Loveablefatass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So I'm trying to make a merfolk fighter and need some advice. We are starting at Lv. 5 so I have some room to work. And before you ask No this is not an aquatic campaign and yes I am insane. The first problem is my land speed... thats 5. My first thought was to take take the strong tail trait wich increases my land speed to 15, then start with one Lv. as a barbarian to increase it to 25.
I really wanted to go pure fighter but I can deal with it for not being so slow. I was also going to do one handed and shield, but I'm not sure yet. What are some tips you can give me to make this work? Also what have I not thought about?
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
The Chort |
There's also the travel domain, which you could take as a cleric or inquisitor which would grant +10 to movement speed. I think travel domain as a cleric also gives you longstrider, a spell that gives you +10 movement speed for 1 hour/level.
...but that might be even less desirable than a barbarian dip, since you do lose BAB.
Monks also get a lot of bonus movement, eventually.
Loveablefatass |
There's also the travel domain, which you could take as a cleric or inquisitor which would grant +10 to movement speed. I think travel domain as a cleric also gives you longstrider, a spell that gives you +10 movement speed for 1 hour/level.
...but that might be even less desirable than a barbarian dip, since you do lose BAB.
Monks also get a lot of bonus movement, eventually.
I was thinking about monk, seeing as I hate spell casters (I don't know why) but I really like being able to just break things. Although we do have enough smash... I might try monk.
Loveablefatass |
isn't there also a spell that transfoms your tail to legs? get a wand of that or use some of your wealth to make a belt using that spell as a constant effect.
This would indeed work, but it feels to much like cheating. I want to see if I can actually function as a merfolk. But I will keep this in mind.
DaWay |
From PRD:
Seafoam Shawl
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot shoulders; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This shawl of delicate lace grants the benefits of the fins to feet spell (see below) once per day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fins to feet; Cost 3,000 gp
Also from PRD:
Fins to Feet
School transmutation (polymorph); Level druid 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target willing creature touched
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Save none; Spell Resistance yes
You transform the target's fins, flippers, or tail into legs and feet, allowing it to walk on land. The target loses its swim speed but gains a base speed appropriate for a humanoid of its size (speed 30 if a Medium or larger creature, speed 20 if Small). If the creature is immersed in water for 1 round, the transformation reverts, allowing it to swim normally. One round after leaving the water, the transformation occurs again, allowing it to walk.
This spell only works on merfolk, tritons, seals, fish, and other creatures whose bodies or limbs are used mainly for swimming and are not suitable for walking. It does not give the target the ability to breathe air.
blackbloodtroll |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Avoid Monks and Rogues.
Go Barbarian, and embrace your Murmaider tendencies.
flash_cxxi RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Loveablefatass |
Avoid Monks and Rogues.
Go Barbarian, and embrace your Murmaider tendencies.
You sir, may have all my internets! I might just do this for the lol's.
lemeres |
No mention on the violence? I mean, I would imagine any video with mermaid murder would be NSFW.
Would the pc be a murmaiderer? Would that be a murderous mermaid, or a mermaid murderer? Well, since this is a merfolk far away from the ocean and their original culture, I will assume that it might be both.
Part of me wants to make a natural attack focused merfolk barbarian now.
blackbloodtroll |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
We are on a board, discussing a game, in which all the players are murderers.
APs with rapist Ogres, weapons designed to decapitate enemies, and some blood and boobs is an uproar.
For real?
How the hell can anyone even discuss this game and be such prudes?
That's like loving pizza, but hating the crust, sauce, and cheese.
Dang it, now my brain hurts!
lemeres |
Since we are talking about 'not safe for work,' I might as well ask: Would your boss want you on RPG forums in the first place? Plus, text does get a weird amount of leniency compared to actual images and blaring metal music. Basically, it is easier for the management to over look this forum than violent images of mermaid genocide, since that can be recognized at a glance.
I'll agree that censorship traditions are quite weird in the US. Take the movie rating system: any depiction of sex or non-hetero normative behavior tends to bump a movie up to R, but blasting dozens of people with machine guns can get away with PG 14. I love the way the documentary This Film is Not Yet Rated put it (paraphrased): "I'd rather have my kids do weird things with fruit than have them going around with guns." I simply wanted the violence in the video to get equal amounts of concern really.
lemeres |
I do believe that the natural attack, if allowed, would be a tail slap, which is a secondary natural attack (primary with a 1.5 STR bonus if it is your only one) that does 1d6 damage for a medium character. But I'm not sure if you could get it allowed. Technically, for a merfolk, the action might count as an unarmed strike, akin to a kick.
Interesting thought: a Monk 6 merfolk gets either 25 or 35 movement based on their racial traits. The same could be obtained with Monk 3/ Barbarian 1. It would an interesting backstory to justify all that at least. With master of many styles, you could take advantage of style feats with this build. Unfortunately, not very practical since you cannot use armor, and you primarily think of this character as a fighter, right?
Anyway Blackbloodtroll, all decisions on what and what is not appropriate arbitrarily shifts from situation to situation. It is simply a part of human society. We are not trying to stop your from showing the video, we just would like a heads up first. Especially since Dethklok is not exactly the kind of thing you would want to accidentally stumble into with your volume maxed on a bus full of nuns and kindergartners.
AtomicGamer |
Two central options are available, at least one of them has been used with at least a modicum of success.
1. Persuade the GM to make an aquatic campaign.
2. Make a regular merfolk character, then find a suitably powerful witch to cast a polymorph on you to turn you into a human, you'll probably only have to pay her with something you don't REALLY need. (the ability to speak or something, just learn sign language or take a class that can get you telepathy)
lemeres |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Just be sure to get the prince to marry you, or you will turn into sea foam. PROTIP: That witch will probably disguise herself as you and use your voice to still your man. See if you can come back at night and...solve the problem.
If you plan to have that natural attack, then part of me wants to suggest using a reach weapon. Reach helps you control the battlefield, but a natural attack would allow you to still threaten adjacent squares. Reach could also help lighten the burden of slow speed.
Dark Immortal |
@blackbloodtroll, I know you have issues with censorship, but for those of us in the US (whether we have issues or not or are prudes or not) we can *easily* lose a job by clicking a link where the first image is several women with breasts, followed by music blaring. It's common courtesy in the States to put *nsfw* before anything potentially objectionable is linked to so that people with good enough jobs to be on the internet and reading forums, can KEEP those jobs since we all like eating, having a home to go to and money to spend on pathfinder products, as well as free time to get on the forums AFTER work to check out that NSFW link you might have sent.
I agree, that many laws and customs regarding sexuality, nudity etc, in the States are just stupid but hey, those are the laws....for the time being. So we're just asking you give people a warning since in some countries, not giving that warning can literally mean that person won't have a job soon because they trusted what you linked.
Amazing link btw. I'll NEVER see mermaids the same...and now I want to play in an aquatic campaign.
lemeres |
Loud, guttural descriptions of racial genocide (albeit fantasy based, but still) should generally be considered more offensive than simple nudity. Otherwise... I feel something is just plain wrong. Although.... without looking, it is hard to tell what is even being said, but it is loud enough and with a low enough frequency to get a lot of people to want to look.
I'll admit that the 'acceptable' versions of censored material can be bizarre. Basically, I think it is mostly about how easy it is to claim plausible deniability with a higher sounding purpose. An upscaled version of "I read it for the articles" basically. But even classical works of art have faced periods of censorship. Why do you think that so many Greek marble statues have discretionary fig leaves? That was often a Renaissance alteration done centuries afterward. Today, we hold the delusion that we are more advanced than that period because we can distance ourselves from it. It is harder to distance ourselves from a modern work than a classical or classical inspired work of art. Control of distance is the key of skirting around this issue. Dethklok tends to be down, dirty, and in your face with their messages, which hold an observable power, but one that we might want to handle with care while in public.
Dark Immortal |
Here in the states breasts are considered nudity, as are any sexual organs or areas. I've seen people fired over SAYING suggestive things...not even blatantly sexual ones. In fact, I was required to bear witness over the incident. So I know, first hand, that it is no joke. The economy here is terrible so losing a job because you said something has to really hurt.
If this was a european country or someplace that wasn't so prudish, it wouldn't be as big a deal. But here, it is. The law is against the people who aren't prudes. Clicking your link and hearing blaring music (no warning it was loud) which makes people turn heads to see what happened, and then flashes of breasts and murder could *easily* cost someone their job and they'd have never seen it coming. It sucks that that's the way it is here but that is how it is.
Worse, you can get fired if someone sees it on your phone or laptop that you bring to work. So the general theme among halfway intelligent people in this country is 'be careful' and 'use common sense'. The smarter people among us have had to get that way or else we'd all be looking for work. I know that for some people, it totally sucks. Not so much of a big deal for me unless I was at work and clicking your link and got fired because of it. But other than that, I don't care if I see some chicks boob. I'll just patiently look at something else until the interesting images appear or go about my business and do something else. Gotta love us crazy Americans with all of our stupid laws, though. *sigh*
Dark Immortal |
I would SO lurk the paizo boards at work if I could. My last job, before we got infinitely busy, I'd spend my free time researching such things as meditation, business strategy and what cards to shove in my next YuGiOh deck....
And most places don't have speakers on their computers. But I've worked at a few that do.