Rogues underpowered? World's easiest fix...

Homebrew and House Rules

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I like exploring the rogue/fighter a bit more. Make a single mundane (as in non magic) class that keeps up with the magic by sheer breadth.

D10 HD, Full BAB, 8+ skills, Fort and Ref good saves, can choose from combat feats or rogue talents at each even level. Full sneak attack.

Looks like a pretty decent class. Actually, it looks like a spell-less ranger with sneak attack...

Godwyn wrote:

I like exploring the rogue/fighter a bit more. Make a single mundane (as in non magic) class that keeps up with the magic by sheer breadth.

D10 HD, Full BAB, 8+ skills, Fort and Ref good saves, can choose from combat feats or rogue talents at each even level. Full sneak attack.

Looks like a pretty decent class. Actually, it looks like a spell-less ranger with sneak attack...

hmm, it sounds ok, but I would like to see someone stat it out.

Verdant Wheel

regarding my suggestion:


Let there be 3 tiers of Skill Mastery:

1) Class Skill in every class the character possesses
2) Class Skill in at least one class the character possesses
3) Not a Class Skill in any class the character possesses

1) May invest up to 1 Rank per character level (max 20 ranks); gains the +3 Class Skill bonus
2) May invest up to 1 Rank per 2 character levels (max 10 ranks); gains the +3 Class Skill bonus
3) May invest up to 1 Rank per 2 character levels (max 10 ranks); does not gain the +3 Class Skill bonus

i'd like to address the concerns that Lumiere Dawnbriger and Roberta Yang brought up several posts ago.

first, this change would restrict skill point distribution upon gaining a level. skill ranks would never 'disappear'. nor am i suggesting bringing back half-ranks, which are wonky, but instead suggesting bringing back the spirit of what the D&D 3.0/3.5 system tried to represent by having BAB, Spellcasting, and Skill Investment being in direct relationship to class loyalty. Without the decimal/fraction math. Pathfinder, for better or for worse, has a multiclass system where a character who multiclasses out of a full-BAB or a full-Spellcasting class makes that sacrifice to gain a broader scope of abilities. This isn't so for Skill Investment - it's enough to permenently pick up all a class's Class Skills at full benefit with a single level dip. This may not bother you, but it bothers me.

second, this change would not render obsolete other classes from investing in non-Class Skill skills. a 6th level character can have 3 ranks in any skill for just 3 skill points. a 10th level character can have 5 ranks for 5 points. this is pretty decent. as for 1st level characters, not being able to invest in non-Class Skills until 2nd level (or sans Traits) is as fair as a 1st level non-full BAB class not being able to pick up a feat which requires BAB 1+ or even being able to move and draw a weapon as a single move action. It is a small sacrifice.

third, i made an error/oversimplification in my math by adding the caps. my intention is to allow, for example, a Ranger/Rogue 14/6 to take up to 20 ranks in Stealth (14 + 6) for 20 points, 17 ranks in Survival (14 + 6/2) for 17 points, and 13 ranks in Disable Device (14/2 + 6) for 13 points. so let me rephrase my paradigm, removing the caps:


Let there be 3 tiers of Skill Mastery:

1) Class Skill in every class the character possesses
2) Class Skill in at least one class the character possesses
3) Not a Class Skill in any class the character possesses

1) May invest up to 1 Rank per character level; gains the +3 Class Skill bonus
2) May invest up to 1 Rank per 2 character levels; gains the +3 Class Skill bonus
3) May invest up to 1 Rank per 2 character levels; does not gain the +3 Class Skill bonus

*All investments are cumulative, and distribution of skill points are done on a per-level basis.

other thoughts?

Liberty's Edge

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GM_Solspiral wrote:
At the end of the day what is a rogue? Someone with the skill and motivation to make money dishonestly.

I make my money fair and square, so it's distressing to see this lie spread about.

rainzax wrote:

regarding my suggestion:

** spoiler omitted **

i'd like to address the concerns that Lumiere Dawnbriger and Roberta Yang brought up several posts ago.

first, this change would restrict skill point distribution upon gaining a level. skill ranks would never 'disappear'. nor am i suggesting bringing back half-ranks, which are wonky, but instead suggesting bringing back the spirit of what the D&D 3.0/3.5 system tried to represent by having BAB, Spellcasting, and Skill Investment being in direct relationship to class loyalty. Without the decimal/fraction math. Pathfinder, for better or for worse, has a multiclass system where a character who multiclasses out of a full-BAB or a full-Spellcasting class makes that sacrifice to gain a broader scope of abilities. This isn't so for Skill Investment - it's enough to permenently pick up all a class's Class Skills at full benefit with a single level dip. This may not bother you, but it bothers me.

second, this change would not render obsolete other classes from investing in non-Class Skill skills. a 6th level character can have 3 ranks in any skill for just 3 skill points. a 10th level character can have 5 ranks for 5 points. this is pretty decent. as for 1st level characters, not being able to invest in non-Class Skills until 2nd level (or sans Traits) is as fair as a 1st level non-full BAB class not being able to pick up a feat which requires BAB 1+ or even being able to move and draw a weapon as a single move action. It is a small...

It is not a terrible system, but I'd have a trait for every skill to be made a class skill with it at least. So characters can access it through extra traits, or at the start of their character.

I still don't like it.

Skills are something that really don't need to be tweaked to make LESS accessible.

In 3.5 I used a house rule where a rogue used one level up for starting gold.

Of course how does this work if the rogue is multiclass?

Does my arcane trickster get more loot? RP wise he really is a thief.

Rynjin wrote:

I still don't like it.

Skills are something that really don't need to be tweaked to make LESS accessible.

I don't see much of an issue, if you want to play a stealthy fighter you get the sneak skill and can get acrobatics too, by then you are out off skill points.

It seems fair enough that a pure rogue 10 is a bit better than fighter 4 rogue 6 in some skills, and even so the fighter rogue can just distribute points that can not be spend elsewhere. The thing that people obsess about all the time is having max rank in skills, you do not have to to have max ranks to use a skill a rank or 2 less will not make your character useless by far.

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