For those looking for terrain for pfs games

Pathfinder Society


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Im not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, but I wanted to point out dwarven forge's kickstarter. revolutionary-miniature

I myself have pledged for several sets and can not wait to run a game with these plus my reaper kickstarter minis.

Dark Archive 5/5

or they could go to and make better looking terrain for a fraction of the cost....


I really like the dwarven forge KS. Hirst is nice, but you can't run it over in a truck.

If dwarven forge sold 1 ft sections I would tile a room floor with it.

There are allot of mediums for 3d terrain.

Dark Archive 5/5

depends on what you cast your hirts arts molds with ?

you can buy and cast in rubber if you want...

Grand Lodge 4/5

The Dwarven Forge kickstarter is relatively cheap for their product and has the advantage coming almost finished as opposed to the time and learning curve involved in using Hirst's molds. Hirst's stuff is great if you have the time and are willing to learn how to cast your own.. It's kind of like pewter minis vs. pre-painted plastics.

Silver Crusade 5/5

There's always too. Cheap, modular, and very portable.


rayous brightblade wrote:

Im not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, but I wanted to point out dwarven forge's kickstarter. linkified

I myself have pledged for several sets and can not wait to run a game with these plus my reaper kickstarter minis.

The point of the kickstarter is to make them cheaper, so we all have access. :)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I am spending a chunk of money on these because it is a great deal and they are awesome!

Silver Crusade 2/5

I couldn't afford it...and then a late Christmas check in the exact amount needed arrived in the mail. 3d terrain, here we come!


It looks really nice, but the shipping cost on this really beats me.

Because of this i clearly prefer things that don´t need shipping, which are mostly printable things. Unfortunately most of this stuff is 2d. Mostly it´s good, but sometimes i wish there were easy solutions to situations where you could really need that dimensional layers that are in the adventure.

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