Interest check - Here be Dragons, and we are the BBEGs!


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I have run this campaign setting about 4 times now to great success. Though the original world started of in 4e which was fun but I'd like to give it a go in pathfinder. First I want to find out how many people would be interested as it is a fairly unorthodox playstyle.

(This will be a Gestalt campaign, high powered)

The premise is as follows:

You are a group of evil overlords that have spent the last few years conquering the lands of the old Kalvian plains. You have turned it into your own little deadly paradise called "Here be Dragons! (Keep out or we kill you.)"

There are two other major countries standing in your way between you and world domination. The Empire of Varien and the Kingdom of Nazca. The Empire of Varien, mostly made of dwarves who are devout worshippers of Erastil. The Kingdom of Nazca, an elven empire filled with magical elves that use powerful devices to keep out invaders. Kalvian the kingdom each of the evil overlords is from was once a nomadic kingdom, with many different races and creatures move across its expanse of land. Now however it is a kingdom built upon the corpses of those that wouldn't bend the knee to your power.

Conquering and pillaging was going well. Until one day you get a report of something stopping you at the battle lines near the Empire of Varien. What's this? An adventuring party? Mystical ancient weapons thwarting your minions? Bother this nonsense! If you want something done you have to do it yourself! We are the evil overlords and you will see our strength, pesky adventurers!

Summary: You are evil overlords, the defacto BBEG. An adventuring party has come to thwart your evil plans! What do you do?!

Note: This is not a serious campaign, this is silly, off the wall fun. Even the most serious villains that have entered this campaign eventually become cartoony. That doesn't matter though, embracing the zaniness of the world is the first thing you need to do.

Character creation:

Must be evil, although all alignment restrictions on class are going out the window.

Character concept
All the PCs and thus BBEG must have some crazy facet to their character like: My arms were sliced off when I was but a child, though I studied in a monastery until I was big and strong. When my training was finished my technique using my face was honed to such a decree that I killed every one of my 'brothers' with nothing but my face!

Some things are not acceptable though: No rape, no baby eating, no bestiality. Just use common sense, a DM would not make a BBEG that made you question the DMs tastes, I don't want players in this instance to do the same.

Character classes
We will be using the mechanics of the classes though they need not be what the mechanics say they are. For example you can have a barbarian with a pogo stick and insane ranks in jump. He uses this to jump onto his foes and impale them with the jump of doom. The PC in this case could be in a dappa hat and a trenchcoat. Yet for the sakes of mechanics he is a barbarian.

All characters will be Gestalt characters and thus very high powered.

Point buy
25 point buy

You guys own kingdoms so wealth is kind of a moot point, you'll have a resource stat similar to rogue trader in which to purchase land or armies. However personal equipment I will use inherent bonuses and house rules so you can choose some select pieces of equipment.

Starting level
Starting level is level 8 and characters will end up level 16 at most.

We shall be using the Golarian standard pantheon for the sake of powers but you can choose to make up your own god if you choose.

One example we had a paladin who believed in himself so hard that he was a god that he granted himself his own godly powers. Thus he became a servant unto his own ego.

House rules
There will be a few, I haven't finalised this yet as my houserules for the game applied to 4e and Radiance RPG. I will post these in the recruitment thread if I see there is enough interest.

Every PC entering the game comes into play with a single city with a theme they choose. For example we had one player who was a music specialist who used all manner of instruments with deadly tunes to kill his foes. Thus he had a city called 'Horny town' an entire town made up of musical horns and people to play them.

PVP, please read this:

Warning! Direct PVP will not be allowed ever during this game, under any circumstance. However indirect PVP and plotting is fine. What I mean is I never want a player to say I'm going to punch this other PC. However I am perfectly fine with that player using his resources in private to send some form of attack squad of soldiers to the other PCs city. Or disrupt his favourite meal or some such. The antagonizing things can thus happen in the background and can be played off for comedic effect and not devolve into who has the best combat build.

Post here if you have any questions or are possibly interested in this kind of game.

Edit: sorry forgot to put this, if this will run it will be a PbP on these boards.

Oh, I am very interested in this game. Playing the BBEGs with a humorous twist? I'm all over it.

Dark Archive

I'm also posting my interest here. Do you want characters put forward (I'd assume yes, as you've posted CC rules)?

No characters builds need to be posted just yet. I've got the CC rules up so people know what they are in for if recruitment goes up. I don't want people creating characters when my HR document isn't up and it goes against something they were creating.

Dark Archive

Cool beans. I can sit on my concepts for a while and try to iron out some more ideas.

Thinking about a LE Rogue/Fighter who works for one of the other BBEGs like an evil Jeeves to their evil Wooster.

Dark Archive

Ptolmaeus, would you be up for gimping yourself a bit and playing a Kobold? I'd actually be cool with it being a facade to confuse the adventurers. It's a pretty decent survival technique on your part, really.

Shadow Lodge

I would definitely be interested in this, it sounds like a TON of fun! Plus it would give me a chance to finally play either a bloodmage or a pain taster...

Or, a refined goblin soul eater with a white suit, who enjoys eating soul gems in creative ways; pureeing them, smoking or snorting, injection... He's a bit of a drug addict.

I was planning on making him a human to maximize his abilities. Dual talent gives him a 20 dex and an 18 cha. An unfailingly charming and polite gentleman's gentleman who is always on hand with some useful skill or other and just happens to be an ex-bare knuckle boxer with a distinct lack of morals.

Dark Archive

Cool beans. Probably better suited to a household than a dragon's lair anywho.

Here is a (very) crunchy crunch, have yet to figure out gear...

Level 8 Rogue (Rake)/Fighter (Brawler) Gestalt

Nonlethal Damage:
Status Effects:

Str: 10
Dex: 20
Con: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 18

AC: 15
Touch: 15
Flat-Footed: 10
Fort: 7
Ref: 11
Will: 2
CMD: 23

BAB: 8/3
CMB: 8

Attack: 16/11 (14/14/9/9)
Crit: x2
Dam: 1d3+4

Acrobatics: 16 (3+5+8)
Bluff: 17 (3+4+8+2)
Craft (Alchemy): 13 (3+2+8)
Diplomacy: 15 (3+4+8)
Disable Device: 16 (3+5+8)
Intimidate: 15 (3+4+8)
Perception: 11 (3+0+8)
Profession (Valet): 11 (3+0+8)
Sense Motive: 11 (3+0+8)
Stealth: 16 (3+5+8)


Sundry Items:

Class Abilities:
Sneak Attack: 4d6 (if doing nonlethal: 4d6+12)
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Bravado’s Blade
Rake’s Smile: +2
Offensive Defense
Weapon Training: Fists
Finesse Rogue

Close Control
Close Combatant: +2/+4
Menacing Stance: -1/-4

Feats and Traits:
Racial: Dual Talent

Improved Unarmed Strike
Combat Expertise
Improved Feint
Weapon Finesse
Two Weapon Fighting
Two Weapon Feint
Weapon Focus (fists)
Knockout Artist
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon Feint
Sap Adept


Appearance and Personality:

1st: Improved Unarmed Strike
Bonus: Combat Expertise

2nd : Improved Feint
Talent: Finesse Rogue

3rd Two Weapon Fighting

4th: Two Weapon Feint
Talent Weapon Training: Fists

5th Knockout Artist

6th Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Talent Offensive Defense

7th Improved Two-Weapon Feint

8th Enforcer
Talent: Combat Trick Sap Adept













I'm definitely interested if this gets off the ground.

Crunch already flying about, okay I have a preview of the HR document written up for those already thinking on crunch. Note: This is NOT all of it yet. Just the ones I've fleshed out properly that have been converted from my other documents.

House rules, Here be dragons:

Gestalt rules found here:

Rule changes
Alignment: Must be evil although classes now have no restriction on what alignment may play them

Abilities: Precision damage, the extra damage from precision is not multiplied by a critical hit however all precision dice are maximised.

Feats: All item creation feats except scribe scroll are banned.

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dexterity can also replace strength for damage with light weapons only.

Feats: The following classes have combat expertise as a bonus feat at level one even if they do not meet the prerequisites: Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Cavalier and Inquisitor.

Feats: Two-weapon fighting no longer has a prerequisite, you also gain double slice for free as part of the feat regardless of how you obtained TWF. You gain improved two weapon fighting when your BAB is +6 and Greater two-weapon fighting when your BAB is +11 automatically.

Feats: You gain Improved Vital Strike when you reach +11 BAB and Greater vital Strike when you reach +16 BAB if you have taken Vital Strike.

Skills: Fighter and paladin both have an extra 2 skill points per level that they may only be used on Str, Dex or Con based skills.

Skills: Str can be used interchangeably instead of Cha as the ability mod for intimidate.

Skills: Profession and Craft are banned from play. (You have boatloads of minions to do that for you)


Instead of gaining items over the course of dungeons and adventurers you have kingdoms that give you what you want. Thus everyone will have ‘inherent’ bonuses that follow the chart below. Also included you can have 3 items of any type (except consumables) for equal to or less than the value presented at each level, you do not get reimbursed the difference between the item you choose and the value allowed.

You also have a consumable allotment for the level which refreshes to the new consumable value when you reach a new level.

Note: You may NOT pool money to gain an even bigger item.

+X Enhancement: These apply to both weapons and armour (not shields). You may have a pair of weapons, each weapon in the pair must have identical enchantments. Each enhancement may be traded in for an enchantment of equal value following the normal item rules. You may choose to change this each morning, e.g. If you had a +3 Enhancement for your Greatsword, one morning you may choose to change this to +1 Lightning Frost Greatsword. The following day you choose that it is instead a +1 Holy Greatsword.

Level Inherent bonus Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Consumables
1 - - - - -
2 - 200 100 50 50
3 +1 saves 600 300 150 150
4 +1 Enhancement 1200 600 300 300
5 - 2100 1050 525 525
6 +2 saves 3200 1600 800 800
7 +2 Enhancement 4700 2350 1175 1175
8 +2 attributes 6600 3300 1650 1650
9 +3 saves 9200 4600 2300 2300
10 +3 Enhancement 12400 6200 3100 3100
11 +4/+2 stats 16400 8200 4100 4100
12 +4 saves 21600 10800 5400 5400
13 +4 Enhancement 28000 14000 7000 7000
14 +6/+4/+2 stats 37000 18500 9250 9250
15 +5 saves 48000 24000 12000 12000
16 +5 Enhancement 63000 31500 15750 15750

Wands: Wands of level 1-2 count towards your consumable items, wands of level 3-4 must take up an item slot instead. The wands instead of having 50 uses as per normal they have uses per day. The cost of a normal wand is the same as the core rules and it has 10 charges of the spell per day. If you halve the cost it turns into a minor wand and has 5 charges per day. If you add 50% to the cost it turns into a major wand and has 15 charges per day. You may only ever carry one wand of each spell on your person.

Sorry the table looks horrible currently since the forums gets rid of all the spacing for whatever reason. It'll look better in the actual document.

OK, I am definitely interested, I think I might go with an insane sorcerer.

What kind of race limitations are there? Could I be a vampire?

I don't know how I'll go with running this Gestalt stuff, but here is the character I'd love to run. I'm still working our her stats, so this is very rudimentary.

Lucelia Deskari Wright
Human Enforcer 8
LE Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +15


AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 77 (8d10+18); judgement of profane healing 3
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +10 (+2 vs. fear)
Defensive Abilities bravery +2, judgement of profane protection +2; DR judgement of profane resiliency 2: magic; Resist judgement of profane purity +2, judgement of profane resistance 6 (cold)


Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks bane (+2 / 2d6) (8 rounds/day), judgement of profane destruction +3, judgement of profane justice +2, judgement of profane piercing +3, judgement of profane smiting (magic, evil), weapon trainings (weapon training: axes +0)
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Alignment (At will), Discern Lies (8 rounds/day)
Enforcer Spells Known (CL 8):
3 (3/day) Deadly Juggernaut, Litany of Entanglement (DC 17), Terrible Remorse (DC 17)
2 (5/day) Invisibility, Zone of Truth (DC 16), Flames of the Faithful (DC 16), Instrument of Agony
1 (5/day) Inflict Light Wounds (DC 15), Interrogation (DC 15), Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds, Interrogation (DC 15), Litany of Weakness
0 (at will) Stabilize, Create Water, Light, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Detect Poison


Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 7
Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 24
Feats Antagonize, Cleave, Enforcer, Great Cleave, Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack -3/+6
Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (religion) +8 (+12 to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures), Perception +15, Profession (torturer) +15, Sense Motive +19, Survival +4 (+8 to track) Modifiers monster lore
Languages Common
SQ domains (conversion inquisition), judgement (3/day), solo tactics, swaying word (1/day) (dc 18), teamwork feat (change 4/day), track
Other Gear 150 GP

Special Abilities:

Antagonize Use Diplomacy or Intimidate to goad creatures
Bane (+2 / 2d6) (8 rounds/day) (Su) Make the weapon you are holding a bane weapon.
Bravery +2 (Ex) +2 to Will save vs. Fear
Cleave If you hit a foe, attack an adjacent target at the same attack bonus but take -2 AC.
Detect Alignment (At will) (Sp) Detect chaos, evil, good, or law at will.
Discern Lies (8 rounds/day) (Sp) Discern Lies at will
Enforcer If you deal nonlethal damage with a melee weapon, make a free Intimidate check to demoralize.

Enforcer Domain (Conversion Inquisition) Deities: Any deity.

Granted Powers: You are a powerful persuader. A honeyed tongue empowered by divine argumentation sways the indifferent and adversarial to your side.
Judgement of Profane Destruction +3 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Judgement of Profane Healing 3 (Su) Fast Healing
Judgement of Profane Justice +2 (Su) Attack bonus
Judgement of Profane Piercing +3 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Judgement of Profane Protection +2 (Su) AC bonus
Judgement of Profane Purity +2 (Su) Save bonus
Judgement of Profane Resiliency 2: Magic (Su) DR/magic
Judgement of Profane Resistance 6 (Cold) (Su) Energy Resistances
Judgement of Profane Smiting (Magic, Evil) (Su) DR bypass
Monster Lore +4 (Ex) +4 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Second Judgement (3/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Solo Tactics (Ex) Count Teamwork feats as if your allies had the same ones.
Swaying Word (1/day) (DC 18) (Sp) Spoken word of divine wisdom dominates one person for 1 min (Will neg).
Teamwork Feat (change 4/day) Swap your most recent Teamwork feat for another
Track +4 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Weapon Training: Axes +0 (Ex) +0 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Axes


In short, Lucelia is an excessively pious Inquisitor/Fighter cross who specialises in converting her opposition through her powers of diplomacy, intimidation and straight up torture. She was the youngest of twelve children, and was always treated as the baby of the family. It was this yearning that lead to her dealings with Asmodeus and to her training in the art of physical manipulation. Despite all this, her childlike upbringing still sneaks through: She keeps a bright pink journal in which she writes about her future husband, has a chamber of kittens to snuggle with, and likes to paint water colours.

What are the rules for getting something like a mithral chain shirt?

I am so into this, and I have the perfect character that i've been wanting to make for the longest time.

Dark Archive

I'm not at all sure what the goals of building a gestalt character is, so I'm not sure what the other half of the character will be. I'm picuting a synthesist that's adopted ther persona of a Linnorm. He's a spurned child from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings*. He knows that linnorm blood is the key to leadership and he's come across that in a completely different way.

His eidolon will be serpentine and build around that either focused around the bite or constricting.

I've no idea what the other half of Summoner|??? should be. I'm imagining that Fighter or Sorcerer would both be pretty decent options.

GM: How would you like to handle Permanent spells?

@GM 2: Would you consider letting me (If I played a tiefling) allowing me to choose to sub out my spell like ability for option 12 on the alternate ability chart for tieflings? Note: This is a summoner, so not sleeping would mean a lot more eidolon time.

*Rather, a land where men are venerated by the power of the beasts they kill intead of their own merit.

Hmm there seems to be enough interest to open up a proper recruitment thread. As soon as I finish the House rule document I will post the recruitment thread, might take me a day or two more.

@Monkey God: Thematically Vampire would be fine, would you be alright to use the Dhampir Race and call it a vampire? For ease of rules and the like, you will still be allowed to do things like make thralls that are your minions.

@Ptolmaeus: I haven't finalised how special materials will work. Likely you can make X amount of items from a selection of material dependent on your level. Expect another table though a mithral chain shirt should be attainable by level 8.

@twilsemail: There are only 3 kingdoms in the world (Kalvian, Varien and Nazca), though you can say he was a spurned child from a part of the Kalvian land where men are venerated by the power of the beasts they kill instead of their own merit.

The reason I made Kalvian a nomadic kingdom is you can be from any sort of society as each nomad group could be different. Though there was only one set of royalty in Kalvian which has since been killed by the PC group a few years prior.

Permanent spells: This will take up an item slot, so if you took say comprehend languages permanent you would need an item slot of 2500g or more.

You can change which items and consumables you have between each level.

Tiefling changes: If you take the fiendish heritage feat then yes.

How do you feel about third party material? Depending on how I flesh out the character, there might be some a class I would be interested in.

Am totally thinking of basically making a Malkavian from Vampire the Masquerade.

I would also like to signify interest. My primary interest for a character is some sort of deceptive shapeshifter, who uses his ability to change his form to infiltrate places from within. Probably a Rogue/Druid or Druid/Bard combination.

@Monkeygod: All paizo material that can be found in d20pfsrd are fine. 3PP I don't mind too much but I would want each piece you include run by me first and a way to find the rules for them so I can check them.

Okay, I think I know what I'm going with now, based on the new information available. If it works out well, I'll be playing a slightly psychotic two-headed orc.

EDIT: Perhaps not. We'll see what I decide on...

@Loup: Well the two-headed orc would work just fine, you'd still use the orc race but you'd have a second head you could talk with. We don't need any additional rules for it.

Omg I am all over this. I'll have something posted tonight. I favor casters Espically for high level stuff.

Here is my vague idea. I'd like to play the diabolist PRC using wizard ash base and taking improved familiar. This way I can have two bonded imps. One a familiar and the other an animal companion. I'll give them each unique and amusing personalities. Haven't decided specifically what, but the interplay will be amusing. Maybe name them Frick and Frack. :-)

I'm not sure about the other half of the gestalt. Maybe monk or cleric of Azmodeus.

@Tiny Coffee Golem: Don't post the build until I put up the recruitment thread properly as I am going to get everyone to post their aliases or builds there anyway.

So to get to diabolist you are going something like Wiz7/? taking the improved familiar feat at that level. The ending up with Wiz7/? Diabolist1/?

If you were to go with a tiefling you could get Gestalt the cleric half and get an imp by level 3 with Fiendish Vessel for earlier entry.

Dark Archive

Davachido, do you have a link to the Fiendish Heritage feat? I'm not sure I know where that's from.

I'm 90% sure I'm going with a Summoner|Fighter. It'll make my life easier with the balancing act that might follow.

Fiendish Heritage

Davachido wrote:

@Tiny Coffee Golem: Don't post the build until I put up the recruitment thread properly as I am going to get everyone to post their aliases or builds there anyway.

So to get to diabolist you are going something like Wiz7/? taking the improved familiar feat at that level. The ending up with Wiz7/? Diabolist1/?

If you were to go with a tiefling you could get Gestalt the cleric half and get an imp by level 3 with Fiendish Vessel for earlier entry.

Something like that. I haven't fully considered the build yet. I am open to suggestions and i like the fiendish vessle thing. I just think its comedic gold.

Maybe I'll do master summoner for the other half of my build. That could be fun and themantic.

Dark Archive

So, given the rest of the rules in BoF, I'd be trading a feat slot to no longer need sleep, neh?

Just looked over fiendish vessel and I love it. I'll be going that route.

I may go fiendish vessel(cleric)/ sorcerer. May keep me from being quite so MAD. Still
Thinking. We'll see.

I'll throw my hat in this as well.
I have a Druid/Rogue Gestalt char ready, stalker/predator type all about attack though I don't think he would be much of a ruler.

For a cartoony type I'm thinking of a Druid/Sorcerer with Infernal Bloodline, or just a Druid/x with Asmodeus worship. Taking the form of a little bunny or other cute fuzzy animal to fool people, then cast a powerful spell while my eyes light up a bright red (think those satanic South Park critters).

Also transforming from a small flying creature into a huge animal while above my enemy seems tons of fun (pun intended).
Druid/Cavalier also looks pretty badass, perhaps introducing a small party of animals that act as a troop of troubadours (think Bremen Stadsmuzikanten, German folklore)

I want to make a bard/master summoner, just to make the most rediculous and complicated gestahlt character ever muhahahaha

See? Totally ready for an evil campaign.

In all seriousness, this sounds rather fun and here is a Gestalht character I created for a not-so-evil campaign a while back. Basically she spontaneously casts whatever spell whenever she wants to (lawl u mad at my sorcerer/oracle?) I'll change her background so instead of recovering from the destruction of her village she set out on a murderous rampage.

I always love feedback/thoughts/ideas!

@twilsemail BoF? What's that? As far as I can tell form the feat you get to roll on the random table, I'll let you choose that though and you can change the racial starting stat line. Otherwise that huge list of features is usually not under the normal alternative race features.

@Cora You could go with that, though you'd be a relatively serious villain. I'd suggest to inject some silliness into it.

@Rocan Nothing says he has to be a 'competent' ruler. I still want everyone to be evil overlords of some kind as like I said in the CC you will start off with a themed town.

Dark Archive

Blood of Fiends is the sourcebook for playing tieflings. It made all the alternative stat lines in that feat standard choices (Basically broke tiefling up in to nine very similar races).

The listed random chart is in the book as well, but just as an option for alternatives to the Spell-Like ability feature (Darkness for standard tieflings, different for the other varieties).

Blood of Fiends p. 15 wrote:
Players with a particular character concept in mind may consult their GM if they want to select a specific variant ability.

That's what I was asking about earlier. Swapping out my SLA (in this case Shatter) with the ability to go without sleep. It doesn't grant immunity to sleep or anything, just removes the daily need.

Also, thoughts on Leadership? It kinda seems like a waste to be a dragon and not have minions. Probably Kobold minions, though with the back story some kind of Fey might work out as well.

This sounds interesting. I have a character concept in mind already too.

Gobby the Tyrannical Terror:
with Turrets.

Edit: Though Gobby the Stuttering Tyrant might work better.

I have an arcana savant that would be really cool for a evil campaign. What level are we playing? He is best at level 12.

Or a thrall herd that comes together at level 11. The thrallherd is likely better for this game.

Facing my Druid(Lion Shaman)/Rogue(Scout)at lvl 8 would be terrifying
2d6 +8 x3, plus two extra attacks & sneak attack times 5, 4d6, when charging, pouncing and raking

In terms of leadership he could be having a town that's worshipping cats in all forms and cuteness.
As a quirk, he spends too much time in cat-form, even out of combat he turns into a cute kitten and be pampered by others. His subjects think he is a feline god.

Okay, gravitating between two concepts... first we have the Left and Right heads of Uzak, who currently have no profile beyond that they exist. Backstory will be pretty simple, as will his combat and even leadership style. For classes, I'm thinking barbarian and rogue (scout, skulking slayer) to make the most of brute force on a charge. The catch? He's going to be a user of nonlethal damage, because he just wants to talk with them...

My other idea is for a "Little Sister, Big Daddy" type character a la Bioshock; a young character, if not an outright child, whose only friends growing up were his/her eidolon and summoned creatures. I'm planning either summoner/undead lord cleric or summoner/juju oracle for this one, with heavy emphasis on having reanimated friends and pets. Appropriately evil, creepy, and amusing.


Well I got Cora done. Holy s@%! this is the scarriest character I've ever made. She's fairly glass cannon, but it wouldn't take her very long to devestate entire ranks of enemies

Okay, after some rudimentary crunchwork and background idea planning, I've decided I'm going to attempt my Little Sister idea as a summoner/oracle. Right now I'm working with the character as a small dhampir (same idea as small aasimars and tieflings, use all the stats but make 'em small). However, I've run into a minor snag in the idea...

I want the character to ride around on the "Big Daddy" eidolon's shoulder. However, the eidolon is a biped form, which means it can't get the mount evolution. This leads to the issue, but I see two possible solutions: either 1) allow me to use the mount evolution for this eidolon, despite the requirement; or 2) let me "ride" the eidolon without it officially being a mount. I'm not sure how that second option would work mechanically; maybe the character is being carried like gear? I'm not sure.

Anyway, that's the concept.

EDIT: Making it a summoner/undead lord cleric. Can't get past the idea of having a skeletal dog companion.

I know what my build will be.

Fiendish vessle (clr)5/Diabolist 3 of azmodeus
Wizard 8

Full cleric and wizard casting plus two imps. I'll take craft wand and make the proper investment to be a three headed mobile damage platform. Plus other tricks. :-)

Will be taking profession (lawyer) and maxing it out.

When not in battle the imps will be treated like Lawfirm errand boys.

Omg this is going to be so much fun! I hope I make it.

On a side nots I've played several games with Monkeygod. He's good and I highly recommend picking him.

The talk of all of the tiefling characters is kinda bumming me out. The character I have planned is a sorceror one generation removed from a contract devil, and has apprenticed under grandad for the last 70 odd years. Nothing too fancy, other than a specific (not broken) magic item grandad gave him. A quill of tongues (translates anything he writes into a language of his choice), that allows him to cast a geas on anyone he gets to sign a contract with. Interesting interactions with good ol' grandad, I would expect as he develops.

Ok I had a thought on this game here is the cocept.

A kobold alchemist that concentrated on bombs, gestalt with either sorcerer or oracle or anything that involves fire.

he runs a special domain occupied by gnomes that make stuff.

the name of his place is called Acme Inc.

he sells stuff to all the other evil lords to use on each other or on good guys.

sends out catalogs with his latest inventions for sale .

specializes in anvils.

the kobold goes by the name Click Click becuase his signature trademark is a bomb with a clickers that he clicks just before tossing.

and yes his last name is Boom

@twilsemail huh sorry from where I found the table it was from a different sourcebook and uses a feat. Yea that's fine then.

With regards to leadership I'm not banning it but it is effectively worthless as everyone will have minions and a town to themselves regardless.

@Fictionfan Answered in the character creation section, starting level 8.

@Loup Blanc I would just make you able to "Perch" on his shoulders and not actually ride him. So none of the combat feats work but you he can ferry you around effectively.

@Tiny Coffee Golem Profession skills won't be used in the game but it doesn't stop you from being a super lawyer.

@All hopefully I will have the document finished sometime tomorrow so proper character building can happen.

Cool, thanks! I should have the character hashed out, both crunch and fluff-wise, later today, then be ready to switch it over if need be.

Davachido wrote:

@twilsemail huh sorry from where I found the table it was from a different sourcebook and uses a feat. Yea that's fine then.

With regards to leadership I'm not banning it but it is effectively worthless as everyone will have minions and a town to themselves regardless.

@Fictionfan Answered in the character creation section, starting level 8.

@Loup Blanc I would just make you able to "Perch" on his shoulders and not actually ride him. So none of the combat feats work but you he can ferry you around effectively.

@Tiny Coffee Golem Profession skills won't be used in the game but it doesn't stop you from being a super lawyer.

@All hopefully I will have the document finished sometime tomorrow so proper character building can happen.

I didn't expect Profession Lawyer to actually do anything in game. It's a RP thing. WHen dealing with the Burerarcy (Spelling?) of hell it's useful to have a law degree. ;-)

Dark Archive

I'm probably going to scrap the dragon. Several people are bandying about words like "Summoner" and... "Summoner." I can break out a fresh idea and work with that.

@Davachido: How do you feel about Psions?

@Tiny Coffee Golem I'm of the opinion you don't need skill ranks to RP something. I have no problem if you say you have a law degree in hellish law and you act that out. :)

@twilsemail: Their cool, there's a few in the setting already, just use the PF version from Psionics unleashed. I'll use the rule that detect psionics detects magic and vice versa.

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