How can Spell Points Work?

Homebrew and House Rules

Hi there, i was wondering how to make spell points/pools instead spell slots. i was reading the power words but jezz its hard to figured out that i quit with that system.

So, spell points, the initial idea is this:

Spell points = mod+lvl for sor/wiz, clr and drd.
those who cast max level 6th is mod+1/2 level
and those who cast until level 4th get spell points equal mod+level-3

the spell cost is 1 point per spell level (fireball cost 3 spell points, etc)

and plus, one spell point per spell slot he already has in his pool
so a 1st level sorcerer will have 3+cha mod+1 spell points and a 20th level sorcerer will have a 20+cha mod+ 54 (6*9) spell points
a wizard will have 1+1+int mod at 1st and 20+36 [9*4] + int mod at 20th
Spell knowns dont change.
and maybe spell point feats and so.

Cantrips and Orizons do not grant nor cost spell points

im still figuring out if it worth at all or crushed at some point.

any idea?

Warning, it delivers more nova power to casters than usual.

EDIT: and you would want to adjust the bard collumn a bit, since bards got improved spellcasting in PF.

Dark Archive

Super Genius Games have already done all the work for you.


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@Kyrt-ryder: i can see that, but im making the rule from the beginning, i also dont go any further with this idea, so thanks

oh thanks a lot DragoDorn, i can see my next purchase for this 31th

I like to use the spell points and spells known of psions for all full spellcasting classes and those of the psychic warrior for all with 6 spell levels in total. Also the psionic rules for metamagic feats.

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