Skulls and Shackles questions

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I am going to be DMing for the first time and had some questions on how you guys handle certain situations. for example

each section of skulls and shackles is proceeded by day 1 day 2 and so forth but sometimes it skips a few days before, do you let them do ship ship actions on those days or skip to the next day section?

Yep. Ship actions as normal. You may want to invent some encounters (preferably based off the PCs' own actions) to happen in those days to avoid tedium.

Or skip some of the days and make the Wormwood's journey shorter as suggested by some others on these boards.

I went down the 'invent' route. Created a few extra NPCs, a tiny island to visit and some extra interactions between the crew and it went fine. The whole journey took about 3 game sessions for us and a fourth for

bonewrack isle

Don't forget the NPCs have jobs too, so consider rolling (or inventing) jobs for them each day too. Probably easiest to do them all (PCs included) in advance to save time.

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