Tiger Claws feat w / Sneak Attack

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

According to the Tiger Claws feat description:

While you are using the Tiger Style feat and have both hands free, you can use a full-round action to make a single unarmed strike with both hands. Use your highest base attack bonus, rolling unarmed strike damage for each hand separately and multiplying both if you score a critical hit. If you use Power Attack in conjunction with this attack, can add half your Strength bonus to one of the damage rolls. If you hit, you can attempt a bull rush maneuver with a +2 bonus on the combat maneuver check. This bull rush attempt provokes no attack of opportunity from your opponent, but you cannot move with that opponent if your bull rush is successful.

If I have a rogue with Sneak Attack, is SA damage applied once or twice?


Once - precision damage never gets multiplied - see Manyshot for an example.

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