A couple of questions about a magic composite bow

Rules Questions

(1) I enchanted my +1 STR composite bow with +2 magical bonuses. But now I'm at +2 STR. Is there any way to have a bower fix my bow so now it's +2 STR composite? I don't want to start from scratch in building a whole new bow and pay to have it enchanted again...

(2) if my bow is enchanted with +1 flaming (1d6 fire damage), can I do things like shoot an arrow at a pile of hay or a roof to set it on fire? If it has Shock for 1d6 shock damage, can I send it at the water to electrocute everyone in it?

(1)I don't know of anything that expressly forbids upgrading a composite bow to compensate for greater strength. If I remember correctly, in the real world composite bows are made with several layers of different material glued together. I could see the GM letting you take it to a weapon smith and paying maybe 200 gold to add some new layers and a new string to increase the str of the bow (maybe add a little magic since I have no idea how that would work in real life).

(2)Again, I don't know of a rule that says flaming weapons can't light other stuff on fire (assuming the stuff is flammable of course). As for the shock weapon into water, I'd give it a 5ft radius aoe to shock surrounding targets, and give them a reflex save to dive out of the way.

Disclaimer: None of what I just said is based on stuff from the rule books. It's just my opinion of how it could work, and how I'd probably run it were I the GM. If there are answers to OP's questions in the rule books, I'd like to know them as well.

Shadow Lodge

(1) Adaptive enchantment +1000gp, bow now scales to str of user. Has to be at least a +1 bow of some type to add this enchantment.

(2) Yes its possible to set flameable thing alit with a flaming weapon. Not sure about the electrical part.

Jacob Saltband wrote:
(1) Adaptive enchantment +1000gp, bow now scales to str of user. Has to be at least a +1 bow of some type to add this enchantment.

face palm I forgot that adaptive was just a flat price not an enhancement.

What's the difference between a flat price and an enhancement? Do I not need to get an extra +1 to put it on, I just need to pay some bowyer 1000g?



1) Not sure what the official rules are but seems reasonable to allow.

2) Again not sure if there's RAW but I'd allow you to at least attempt to set hay, roofs, pools of lamp oil etc. assuming the target is flammable. The spell Flame Arrow clearly states you can do so. Just won't set a creature on fire. Shock is a little less clear but again if it's something reasonably conductive I don't think it would be unreasonable to allow a limited AoE around a point of origin but for less damage something akin to splash damage (and likely you'd have to be deliberately attempting to do this vs shooting at a foe and missing)

Dang Ninja's running all over.

A flat price means no you don't have to increase the weapon's enhancement. It means you pay the same whether you are adding it to a +1 bow or a +5 Flaming Holy Ghost Touch weapon. In this case an additional 1000gp

Liberty's Edge

Where is Adaptive enchantment from? I just did a quick search on the PRD but nothing came up

Also, regarding the +1d6 magic damage, does that triple on a crit? Does my STR bonus from the composite bow triple on a crit? What about my +1 damage bonus from precise shot?

Marc Radle wrote:
Where is Adaptive enchantment from? I just did a quick search on the PRD but nothing came up

It's from Ultimate Equipment

Ooga wrote:
Also, regarding the +1d6 magic damage, does that triple on a crit? Does my STR bonus from the composite bow triple on a crit? What about my +1 damage bonus from precise shot?

The d6 from flaming doesn't multiply. And precise shot doesn't add damage. The damage from something like point blank shot and the str bonus would multiply.

Why does STR and point blank multiply but d6 flaming does not?

Ooga wrote:
Why does STR and point blank multiply but d6 flaming does not?

Because extra damage dice (like from the Flaming property, or sneak attack) never multiply. Only static bonuses (like your strength bonus or the weapons enhancement bonus) get added in multiple times.


Multiplying Damage: Sometimes you multiply damage by some factor, such as on a critical hit. Roll the damage (with all modifiers) multiple times and total the results.

Note: When you multiply damage more than once, each multiplier works off the original, unmultiplied damage. So if you are asked to double the damage twice, the end result is three times the normal damage.

Exception: Extra damage dice over and above a weapon's normal damage are never multiplied.

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