Third Mind |

Hello all, I was contemplating a Drunken Master of Many Styles Human Monk and I wanted to take first, the Panther Style feat chain, the Crane Style feat chain and the first 2 feats of the Dragon Style feat chain (Dragon Style & Dragon Ferocity). Later on, if there's room, I was thinking of picking up Snake Styles.
My problem is that I'm not great at optimizing feat line ups and was hoping to get help from that. As for level, well, I'll leave that up to how many levels it takes to get these feats and still be effective.
Here's what I have thus far.
Level 1 -
Combat Reflexes, Panther Style, Panther Claw
Level 2 -
Crane Style
Level 3 -
Level 4 -
Crane Riposte
Level 5 -
Crane Wing
Level 6 -
Dragon Style
Level 7 -
Dragon Ferocity
Does this work? Would it be effective enough assuming properly spread stats? Would it be better to add things like mobility and power attack in there and push other feats back?
Thanks in advance for any constructive advice.

submit2me |

What are your starting stats? This will help let us know which feats should be bonus feats in order to ignore prereqs. Also, I'm assuming you want Dodge, Combat Reflexes, and ranks in acrobatics anyway? These are all prereqs, but if you don't want any of them, letting us know that will help as well.