Reusable Eidolon Bomb


Dark Archive

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So you are playing in PFS, and you run up into something with damage resistance 10/cold iron or silver. Normally, you would have to either be a lesser summoner and use the feats to give the eidolon the equivalency or wait till level 7 to get a bodywrap of mighty strikes +3 that only applies to 2 attacks anyway. There is, however, another way. Elemental damage bypasses normal damage reduction and an eidolon can wear rings. Equip the eidolon with two rings of retribution (or if you wear the monkey palm amulet 3) and have him charge into battle. Since the rings can be detonated as an immediate action, the eidolon will be able to use them as it is being destroyed by attacks of opportunity. Boom, 20d6 worth of fire damage. Worried about the eidolon dying? Hey, it can be summoned back in 24 hours. Coincidentally, the rings can be reused in 24 hours too. Bombs away!

Also, at level 7, you can give the Eidolon immunity to fire for a 2pt evolution. While you're waiting, remember that the Eidolon gets Evasion at level 2. Since it's only a DC 14, just bump that Reflex save!

Actually, this is a possible strategy for a mid-level Rogue as well....

You only get one immidiate action, can activate one or the other. Its also a very expensive ring.

Whats a monkey palm amulet?

Shadow Lodge

MrSin wrote:
Whats a monkey palm amulet?

I believe he's referring to a Hand of Glory.

Why would you use the crappy bodywrap instead of the Amulet of Might Fists? They're almost the same price.

Two Rings of Retribution cost 30k. A +3 Amulet of Might Fists costs 36k. I'd rather have the amulet.

Dark Archive

mplindustries wrote:

Why would you use the crappy bodywrap instead of the Amulet of Might Fists? They're almost the same price.

Two Rings of Retribution cost 30k. A +3 Amulet of Might Fists costs 36k. I'd rather have the amulet.

I agree, the amulet is far superior. However, the goal here is to provide a possibility for pathfinder society play, in which there are level based spending limits. The rings are buyable almost two full levels before the lvl 3 amulet. (unless your Venture captain permits that leveling the item, since you only have to pay the cost difference, only has a price of the cost difference. Then it is one level sooner.)

Dark Archive

MrSin wrote:

You only get one immidiate action, can activate one or the other. Its also a very expensive ring.

Whats a monkey palm amulet?

Hand of glory yes sorry. I wonder though. Since the rings are identical I would think they could be activated with the same immediate action. It certainly seems like something I would insist on if I were buying IRL.

The Exchange

Gatekeep3r wrote:
MrSin wrote:

You only get one immidiate action, can activate one or the other. Its also a very expensive ring.

Whats a monkey palm amulet?

Hand of glory yes sorry. I wonder though. Since the rings are identical I would think they could be activated with the same immediate action. It certainly seems like something I would insist on if I were buying IRL.

That's not how magic works in pathfinder. Even saying a command word is a standard action and only activates one item.

If two magic items are crafted or commissioned with the same command word there is no reason other than slavish, mechanistic adherence to nonsensical rules that they would not both activate. The item in question activates as an immediate action.

There's a reason we have human GMs rather than finite state machines running our games.

Well, the mechanics are there for balance. The GMs are allowed to make thier own rules. Fluff isn't always the best reason to change mechanics, but I've always been a Balance > Fluff kinda guy so I might be a little biased here.

That said, 30D6 at a massive gold cost and once per day doesn't sound that awful to me. Nova one encounter, move on.

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