Can you charge a touch spell in each hand?

Rules Questions

The Exchange

Just wondering how that works, Say I'd like to charge Ghoul's touch, would I have to discharge it first or could I next turn charge a shocking grasp as well.

That way when I walk into combat I can discharge one, then next round discharge the other?

More thinking of how this could work with Vanish or invisibility. I'd like to have a sorcerer that charges two spells, vanish then wades into melee combat, discharges ghoul touch then wallops them with a shocking grasp.

Let me know, I couldn't find anything that said a character can't have more than spell charged but maybe I just didn't delve deep enough into the Rules forums.

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Codanous wrote:
Just wondering how that works, Say I'd like to charge Ghoul's touch, would I have to discharge it first or could I next turn charge a shocking grasp as well.

In general, no. But it would make a fantastic Feat, sort of like Duel Wand Wielding.

Aren't charges held in your whole body?

Desidero wrote:
Aren't charges held in your whole body?

Yes, because it doesn't matter which 'hand' you end up discharging the spell with. It's a good cinematic that you hold your hand up to touch your target, and it is 'glowing black'. Of course you probably are not looking at that other hand that is showing the same effects.

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Touch Spells and Holding the Charge: In most cases, if you don't discharge a touch spell on the round you cast it, you can hold the charge (postpone the discharge of the spell) indefinitely. You can make touch attacks round after round until the spell is discharged. If you cast another spell, the touch spell dissipates.

You can only hold the charge on a single spell. Trying to cast another spell while you are holding the charge automatically ends the first spell.

The Exchange

Ah okay, I also thought it would be fun to make a Monk/Magus. Its sad that you can't charge each hand, but I guess then the monk could charge both hands, his knees, feat and forehead so it could get out of control.

@Shain Edge It would be an awesome feat thats for sure. Yeah I had a feeling that it was more a role play situation that you discharge a spell with your hand.

You could use a quicked spell and as a swift action cast a second shocking graps in the middle of your attack

So before combat shocking grasp, flurry one punch, swift action shocking grasp, flurry second punch.

The Exchange

Finlanderboy wrote:

You could use a quicked spell and as a swift action cast a second shocking graps in the middle of your attack

So before combat shocking grasp, flurry one punch, swift action shocking grasp, flurry second punch.

Ah that is a good idea, but unfortunately a higher level possibility. I like it though.

Or just use a multi-touch attack like Chill Touch or Frostbite.

Finlanderboy wrote:

You could use a quicked spell and as a swift action cast a second shocking graps in the middle of your attack

So before combat shocking grasp, flurry one punch, swift action shocking grasp, flurry second punch.

Are we allowed to interrupt full round actions with swift actions like that?

edit: Thanks for the clarification! I'm pretty sure that was already in my brain but I was thinking of the dim door + spell combat thread and I guess my wires got crossed.

"You can take a swift action anytime you would normally be allowed to take a free action. " Right from the PRD. You can take a five foot step in the middle of a full round attack too.

The Exchange

it's a nifty idea, but I can see a huge power creep in this idea, being able to full round attack with 2 fists at 1D6 per fist and hold a spell in each one that discharges with the attack. That means at 2nd level holding a shocking grasp in each hand then doing a flurry would be 4D6+STR damage at 2nd level in one full round attack.

The Exchange

WrathW1zard wrote:
it's a nifty idea, but I can see a huge power creep in this idea, being able to full round attack with 2 fists at 1D6 per fist and hold a spell in each one that discharges with the attack. That means at 2nd level holding a shocking grasp in each hand then doing a flurry would be 4D6+STR damage at 2nd level in one full round attack.

Gotta admit though, power creep or no, its a nifty image. I think the negative to it is the fact this guy won't have that great to hit. He still has hit them with his flurry which can be difficult at times. I think we all know the term Flurry of Misses.

Kazaan's idea should work. Spells like Chill Touch give you one touch attack per (caster) level.

Just cast Chill Touch with more than 1 caster level (wands, scrolls or a mutliclass level dip with magical knack might help), then just find some way to make multiple attacks that discharge touch spells.

Some ways to do this are: Natural Weapon Ranger, Monk Flurry of Blows, or Draconic Sorcerer's Claws.

I know PF Is Not 3.5, but there was a spell in 3.5 (Spell Flower, SC198) specifically for the purpose of holding the charge in more than one limb. It also allowed you to TWF with your held touch attacks. If your GM allows the use of 3.5 spells, it might be worth looking into.

I believe there's a third-party feat that allows you to do this; I'll see if I can dig it up.

Dark Archive

you can built other strange combinations though, especially with spell storing weapons...

Xaratherus wrote:
I believe there's a third-party feat that allows you to do this; I'll see if I can dig it up.

I don't know if this is what you were looking for, but Touch Spell Control at least allows you to choose when to discharge the spell, and allows you to cast a second touch spell without (immediately) discharging the first.

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