How do you describe damage to creatures with no face or form?


Lantern Lodge

I try my best to be descriptive in combat as a GM but I can't really think of an effective way to convey damage or special effects on something like an ooze.

Any thoughts?

Liberty's Edge

I picture Oozes as either losing mass or cohesion as they take damage. You could describe say a lightning bolt charring the surface of the Ooze and while the blackened surface is quickly homogenized into the amorphous mass it seems less substantial than before. or something like that.

what happens to jello when you stomp on it and mash it up? what happens when you pour baking soda or acid on it, or hit it with a flame thrower? come on man... this is like an average weekend for me.

Your sword cleaves off a piece of ooze the size of a loaf of bread...Your mace blow causes pieces of ooze to splatter in all directions...After the fireball the ooze gives off a terrible scorched smell and seems to have problems retaining its former size and cohesion. Just think about what the thing their doing would look like and describe it.

How about something more challenging like incorporeal undead, do ghost touch weapons actually cleave off limbs?

VDZ wrote:
How about something more challenging like incorporeal undead, do ghost touch weapons actually cleave off limbs?

A large slash leaking inky shadow appears across the wraiths chest. The shadow recoils in pain as your blade plunges into its torso. As your mace slams into the ghost it seems to waiver in and out of existence for a moment before its form stabilizes a little less vibrant then it was a moment before. I avoid cleaving limbs when describing damage except for outright kills because losing a limb has mechanical effects.

"...seems to emit a soundless shriek." is a useful stock phrase.

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