How useless is a skill monkey rogue?


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ok...In that case he may have to give up some part of his concept to make this work mechanically.

We moved on to how to build a wizard I think.

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Well, I don't understand how this went from "no casting, so Bard is out" to "F** it, let's just go wizard."

But whatever.

I believe that was my exact thought process.

Marthkus wrote:
Piccolo wrote:
Just take a freakin BARD already! it has the skills you want and the abilities you want.


How many times do I have to say it? The bard is a slick class, but does not fit any of the current character concepts I have at the moment.
Look, just to show you that I didn't dismiss the bard out of hand, here is the bard build I made before starting this thread.

17 12 14 14 7 14 half-orc Bard
1 :Arcane Strike ||0th:Prestidigitation,Read-Magic,Ghost-Sound,Mage-Hand|1st:Silent-Image,Cu re-Light-Wounds|
2 : ||0th:Message|1st:Grease|
3 :Power Attack ||0th:Mending|1st:Disguise-Self|
4 : ||2nd:Invisibility,Silence|
5 :Cleave ||2nd:Mirror-Image|
6 : ||2nd:Pyrotechnics|
7 :Great Cleave ||1st:Feather-Fall|3rd:Major-Image,Haste|
8 : ||3rd:Good-Hope|
9 :Toughness ||3rd:Slow|
10: ||2nd:Cure-Moderate-Wounds|4th:Dimension-Door,Dominate-Person|
11:Improved Critical(falchion)||4th:Invisibility-Greater|
12: ||4th:Freedom-of-Movement|

Power Attack? Great Cleave? On a BARD?! Whoof, I would so hate to see a PC like that in game. No offense, but it reminds me of Frankenstein's Monster, Adam.

Oh well. I give up.

Melee bards actually do pretty well, since the buff spells and Bardic Performance make up for the 3/4 BAB.

You get more mileage out of hi dexterity, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus on a rapier than you do with high strength and the like.

Then your damage goes way down. Who needs AC when you have mirror image and Greater-Invisibility?

If you go with high dex and an Agile weapon you get dex to damage instead of strength to damage. You can also take Piranha Strike(power attack for dex based characters). That way you still do decent damage.

Grand Lodge

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Marthkus wrote:
Then your damage goes way down. Who needs AC when you have mirror image and Greater-Invisibility?

You mean other then those two don't stack...what you want is mirror image and displacement.

That said, PFS has the field guide agile enhancement as part of core really dex kinda rocks. The bad part is that you need at least a +2 weapon which is 27 fame which is about level 6 if you complete all your faction missions. So basically half your career before you can start to do damage.

Cold Napalm wrote:
Marthkus wrote:
Then your damage goes way down. Who needs AC when you have mirror image and Greater-Invisibility?

You mean other then those two don't stack...what you want is mirror image and displacement.

They don't have to stack. One replaces the other depending on the situation.

wheres the agile weapon enchantment?

Grand Lodge

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Piccolo wrote:
wheres the agile weapon enchantment?

See here.

Agile doesn't give 1.5x dex. And you can't have it until halfway through your career as Cold Napalm admits. Piranha strike doesn't give 3:1 returns and I'm not even sure it's PFS legal: PFSRD calls the Sargava book a peripheral source. Going two handed you miss out on the rapier's crit range if that means using a longsword, but that's why Markthkus built a half-orc. A strength based bard power attacking with something he can put both hands on does non-smiting paladin level damage. That's in the martial pack even if at the back. The finesse bard isn't. The finesse bard is struggling along with the rogue and dex based monk for damage.

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Duskblade wrote:
Just be a Bard :( sadly a Bard does everything better than a rogue.

Not traps though. Rogues are still 'masters' of traps, with the bonus to trap finding and disabling, as well as defeating magical traps as well. Rogues also out DPS bards by quite a bit.

Rogues also have a bit of a lead when it comes to avoiding damage, (Evasion). While Bards even out with the ability to use a shield with proficiency.

Archaeologist bards are better at trapfinding and disabling than a rogue.

A bard with a bow can out damage a rogue. I think a melee bard can give him a run also. I am sure he does not beat the bard by a lot. Both can get in about 45 to 60 DPR for most players if they really want to hurt things.

Grand Lodge

Marthkus wrote:
Cold Napalm wrote:
Marthkus wrote:
Then your damage goes way down. Who needs AC when you have mirror image and Greater-Invisibility?

You mean other then those two don't stack...what you want is mirror image and displacement.

They don't have to stack. One replaces the other depending on the situation.

But mirror image and displacement DOES stack. Why choose either or when you can have BOTH mirror images and 50% miss chance.

Grand Lodge

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Atarlost wrote:
Agile doesn't give 1.5x dex. And you can't have it until halfway through your career as Cold Napalm admits. Piranha strike doesn't give 3:1 returns and I'm not even sure it's PFS legal: PFSRD calls the Sargava book a peripheral source. Going two handed you miss out on the rapier's crit range if that means using a longsword, but that's why Markthkus built a half-orc. A strength based bard power attacking with something he can put both hands on does non-smiting paladin level damage. That's in the martial pack even if at the back. The finesse bard isn't. The finesse bard is struggling along with the rogue and dex based monk for damage.

Agile doesn't give 1.5x damage true, but having a stat that does AC, to hit and damage is a pretty big deal. Piranha strike is legal for PFS...but does not work with a rapier anyways. It needs to be a light weapon. A rapier while finessable is not a light weapon.

Piranha Strike, if legal, still requires you to own an otherwise obscure publication with, judging by the other feats printed in it is one of the worst Paizo has ever published. Monkey Lunge and Elephant Stomp are nonfunctional and Rhino Charge is completely friggin broken. If the crunch is that bad I've no confidence in the value of the fluff.

Agile isn't available until at least halfway through your PFS career by your own numbers. Sucking for half the game is not worth it. And even when you get it you're less effective. Whether you stack displacement and mirror image or just use mirror image the bard doesn't need as much AC as a front liner that doesn't have either.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony, is obscure?

I have an ongoing subscription to the Pathfinder Companion books.

I doubt the majority of PFS players have that subscription. They sound like they're more GM targeted than player targeted in terms of content. If someone is going to get individual Companion line books Sargava relates to a location that's not exactly central to anywhere.

For PFS players who aren't GMs, yes, it's probably obscure, ranking on their wish lists somewhere below the advanced and ultimate hardcover lines.

wraithstrike wrote:

Archaeologist bards are better at trapfinding and disabling than a rogue.

A bard with a bow can out damage a rogue. I think a melee bard can give him a run also. I am sure he does not beat the bard by a lot. Both can get in about 45 to 60 DPR for most players if they really want to hurt things.

Only in a vacuum, as in with a stupid DM. While you are singing to yourself to beef up your Perception and Disable Device rolls, the bad guys in the next room will hear, and attack. Think about it.

As for out damaging a Rogue, I'd like to see the attempt. Just flanking with ye old Fighter and a Knife Master Rogue would blow that out of the water. That's not even counting various feats to beef that up. Put simply, Bards are not built to really dish out damage. You know, they're dabblers, not specialists.

How would you get a rogue to be able to hit anything? They are 3/4 and have no ways to improve their to-hit rolls. Weapon focus and scroll scoundrel can give a +3 to hit against opponents that hit you last round.

Piccolo wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

Archaeologist bards are better at trapfinding and disabling than a rogue.

A bard with a bow can out damage a rogue. I think a melee bard can give him a run also. I am sure he does not beat the bard by a lot. Both can get in about 45 to 60 DPR for most players if they really want to hurt things.

Only in a vacuum, as in with a stupid DM. While you are singing to yourself to beef up your Perception and Disable Device rolls, the bad guys in the next room will hear, and attack. Think about it.

As for out damaging a Rogue, I'd like to see the attempt. Just flanking with ye old Fighter and a Knife Master Rogue would blow that out of the water. That's not even counting various feats to beef that up. Put simply, Bards are not built to really dish out damage. You know, they're dabblers, not specialists.

Singing? Perception does not require singing. If you are speaking of using the perform skill, the bard is not actually performing, when the perform modifier is used in place of another skill. I don't even know if there is skill that replaces perception. I do know some of the perform modifiers replace acrobatics, stealth, and the social skills. If a GM incorrectly ruled that the perform skill required an actual performance then I would just actually use perception.

The rogue that does nonlethal damage(sap master) can do it. The knife master, which I would have to check out might be able to do it, but not the other rogue archetypes. A normal or archetype bard can keep up with them.

edit:I misunderstood what you meant with singing. The bard does not need to sing to boost his skills to bypass the rogue for perception and disable device. The archaeologist gets a bonus equal to half his level on all perception checks and disable device checks, not just traps. He also does not get the bardic performances, not that it mattered because Inspire Competence does not work on the bard.

prd wrote:

A bard can't inspire competence in himself.

Marthkus wrote:
How would you get a rogue to be able to hit anything? They are 3/4 and have no ways to improve their to-hit rolls. Weapon focus and scroll scoundrel can give a +3 to hit against opponents that hit you last round.

Flanking for another +2, and if you can catch them flat footed that's usually an advantage (stealth, invisibility, feinting). If you are a rogue, no-one is expecting you to go toe-to-toe, one-on-one against foes.

Marthkus wrote:
How would you get a rogue to be able to hit anything? They are 3/4 and have no ways to improve their to-hit rolls. Weapon focus and scroll scoundrel can give a +3 to hit against opponents that hit you last round.

Sneak Attack makes up for it to a large extent. You do decent damage with a strength based build. Magic weapons helps as do ability score enhancers. If rogues had a higher AC and were better at skills I think they would be more likely to be chosen.

By better at skills I mean they could have special abilities such as having a talent that allowed them to use diplomacy to charm someone similar to charm person, but have it remain non-magical so they can bypass SR.

However that is not the case.

wraithstrike wrote:

Sneak Attack makes up for it to a large extent. You do decent damage with a strength based build. Magic weapons helps as do ability score enhancers. If rogues had a higher AC and were better at skills I think they would be more likely to be chosen.

By better at skills I mean they could have special abilities such as having a talent that allowed them to use diplomacy to charm someone similar to charm person, but have it remain non-magical so they can bypass SR.

However that is not the case.

Strength build rogues basically toss AC to the wind for a front liner with a d8 hit die unless you're willing to pay feats for armor proficiencies or just straight up multiclass.

Everyone get magic weapon and the game is built with this in mind. However strength rogues won't have a problem here. Dex rogues will have a very difficult time due to how costly it is to keep 2 weapons at a high bonus. Going by PFS rules you won't even get them high enough to deal with DR.

Once again, everyone gets ability scores. Unlike many classes however, rogues have no way to pump theirs.

In the end you have either a rogue that dumps AC to have good to hit (or spends 2 feets on nothing but good armor) or someone with a good AC but terrible to hit and no real way to pump it.

Thomas the question was how to get rogue to hit level appropriate AC. That is all I was responding to. I never said they had it has easy as everyone else. :)

wraithstrike wrote:
Thomas the question was how to get rogue to hit level appropriate AC. That is all I was responding to. I never said they had it has easy as everyone else. :)

Yeah I'm currently considering remaking a prestige class from 3.5. Can't remember the name but it was a fighter rogue that basically specialized beyond sneak attack in just surprise one shotting people (though it wasn't very good at it).

Gonna try rogue with 4 levels of weapon master Half Orc, Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 10. and just make a regular fighter build from there.

Marthkus wrote:
How would you get a rogue to be able to hit anything? They are 3/4 and have no ways to improve their to-hit rolls. Weapon focus and scroll scoundrel can give a +3 to hit against opponents that hit you last round.

Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Finesse, Precise Strike, Outflank, weapon enchantment heartseeker. Want me to go on? That's just off the top of my head. There's also the Agile enchantment that amps damage.

Piccolo wrote:
Marthkus wrote:
How would you get a rogue to be able to hit anything? They are 3/4 and have no ways to improve their to-hit rolls. Weapon focus and scroll scoundrel can give a +3 to hit against opponents that hit you last round.
Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Finesse, Precise Strike, Outflank, weapon enchantment heartseeker. Want me to go on? That's just off the top of my head. There's also the Agile enchantment that amps damage.

most of those are teamwork feats. Weapon finesse is a wash with just using your strength score. Gear is available to everyone and damage isn't the issue here. The rogue has trouble getting pluses to hit.

Is there anyway I don't end up more than plus 5 to hit behind the fighter by Lvl 12?
Fighter gets plus 4 from weapon training and weapon focus by lvl 12. They have an additional plus 3 from being full Bab. If the rogue is twoweapon fighting the fighter will have a plus 9 to hit over the rogue. His second attack will be plus 4 higher than the rogues best attack and his last attack the one that will probably miss is only one point lower than the rogues best attack. If the fighter uses power attack then he only has plus 5 over the rogue but gained plus 16 to damage per hit.

Damage is irrelevant if you can't hit anything.

Not to mention that the level of cooperation in your average group of PFS players makes a herd of cats look like one of Ceasars legions by comparison. If you're running up to thinks and beating on them thats no big deal. If you NEED your allies to flank with you then you're out of luck.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Not to mention that the level of cooperation in your average group of PFS players makes a herd of cats look like one of Ceasars legions by comparison. If you're running up to thinks and beating on them thats no big deal. If you NEED your allies to flank with you then you're out of luck.

also I feel like there is 0% chance that anyone would have your same teamwork feats that piccolo suggested.

wraithstrike wrote:
Piccolo wrote:

Only in a vacuum, as in with a stupid DM. While you are singing to yourself to beef up your Perception and Disable Device rolls, the bad guys in the next room will hear, and attack. Think about it.

Shain Edge wrote:
Bards can not use Inspire Competence for themselves. (You can't get a skill bonus from performance.)
As for out damaging a Rogue, I'd like to see the attempt. Just flanking with ye old Fighter and a Knife Master Rogue would blow that out of the water. That's not even counting various feats to beef that up. Put simply, Bards are not built to really dish out damage. You know, they're dabblers, not specialists.

Singing? Perception does not require singing. If you are speaking of using the perform skill, the bard is not actually performing, when the perform modifier is used in place of another skill. I don't even know if there is skill that replaces perception. I do know some of the perform modifiers replace acrobatics, stealth, and the social skills. If a GM incorrectly ruled that the perform skill required an actual performance then I would just actually use perception.

Shain Edge wrote:
Actually, the bard [u]is[\u] performing! The performance counts as free actions after the initial startup.
Core pg 37 wrote:
Inspire Competence (Su): A bard of 3rd level or higher can use his performance to help an ally succeed at a task. That ally must be within 30 feet and be able to hear the bard. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as she continues to hear the bard’s performance.

edit:I misunderstood what you meant with singing. The bard does not need to sing to boost his skills to bypass the rogue for perception and disable device. The archaeologist gets a bonus equal to half his level on all perception checks and disable device checks, not just traps. He also does not get the bardic performances, not that it mattered because Inspire Competence does not work on the bard.

Shain Edge wrote:
If you are going to counter Rogue talents with specialized Bards, then you should use their Rogue Specialized equivalents. In this case, the Trapsmith. The benefit of their Careful Disarm and Trap Master far outstrips the archaeologists basic skill proficiency in the case of traps.

How so Shain, and what does the rogue give up to get them?

edit:That bard is still a better overall scout, and once you beat DC 35 disable device by taking 10 it does not really matter that much anymore. Getting a +25 by level 10 can be done. The perception would be even higher.

edit2:That bard gets more than skill proficiency for traps..

You get rogues to hit level appropriate AC by taking another class. A ~50% rogue/cavalier or rogue/weaponmaster fighter split or possibly rogue/barbarian if you can stand to give up the higher prerequisite rage powers.

Careful Disarm --The bard is not going to fail by 5 or more anyway if he cares to disable traps.

Trap Master-Most groups kill all enemies going forward, so this almost never comes up.

Just disable the trap, and keep going. Giving up uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge is not a bonus here.

Atarlost wrote:
You get rogues to hit level appropriate AC by taking another class. A ~50% rogue/cavalier or rogue/weaponmaster fighter split or possibly rogue/barbarian if you can stand to give up the higher prerequisite rage powers.

At which point you might as well just play the other class. Are you telling me there is no uber optimization way to get a rogue to have a to-hit bonus that is within 5 points of a fighter?

Marthkus wrote:
Atarlost wrote:
You get rogues to hit level appropriate AC by taking another class. A ~50% rogue/cavalier or rogue/weaponmaster fighter split or possibly rogue/barbarian if you can stand to give up the higher prerequisite rage powers.
At which point you might as well just play the other class. Are you telling me there is no uber optimization way to get a rogue to have a to-hit bonus that is within 5 points of a fighter?

You can make a rogue who is on-par/close to being on-par with a fighter, but then what you've got is an odd-ball fighter with a tough time qualifying for feats. You don't even need to be badass at optimizing, just get your weapon focus feats when you can, put an 18 in strength (or dexterity if you really want,) and try to make the enemy lose their dex bonus as much as possible.

On the subject of skills, just the 8 you get is good enough. If you're going to go the skill-focus route, go human and take Focused Study instead of an extra feat (it will pay off at level 8.) It really is better to look into the extra +x bonuses to skills rather than getting high intelligence, as the extra points you get are limited by the "ranks =< level" rule.

Skeletonkey wrote:
Marthkus wrote:

At which point you might as well just play the other class. Are you telling me there is no uber optimization way to get a rogue to have a to-hit bonus that is within 5 points of a fighter?

You can make a rogue who is on-par/close to being on-par with a fighter, but then what you've got is an odd-ball fighter with a tough time qualifying for feats. You don't even need to be badass at optimizing, just get your weapon focus feats when you can, put an 18 in strength (or dexterity if you really want,) and try to make the enemy lose their dex bonus as much as possible.

On the subject of skills, just the 8 you get is good enough. If you're going to go the skill-focus route, go human and take Focused Study instead of an extra feat (it will pay off at level 8.) It really is better to look into the extra +x bonuses to skills rather than getting high intelligence, as the extra points you get are limited by the "ranks =< level" rule.

The fighter is still +6-8 points ahead of you in to-hit. That is a lot. In comparison a monk without weapon focus is 6 points behind the fighter in bonuses to-hit when flurrying. And a non optimized monk is considered one of worse combat option in the game.

wraithstrike wrote:
How so Shain, and what does the rogue give up to get them?

Uncanny Dodge

But depending on the situation, do we min-max the combat, or the traps?

Rogues will generally be a bit better damage dealing compared to Archaeologist Bards. This is assuming we end up trying to balance the chosen abilities towards each other rather then maxing out everything towards doing one thing or the other.

My biggest question to Paizo is why are they created they did 'Archaeologist bard' the way they did? By balance, they shouldn't be making a bard more proficient in mechanical devices then the rogue, which is the iconic trap/lock remover.

It looks like someone took Indiana Jones and gave him spell casting, and really didn't try to balance it vs the one class that should not be surpassed in the trap category.

Well... Bonus to attack and damage rolls are pretty much all the Fighter has, it's the focus of the class.

A better idea would be comparing your to-hit and damage to a Ranger without Favored Enemy or Non-smiting Paladin.

Lemmy wrote:

Well... Bonus to attack and damage rolls are pretty much all the Fighter has, it's the focus of the class.

A better idea would be comparing your to-hit and damage to a Ranger without Favored Enemy or Non-smiting Paladin.

Not looking at the damage just to-hit. The fighter is the baseline for melee-combat effective class. If you are +9 behind him in to-hit, then you are way behind where you need to be. I'm asking if there is a way to get within +5 of the fighter by level 12. non-Paladins and non-twf-non-FE-rangers are only +4 behind the fighter, but they both have options to catch up and surpass the fighter.

Marthkus wrote:
Not looking at the damage just to-hit. The fighter is the baseline for melee-combat effective class. If you are +9 behind him in to-hit, then you are way behind where you need to be. I'm asking if there is a way to get within +5 of the fighter by level 12. non-Paladins and non-twf-non-FE-rangers are only +4 behind the fighter, but they both have options to catch up and surpass the fighter.

Not sure what you are getting at. The Rogue is, assuming no feat or ability difference, at +9BAB vs the fighter's +12BAB (OK +15 including weapon training), a three (six) point difference.

The Rogue does have chances to attack vs targets without having those targets include their Dex bonus to AC. (Stealth -> first attack = Surprise)

But I agree with Lemmy, You shouldn't try comparing a primary non-combat class to the premier combat class and expect it to match up.

Rogues scout.. preventing fighters from falling into deep pits where they can't get out of.

Silver Crusade

Play a half-elf rogue with an Agile Elven Curved Blade and Weapon Finesse. Or if you don't want to play a half-elf, just play a human and spend your level 3 feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

1d10 damage, 18-20 crit range, and it's finessable.

Archaeologist's luck is not a performance mechanic anyways. The only commonalities is that it piggybacks off some existing feats rather than waste space printing extra luck and lingering luck.

Grand Lodge

Bigdaddyjug wrote:

Play a half-elf rogue with an Agile Elven Curved Blade and Weapon Finesse. Or if you don't want to play a half-elf, just play a human and spend your level 3 feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

1d10 damage, 18-20 crit range, and it's finessable.

Already explained...this is for PFS. Your not getting an agile before level 6...or at least not much before 6 (maybe 1 session). The PFS game goes to level 12. Spending half your game life being useless is not exactly fun...nor advisable way to play PFS as you may annoy the random other people at your table.

wraithstrike wrote:

Careful Disarm --The bard is not going to fail by 5 or more anyway if he cares to disable traps.

Trap Master-Most groups kill all enemies going forward, so this almost never comes up.

Just disable the trap, and keep going. Giving up uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge is not a bonus here.

Careful Disarm at level _4_ means your rogue is not going to mistakenly trip that trap while disarming. At least not unless your DM is using traps far outstripping the level of the party. You are effectively getting a +5 bonus to your don't screw up your disarm traps skill.

Marthkus wrote:
Lemmy wrote:

Well... Bonus to attack and damage rolls are pretty much all the Fighter has, it's the focus of the class.

A better idea would be comparing your to-hit and damage to a Ranger without Favored Enemy or Non-smiting Paladin.

Not looking at the damage just to-hit. The fighter is the baseline for melee-combat effective class. If you are +9 behind him in to-hit, then you are way behind where you need to be. I'm asking if there is a way to get within +5 of the fighter by level 12. non-Paladins and non-twf-non-FE-rangers are only +4 behind the fighter, but they both have options to catch up and surpass the fighter.

What? It's not like you need Weapon Training to consistently hit your target. It's a nice bonus, but not necessary. A fighter could lose it and still land his strikes more often than not, just like a Paladin doesn't need Smite Evil to be relevant.

Shain Edge wrote:
Marthkus wrote:
Not looking at the damage just to-hit. The fighter is the baseline for melee-combat effective class. If you are +9 behind him in to-hit, then you are way behind where you need to be. I'm asking if there is a way to get within +5 of the fighter by level 12. non-Paladins and non-twf-non-FE-rangers are only +4 behind the fighter, but they both have options to catch up and surpass the fighter.

Not sure what you are getting at. The Rogue is, assuming no feat or ability difference, at +9BAB vs the fighter's +12BAB (OK +15 including weapon training), a three (six) point difference.

The Rogue does have chances to attack vs targets without having those targets include their Dex bonus to AC. (Stealth -> first attack = Surprise)

But I agree with Lemmy, You shouldn't try comparing a primary non-combat class to the premier combat class and expect it to match up.

Rogues scout.. preventing fighters from falling into deep pits where they can't get out of.

Fighter: 12 BAB + 2 weapon focus + 2 weapon training

Rogue: 9 BAB + 1 weapon focus - 2 two weapon fighting
Assume same ability modifier
Fighter to-hit - Rogue to hit = 8
Can't assume no feat difference since the fighter gets feats the rogue can't.
Can't add in flanking since both get that

The rogue needs to be somewhat close to fighter in hitting things. They don't even need to hit things harder, but a +8 (9 without weapon focus) is too large. Only NPC classes, Sorcerers and Wizards are that far (or farther) behind the fighter with to-hit roles.

So yeah the rogue is better at melee combat than arcane full casters without polymorph and commoners in terms of being able to-hit things.

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