ 2 next round

Bah of course with the rolling again.Bomb direction 1d8 ⇒ 6
Another bomb flies out of the misty cloud and hits the wall directly behind Ritti showering her in acid.

Well that bomb would hit the wall in A-13 actually in wich case you would still take splash damage. That would be 5 DC15 reflex for half and 1 next round.

Oh how I wish I had taken Tanglefoot Bombs now.But splash damage could be the way to win this after all.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Ya know, I never considered it, but getting damaged by a splash weapon with a splash radius of 5 feet that always lands 10 feet away on a miss is just ridiculous. I guess RAW is RAW.

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

Cover makes this Reflex total a 25. So 2 damage now and 1 next round?

2 questions before I choose actions. First, which direction did the bomb come from? I know it wouldn't allow Ritti to pinpoint Morskitter, but she should be able to determine from which area of the mist it came from.
Secondly, is this considered continuous damage? As in, does it force a concentration check to cast spells or activate scrolls?
Let me know on both.

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

Wait a minute, based on where mist has been erupting and my guess as to your speed, the bomb had to have come from the bottom left of Ritti, which means a 6 on the splash makes the bomb go off to Ritti's east. In which case it would travel 10 feet that direction (to B.14), right? Which would be no damage?

Sorry for the delayed response. By my count, yes, the bomb would land in B14, resulting in no damage to Ritti. Also, what I was talking about earlier when Morskitter asked about using acrobatics on an invisible opponent was that I thought if you try to use acrobatics to move through a threatened square and fail the roll, your move is wasted and you provoke an AoO. I misread it, though, as that was only for moving through an enemy's space. From the SRD: "If you attempt to move through an enemy’s space and fail the check, you lose the move action and provoke an attack of opportunity." Carry on!

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

So was i generally correct about the direction the bomb came from? Generally from the southwest of Ritti? Likely from that western Obscuring Mist area somewhere?

ZURNZAL — HP 60/65 | AC 19 CMD 26 | Fort +8 Reflex +11 Will +5 | Perception +11 Initiative +2 pre-gen sheet

I'll assume as much, please let me know if I'm wrong.
Round 18

Ritt draws and activates a scroll, though the cover keeps her opponent from being able to identify it.

Draw and activate scroll of Expeditious Retreat

1d20 ⇒ 17

Draw, activate scroll. Ritti's Perception for the round is 26.

You're up.

Sorry then I was more to the south than I was to the west so I counted from the pillar.


draw acid flask

throw acid flask 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 9 - 2 = 27
damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8+1d6 ⇒ 6 next round
Critical confirmation roll 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 9 - 2 = 13
damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

...and the bombardment continues.
Crit for damage 8 acid +6 next round,confirmation roll 13 vs flatfooted/touch for additional 10 acid damage.

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