ShadowChemosh |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
V2.10 of the Community Bestiary, 100% free from the community, will have the Reign of Winter AP chapter 1 out very soon. It will be followed very shortly with Chapter 2.
V2.10 will also have Book 3 of the Way of the Wicked AP and Chapter 6 of the Shattered Star AP.
We are currently going through testing and Preparing of all the portfolio's now. The encounter and portfolio files will be a zip file you download from d20pfsrd and inside the zip will be folder breakdown of the different events and encounters for Reign of Winter.
ShadowChemosh |
v2.10 of the Community Bestiary is available and contains Chapter 1 NPCs, Monsters, and encounters for Reign of Winter.
If you don't already have the Community stuff setup for download from inside of HL then go to THIS post and follow the setup instructions.
If you already have the above setup then simply download v2.10 of the Community Bestiary from inside of HL. Then download the new AP67 Reign of Winter file that contains all the .por files from d20pfsrd.
Final step of course is to unleash the horrors on to your players. =)
Tangent101 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
And in case you never read the tutorial, you load the enemies into the same file as the PCs, and can have the program roll Initiative for everyone. And then Drop Item... and transfer it right to the PCs without needing to code in magic items directly. It is a huge time-saver. I'd been running multiple incarnations of Hero Labs without realizing what was intended because I skimped on the tutorials. ^^;;
ShadowChemosh |
v2.10 of the Community Bestiary is available and contains Chapter 1 NPCs, Monsters, and encounters for Reign of Winter.
If you don't already have the Community stuff setup for download from inside of HL then go to THIS post and follow the setup instructions.
If you already have the above setup then simply download v2.10 of the Community Bestiary from inside of HL. Then download the new AP67 Reign of Winter file that contains all the .por files from d20pfsrd.
Final step of course is to unleash the horrors on to your players. =)
V2.11 of the Community Bestiary is now out and contains chapter 2 and 3 of Reign of Winter.
To get the new .por files download the .zip file linked above as it now contains chapter 1 to 3.
ShadowChemosh |
Okay. I'm STILL getting errors that don't allow Thora to load properly or Winter Oracles. Is there some Campaign files needed for this as well, or is Reign of Winter and the primary Pathfinder books (including Ultimate books) all that's needed?
The statblock that Paizo provides lists the "additional" books that are required. So for "Thora" on page 27 it says (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Irrisen, Land of Winter 58). So as the community does not recreate that which is already in an Official Data set you will also need that Official Package to get Thora to load correctly.
The packages for the CB to load are the minimum requirements and individual portfolios may require more or less. As we have over 5,000 portfolios we now support listing exactly what each one requires, beyond the minimum load packages, is not possible.
If a monster is listed in the back Bestiary of the AP those are re-created from scratch as Lone Wolf does not do those. But if a monster is already made we don't re-make it. So as Reign of Winter pulls from Winter witches and other Irrisen things its pretty safe to bet that "Paths of Prestige" and "Irrisen, Land of Winter" are good packages to also get if you are running this AP.
Nargath |
I've got the Community Bestiary, have had for a while, but wasn't able to find anything statted up for each of the encounters as listed in the books, any of the NPCs, etc.
The only things I could find were the magic items, and the raw monsters when I went to Import Stock Hero -> AP67 - Reign of Winter
I read your above post, and realise now that the actual "combats" are in their own .POR files.
But on the actual install of the Community Bestiary inside of Herolab, whereabouts are they installed to? Just did a search on my computer, but couldn't find any RoW related POR files. Found all the other ones for other adventure paths, but no RoW.
ShadowChemosh |
Then download the new AP67 Reign of Winter file that contains all the .por files from d20pfsrd.
If you have had the CB for awhile we changed the way we did things. This was because of last check the .por files is over a gig in size. So if everything was in included in the CB it would take several hours to download. Not including the huge bandwidth it would take on my servers.
So the zip files for RoW are stored as an individual download from d20pfsrd which is linked in the post above. This saves on bandwidth for everyone.