New Bard Advice?


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My campaign is working wonderfully now, but I have a new issue that is less problematic and more opinion based: we have a new member joining us who is relatively new to tabletopping but is an experienced role player. She wants to play a bard, due to our lack of support/face in the party, and is interested in strings/vocal.

I have no bard experience as a player or a GM. Any tips for a nubile bard to get her started on the right foot? She'll be around level 9-10.

Edit: Our party is composed of an Oracle of Life, a Titan Mauler Barb, a Sylvan-Blooded Sorceress, a Fire Wu-Jen, and a TWF Ranger with a SUPERHORSE companion.

Here's an updated guide It's fairly good imo. I'd suggest sticking to the base bard and going either archer bard or melee bard. I'm playing a melee bard that's doing well. Arcane Strike and Power Attack are both nice for that. I'd suggest being a pure caster because you have a low amount of spells per day and you'll run through them quickly.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well thank you, kindly sir.. uh... what are those blue dog things called again? Void... somethings? They make zombies with their tentacles, right?

Well thank you, kindly Sir Zombiemaking Voiddog Lovecrafteannightmarehound!

Virellius wrote:

My campaign is working wonderfully now, but I have a new issue that is less problematic and more opinion based: we have a new member joining us who is relatively new to tabletopping but is an experienced role player. She wants to play a bard, due to our lack of support/face in the party, and is interested in strings/vocal.

I have no bard experience as a player or a GM. Any tips for a nubile bard to get her started on the right foot? She'll be around level 9-10.

Edit: Our party is composed of an Oracle of Life, a Titan Mauler Barb, a Sylvan-Blooded Sorceress, a Fire Wu-Jen, and a TWF Ranger with a SUPERHORSE companion.

If she wants to be a melee type and mix it up, I'd reccomend an Arcane Duelist... if she would prefer a strictly support character, then Lotus Geisha comes to mind. I have solid builds for both if interested. You're lacking a Rogue type and Archeologist would be superb in that role, but you'd lose out on her ability to buff the party through Inspire Courage and that's a pretty big deal.

Lingering Performance is going to be one of her most useful feats. Archaeologist is a great archetype that will really help to round out the group. Magician could also be a powerful addition due to all the spell casters in the group.

A reach weapon would be a good option, IMO. Your group has two front line beaters and 3 ranged characters so a character with a spear or polearm would be a good way for the bard to cover a large portion of the battlefield.

Blistering Invective is one of my favorite 2nd level spells. Being able to intimidate every enemy in 30 ft will more than make up for the loss of Inspire Courage that Archaeologist and Magician deprive the group of. Plus it can set people on fire though it will rarely matter. Dazzling Display can do the same if she has the feats to spare and would prefer a full-round action over using her limited spell slots.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I totally forgot we had a rogue too. Oops.

And those spells/feats sound really good... just because I'd rather hear YOU say it, what are the best features of the Archaeologist?

Archaeologists are basically rogues with spells and the ability to give themselves a luck bonus. IMO, they are strictly better than a pure rogue.

Archaeologists gain the trap sense and an ability to detect and disarm magical traps, rogue talents and advanced talents (though slower rate than standard rogue), as well as Evasion and Uncanny Dodge.

Archaeologist's Luck counts as a bardic performance for purposes of feats like Lingering Performance and gives a scaling bonus to everything save AC. Since it is a luck bonus it stacks with everything. Only downside is that it is for the bard only.

If you didn't have the rogue then it would be a perfect fit. Since you already have a rogue a standard bard would probably fit the group the best.

Depending on your group's interpretation of Weird Words the Sound Striker archetype from Ultimate Magic can be a damage beast (Extra Performance is actually better on a Sound Striker than Lingering Performance). Dirge Bard is a solid choice if you are playing in an undead heavy campaign. I see a lot of squishies in your group so an Archivist's ability to hand out insight bonuses to AC could prove very useful.

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