Andoran has infiltrated the other factions' couriers!

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive 4/5

Fellow skeptics of Andoran,

I call for your vigilance, as Andoran seems to have infiltrated the courier service and is now appending to the end of all faction missives sent to our personal address an exhortation to listen to that pompous windbag Colson Maldris and represent Andoran in the coming days. I can confirm that this happened to me, as well as two of my associates in the Grand Lodge and the Lantern Lodge. We must stay every vigilant for such brazen Andoren trickery, however foolish and obvious it may be!

Silver Crusade 5/5

This is a dire breach of security, and it must be fully investigated. I've confirmed the vulnerability through my own contacts.


This so called "breach" has been fully investigated. Nothing to see here. Off to your next mission. I believe Bonekeep is calling to you.....

The Exchange 5/5 5/5 ***

Me not believe you.

Dark Archive 4/5

The Decemvirate wrote:
This so called "breach" has been fully investigated. Nothing to see here. Off to your next mission. I believe Bonekeep is calling to you.....

Bonekeep? Awesome! The name alone makes it sound almost as fun as one of those Osprey missions! Those are always great. Don't think I've seen any Venture Captains willing to send me to this "Bonekeep" in my region though.

Oh yeah, and I heard from my buddy Agravaine that Andoran has continued its infiltration and is now sabotaging Qadiran missives as well!

Silver Crusade 5/5

My network is revealing further infiltration of the detestable Varisian crime families, as well as Grandmaster Torch's organi--

Yes, Sir, I'm sure you have it well in hand.

Dark Archive 4/5

This is just another example of Zarta Dralneen's obvious mental deficiencies.
I move to the representatives of House Thrune that when the Harlot is arrested that she be relocated to a high security padded cell in the Palin's Cove asylum.
Let's see how much she treasures manacles when they're not fluffy.
Glory to House Thrune!!

Silver Crusade 3/5

Fasch wrote:

Fellow skeptics of Andoran,

I call for your vigilance, as Andoran seems to have infiltrated the courier service and is now appending to the end of all faction missives sent to our personal address an exhortation to listen to that pompous windbag Colson Maldris and represent Andoran in the coming days. I can confirm that this happened to me, as well as two of my associates in the Grand Lodge and the Lantern Lodge. We must stay every vigilant for such brazen Andoren trickery, however foolish and obvious it may be!

Better the freedom fighters o' Andoran then the schemin', selfish, oppressive, devil worshippin' monsters o' Cheliax, says I.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Huh? Wha?

Dark Archive 4/5

Morgrym Anvilstrike wrote:
Fasch wrote:

Fellow skeptics of Andoran,

I call for your vigilance, as Andoran seems to have infiltrated the courier service and is now appending to the end of all faction missives sent to our personal address an exhortation to listen to that pompous windbag Colson Maldris and represent Andoran in the coming days. I can confirm that this happened to me, as well as two of my associates in the Grand Lodge and the Lantern Lodge. We must stay every vigilant for such brazen Andoren trickery, however foolish and obvious it may be!

Better the freedom fighters o' Andoran then the schemin', selfish, oppressive, devil worshippin' monsters o' Cheliax, says I.

Cheliax, selfish? I've seen far more selfishness from Andoran. For example, I've seen Cheliax members, as our official business, helping those in need in the other factions to complete your missions, including Silver Crusade. I usually get along real well with Silver Cruaders. Andoran is a different story. Andoran recently received a very similar chance, but as far as I saw, Andoran faction members pointed out that "technically we only need to spy on the goals of the other factions, we don't have to actually help them" and then they didn't.

Sczarni 3/5

So that was the Disrememberant that every grand boring salutes to.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Gloriana Morilla has informed me that ours was the only faction that wasn't compromised by Maldris, as expected. All you non-Taldans should be receiving hasty corrections from your faction leaders in case you fell for Maldris's scheme.

Sovereign Court 3/5

The Lady ceases fanning herself for a brief moment, long enough to chuckle to herself.

"It is pleasing to learn of an example of the effectiveness of the Empire's bureaucracy, as it has apparently proven itself to be nigh impenetrable. Of course, the Andoren pranksters certainly tried to sabotage our own communication. I wonder what the appropriate reciprocation should look like? I do enjoy a well-timed demonstration of superior wit."

-Lady Gabrielle d'Apcher

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