20 Point System and Good Things... I guess

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Grand Lodge

Rebel Arch wrote:
Good policy, except how do you know what different ppl find offensive?

Doesn't matter. If the mods say it doesn't fly, don't post it. And there is going to be a scouring of this thread when they do notice the flags on it.

Rebel Arch wrote:
Calling someone like me entitled is more offensive then anything I called Ciretose out on.

Being offensive does not make it a false statement.

Okay, I think this thread needs to die like, a page ago.

The Bache wrote:

Forgive me if I am wrong, but it appears to me that those who point buy like it for the flexibility in character creation and game balance, while the dice rollers like it for RP purposes as well as the feel of a heroic character.

What I am unable to understand is why a PB character can not be both heroic (in stats) and RP fantastically?

Of course it can. The whole 'point buy is bad for RP' argument is pure unadulterated bunk. One's ability to RP and one's preference for stat creation are completely unrelated.

While I'm here ... is there a Block function on these boards? I'm new and can't find it.

Rebel Arch wrote:
Mr. Tomo wrote:
Rebel Arch wrote:
But if I roll well enough to give my Wizard a 12 CHA to fashion him like a magician, I don't see how I'm hurting other players, or making the Wizard harder to challenge. Anybody built like a face is going to be better in that role, and my CHA is just to give me the flavor and freedom to play him how I pictured. And if there is no face, I just helped the party out.
You can easily do that with point buy too. The only way that wouldn't work with point buy is if you literally want your character to be the very best in that role in addition to your regular role.

Yes I could, but it's not fun to me.

I was disputing the idea that higher total stat bonus, which isn't likely, but possible with rolling, doesn't break CR system.

So it's not so much a mechanical or technical issue as you just wanting to roll a bunch of dice around.

Unless you scale things up, it would break the system. In most situations, having completely high stats would eliminate any real challenge. The only way it could work is if it's the GM making these decisions and willing to put in the effort to make it work. Not really a decision a player should be making.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

I'm closing this thread until it can be straighten out tomorrow morning.

Project Manager

Removed a bunch of insults, socioeconomic slurs, and grandstanding. Not acceptable here.

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