Males in Role Play Games

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I'm so glad you started this thread, Treppa. I am thinking of running a game, actually, but I am concerned that the ladies at the table won't be able to keep their eyes off of my manly physique. Since they're probably not used to a man in the GM chair, should I make sure I wear high collars, long sleeves, and long pants so they don't get distracted? I have a turtleneck that might work, but it's a bit tight, so I can wear a sweater over it to hide the outline of my torso.
Be careful CH. Some gamer girls are turned on by gay men, they might want to try to seduce you or even read badly written yaoi-fics to you.

Don't get me started. How many times at the gaming table have I had to deal with the women trying to get me to have a threesome with them and their boyfriend? Just because I'm into guys does not mean I want to have a threesome. Plus, if I was going to have a threesome, why would I want a lady there? Ugh. I just want to game, but the ladies at the table keep propositioning me. It makes me so uncomfortable!

Liberty's Edge

We winged folk have it rough. :(

stormraven wrote:
Damn you, I'm not just a phallus!

Yeah there are hands and a face too...

As a male, I would be hesitant to play and RPG unless there could be table talk centered around our local sports team.

Especially this time of year, all my male brain can handle is who will win the March Madness Super Cup Series.

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I can deal with the leering but the sexual innuendos are just too much. It makes me feel so cheap when the woman next to me leans into my space and says, "Mmm... that's a nice shortsword ya got there. I think I know where you could sheathe it."

Seriously, ladies, I'm here for the game - not your jollies.

Best way to infiltrate a female gaming group, wild shape: cute fluffy animal. Get's 'em everytime.

I know this is no place for seriousness, but I feel the need to inject some. As a socially awkward guy, it can be rather intimidating to walk into a room with a half dozen girls sitting with character sheets, and grinning at you. Though that could have more to do with having all your players show up before you and be grinning...

It's like I'm supposed to apologize to the rest of the group for having massive biceps and ruggedly handsome features.

Sorry, ladies, for ruining your stupid game by just trying to participate.

Liberty's Edge

I feel your pain, Lamontius. I really do.


True story:

We were playing Mage The Ascension campaign. GMed by female, two female players with three more showing a few times until timing prevented them from attendance and with two more male players with one dropping due to schedule conflicts while the other left after his second character was mortally shot by his girlfriend's character - he hadn't idea for another character - leaving me as the sole male in 3-person party. Often players used their varying drawing skills to draw some pictures during the game, mostly humorous presentation of current situation, depiction of random thoughts and ideas. Sometimes things they just thought before or during the session. Typical reaction to seeing that someone finished drawing was "show me" or "Show it to your GM!". Once after asking to be shown the last drawing I was denied with the words "it's not for you, it's yaoi". Note that none of the girls ever hesitated to show occasional nude drawing and I have seen male-on-male drawn by the same player before.

Tell about discrimination...

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A girl gamer once said to me, "I hope that's a maximized rod, and not a quickened rod in your pocket."


Sovereign Court

Studpuffin wrote:
You're just mad because my character is tougher than yours. I told you that males can build characters just as well as women!

::rolls eyes::

Oh please, everyone knows male gamers get away with murder when they're dating the GM.

Liberty's Edge

Uh huh, say what you want. We all know how those dice roll...

Sovereign Court

Studpuffin wrote:
Uh huh, say what you want. We all know how those dice roll...




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Yeah, and like how everytime I roll a critical fumble the GM draws from that stupid deck behind her screen...and once again, my PC's pants mysteriously fall off.

Seriously, grow up ladies.

Liberty's Edge

Jess Door wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Uh huh, say what you want. We all know how those dice roll...
** spoiler omitted **

TENSOR!!!! *shakes fist*
Liberty's Edge

Hey Treppa, could you at least make it so that the monsters don't look at me lasciviously? They're always shouting, "Stick 'em with your sword! No, your other sword! No, your *other sword..."

Jess Door wrote:

::rolls eyes::

Oh please, everyone knows male gamers get away with murder when they're dating the GM.

Well meow Miss Jess. Here I am trying to recruit some eye candy for our table and all I get is grief.

Sovereign Court

No, really, he's getting away with murder. Did you see how he sliced that creature in half?!? thwack

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Boys just don't sit around the house and play pretend or play dress up. So forget about getting them to take it seriously or especially LARP.

GM Treppa wrote:
Jess Door wrote:

::rolls eyes::

Oh please, everyone knows male gamers get away with murder when they're dating the GM.

Well meow Miss Jess. Here I am trying to recruit some eye candy for our table and all I get is grief.

If only I was in the correct time-zone :(
Liberty's Edge

DSXMachina wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Move to Canada. :P

This is the funniest thread I have seen on a message board in a long time. I would favorite everbody's posts...or this thread if I could.

My hats off to you all.

I remember the Warcraft campaign where two 10-thousand+ year old female elves who hadn't get laid for most of that time pursued my merely twenty-something human warrior-turned-paladin trying to force themselves on him... They even got a magical can opener from the party wizard to get rid of my full plate!

I found a spell enhancing speed greatly however, and later got magical plate armor that was immune to that can opener! Ha!

Studpuffin wrote:
They... they made me play a bard.

We made you play a bird. Bird.

Tengu Bard.

Problem solved.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Celestial Healer wrote:
I'm so glad you started this thread, Treppa. I am thinking of running a game, actually, but I am concerned that the ladies at the table won't be able to keep their eyes off of my manly physique. Since they're probably not used to a man in the GM chair, should I make sure I wear high collars, long sleeves, and long pants so they don't get distracted? I have a turtleneck that might work, but it's a bit tight, so I can wear a sweater over it to hide the outline of my torso.

You go on telling yourself that girls will pay attention to you dressed like that. Yeah, I wear tight shirts. Yeah, I look good in a t-shirt. Yeah, girls might only start paying attention to me because I look good in a tight shirt. The point is, they pay attention to me, and when it's my turn, that's all that matters, bro.

Shadow Lodge

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Lamontius wrote:

Tengu Bard.

Problem solved.

Talk about the cure being worse than the disease.

What gets really squicky is when the ladies at the table tell you stuff like " I don't have to worry about having kids anymore " or "I won't tell if you won't!" or "Here's a mick... er, tasty beverage!"

Jeez, a fella just wants to kill somethings and take their stuff and the girls get all ogly-eyed and lech-tongued. Weirdos.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, and the footsies under the table. Constantly with the foot going up my calf and thigh. WTH?

Liberty's Edge

TOZ wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

Tengu Bard.

Problem solved.

Talk about the cure being worse than the disease.

You haven't heard me sing! /:)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Obviously, I can still hear!

Playing with female groups has advantages... When the girls start to step one each other toes and decide to solve their issues with baking duels!


Wow. And then there was me sad because I can't get any girls interested in pathfinder. All the people that I play with are male.

Shadow Lodge

You think gaming with women is bad, (my wife got me into role playing when we were dating) try wearing a kilt to the renaissance fair. I...I...*sob*...*sniff*...oh god I just can''s too much. When will the shame end? Do they know or even care what damage they have done? Can I get a bro hug?

Ummmm ... no.

Project Manager

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Worst part is when they want to talk about their characters' feelings. Can't we just kill things?

Don't forget character optimization and looting the bodies! What's UP with the guys these days, anyways?!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jessica Price wrote:
Worst part is when they want to talk about their characters' feelings. Can't we just kill things?

Your stoicism is a relic of an age of misandry best left forgotten!

Yeah! Power to the poor, oppressed, 'princes of industry'.

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I just want to be looked upon as a gamer, not a man.

Why is that so hard?

Lamontius wrote:
Why is that so hard?

Cue the ladies snickering lecherously.

Liberty's Edge

Probably because you're also a man. :P



Drowblade wrote:
You think gaming with women is bad, (my wife got me into role playing when we were dating) try wearing a kilt to the renaissance fair. I...I...*sob*...*sniff*...oh god I just can''s too much. When will the shame end? Do they know or even care what damage they have done? Can I get a bro hug?

:offers bro hug:

Let me guess, they forced you to play "Drench the Wench" and throw those sopping sponges at the well-endowed gals. And then you were forced to look at those sheer wet tops and possibly get sloppy kisses from the lusty 'wenches'... and they got a little free with their hands, didn't they?

*growls* Those... inhuman... monsters!

Honestly, I know not all women are like that but why are there so many that are?

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Puffin, I'd just like to say that your avatar is looking particularly fetching today. Your plumage practically glows.

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Agreed, have you been lifting, bro?

Liberty's Edge

Oh, do go on. *bats eyelashes*

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Tell the truth. You use Th'oreal, don't you?

Liberty's Edge

Head n shoulders!

I smell a hint of Axe body spray too... I'm pretty sure.

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