Are tailed humans legal?

Pathfinder Society

I was wondering if the Magical Tail feat (kitsune, Advanced Race Guide, page 193) is legal in conjunction with the Racial Heritage feat (human, Advanced Player's Guide, page 168).

I thought the combination along with making a human ninja is the perfect rationalization for a ninja who has a nine-tailed fox sealed inside him (for those that are familiar with the anime Naruto).

5/5 5/55/55/5

No. In pfs the access to those feats in the advanced race guide are only allowed to members of the appropriate race.


Where are you seeing that?

Regarding the ARG, AR says: "To create an dhampir, fetchling, goblin, ifrit, kitsune, nagaji, oread, sylph, undine, or wayang character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation."

Regarding the DE Gazetteer: "To create a kitsune, nagaji, or wayang character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation."

Only under the DE Primer does it say that "kitsune feats on page 5 are legal for kitsune characters," and that isn't just limited to that book, it's limited to that page.

I think the AR page used to contain language that would prevent Racial Heritage from utilizing a Kitsune boon, but it does not seem to anymore. Am I missing it in another location?

Edit: Yes, "racial feats ... are only available for characters of the associated race," but the whole point of Racial Heritage is to waive race as a prerequisite.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Michael Brock has said before that this does not work.

Here is one of his reasons why.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I'm trying to find the other threads where he has addressed this before. Pretty sure the ruling was that you can only select Core races with this feat. So, Dwarf/Elf/Gnome/Halfling/Half-Orc. Not Kitsune/Dhampir/Tiefling/Aasimar/Tengu/whatever-else-might-potentially-be-a n-option. Hopefully someone else can linkify my statement.


Okay, that works. They should go back to the old phrasing on the AR page, then.


Hmm. So if I chose to burn a race boon on a character, would that would allow me to take that character as a human, then buy racial heritage, and attach Kitsune boons to him? I ask because that would seem to satisfy LoreKeeper's original inquiry of how to play a Naruto-style character.

Thanks :)

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I could see that working, with an official ruling of course, but wouldn't you rather just play as a Kitsune instead?


Well yes, but then, I'm not a big fan of Naruto.

Racial Heritage says nothing about giving you the physiology of the race.


I don't think anybody's saying it does.

It's kinda implied that's the case if you're asking if tailed humans are legal and if they can grow extra tails.


I disagree.

Consider Blood Beak: One of the listed prerequisites is "natural weapon racial trait." So the feat doesn't make you grow a beak. On the other hand, Magical Tail has no such prerequisite, and instead causes you grow a tail as you acquire a magical ability.

And since someone is inevitably going to tell me that "extra tail" means there has to be one in the first place: No, it doesn't. Extra can mean "additional," but it can also mean "beyond or more than what is usual, expected, or necessary." Obviously the intent was to add a tail in addition to the one(s) already there, but that intent doesn't take into account Racial Heritage. If you grow up with Kitsune, and somehow learn their magic, it's not unreasonable to assume you'd manifest it in the same way.


Nefreet wrote:
I'm trying to find the other threads where he has addressed this before. Pretty sure the ruling was that you can only select Core races with this feat. So, Dwarf/Elf/Gnome/Halfling/Half-Orc. Not Kitsune/Dhampir/Tiefling/Aasimar/Tengu/whatever-else-might-potentially-be-a n-option. Hopefully someone else can linkify my statement.

Sidebar: Since the intent is to make Boons worthwhile, and Aasimar/Tengu/Tiefling are now legal choices, can't we now assume that one can take Racial Heritage and Aasimar/Tengu/Tiefling feats (for which they qualify)?

Dark Archive 4/5

Well the answer to that question is

Aasimar, no because Aasimar is a native outsider and not a humaniod like required in the feat

Tengu, yes for any tengu feat that doesnt come from the ARG or any book published thereafter (you can only take feats, traits etc from your own race for the ARG)

Tiefling, no because Tiefling is a native outsider and not a humaniod like required in the feat

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I recall Mike making a statement that the racial feats in ARG are ONLY allowed for the specific race they were designed for. That would seem to over-rule the general rule that racial heritage allows you to pick from another race's list.

The Additional Resources are pretty clear on the subject...
"Alternate racial traits, racial archetypes, racial evolutions, racial feats, and racial spells are only available for characters of the associated race. Racial equipment and magic items can be purchased and used by any race as long as the specific item permits it (for example, only halflings can purchase and use solidsmoke pipeweed)."
emphasis mine


I think, in this case, the feat would be the specific case, and the racial feats are the general rule.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I would call the PFS rules as the specific case and the core Pathfinder rules as the general rule. Meaning that the AR would take precedence.


That would make the Racial Heritage feat PFS meaningless, but it is not currently on the banned list of the AR.

If the feat is legal, it must do something.

Dark Archive 4/5

The Racial Heritage feat is not meaningless, it can be used to take any feat/trait with a humaniod racial prerequisite published in any material prior to the ARG.

This is a reasonable list of available options (quite a few of which are nice), However Mike Brock has said many times that Racial Heritage will not and does not apply to any material in the ARG or later sources

Dark Archive 4/5

Just from 1 book the APG you can choose any of the following feats using Racial Heritage

Arcane Talent
Fight On
Keen Scent (grants Scent)
Smell Fear
Lucky Halfling
Razortusk (bite attack)
War Singer

This doesnt count other splat books like orcs of golarion, halflings of golarion, elves of golarion etc.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

It does. It applies to all the legal races EXCEPT those in the ARG. As a human you can choose from dwarf, elf, halfling, and gnome. I'm not sure it has any effect for half-orc, but didn't bother researching it.

Remember that the feat came out in the APG which significantly pre-dates the ARG. I treat it like the summon monster lists. It was intended for the Bestiary and when Bestiary II came out, the contents were not automatically available. Even now, you cannot summon elementals from BII/III even though by RAW it would be fine. Leadership has said no to the elementals and they have now said no to applying the Racial Heritage feat to the ARG. It still functions just as well as it always did on the material that was available at the time it was published.


Caderyn wrote:
This is a reasonable list of available options (quite a few of which are nice), However Mike Brock has said many times that Racial Heritage will not and does not apply to any material in the ARG or later sources

Can you provide a link?

Dark Archive 4/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Mahtobedis wrote:

But doesn't racial heritage that you count as the race for "purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on."

I'm not getting why the and so on also doesn't apply to additional resources and ARG.

yes you need to be that race to access to that races toys but racial heritage seems to make you of that race.

I just don't understand how this works, or more accurately doesn't work.

It's pretty simple. People wanted Chronicle sheets to have meaning and significance. One of the ways we can do this is restrict items in books and not just make everything legal across the board. We can then offer those restricted items on Chronicle sheets when they appear in a scenario. As mentioned above, all future books that are similar, such as Blood of Night, will be restricted in a similar type of situation. Just because it doesn't work like you like doesn't mean it is broken as you allude to here. It is actually working fairly well and we have received mostly positive feedback with this change.

There is also the whole treesinger thread (which was the first time Racial Heritage was ruled to work differently in PFS),

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:
Can you provide a link?


Mike Brock wrote:
Racial spells found in Avanced Race Guide are for the specified race only. Any future books will also have the same restriction. Books that came out before Advanced Race Guide are open for all as outlined in Additional Resources.


Mike Brock wrote:

For Treesinger, no you can not take it as a human. Jason's ruling is for the overall Pathfinder rules. For PFS, we are more narrowly defining the rule.

As to the question a couple of posts up, no the Scarred Witchdoctor archetype is not available and a human can not qualify for any Orc related items, whether they be archetypes, feats, etc.... For this to ever be trumped, they would need to appear on a Chronicle.


Mike Brock wrote:
Alternate racial traits, racial archetypes, racial feats, and racial spells are only available for characters of the associated race. Racial equipment and magic items can be purchased and used by any race as long as the specific item permits it (for example, only halflings can purchase and use solidsmoke pipeweed).

I hope that will suffice and put this topic to rest.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

As a side note, I would encourage people to think beyond looks when attempting to make interesting characters. It's harder to make a character's looks apparent to others at your table than it is to make their personality shine. A funny voice, a few quirks and a deep, underlying philosophy goes a lot further than simply being a rare and unique race. Right now, I would say that my most interesting character to play is probably my human.

Where can you find ideas for these? Look at archetypal characters in fiction, both in fantasy and beyond. Try asking yourself what your favorite type of character would be like if they were raised in Golarion. Also, consider there are 10 excellent philosophies custom-made for Society play, and every Pathfinder is required to take one. In the end, race is an important consideration for a character's personality, but it is by no means the biggest or most important consideration.


Okay, so the feat only works on things published before the ARG.

How do we tell which ones were published when? I mean, if I just picked up People of the North, I can reasonably be expected to remember that ... but I don't know which came first, the ARG or the Dragon Empires books, and their respective product pages don't seem to have a date of publication listed.

Dark Archive 4/5

Mike has said that all future releases will carry the same wording in the additional resources page as the ARG so it should be fairly easy for you to tell, if it has a line in the Additional Resources stating that feats/archtypes/traits etc can only be taken by members of the associated race then thats the only people who can take it.

An example of this is in the blood of the night AR entry

"Note: Racial feats, racial traits, and racial spells are only available for characters of the dhampir race"

Goblins of golarion says

"To create a goblin character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation. Only legal goblin PCs are allowed to choose anything from this book."

Basically Racial Heritage will allow you to take options available to other races as long as it is not banned to other races in the additional resources

Netopalis wrote:

As a side note, I would encourage people to think beyond looks when attempting to make interesting characters. It's harder to make a character's looks apparent to others at your table than it is to make their personality shine. A funny voice, a few quirks and a deep, underlying philosophy goes a lot further than simply being a rare and unique race. Right now, I would say that my most interesting character to play is probably my human.

Where can you find ideas for these? Look at archetypal characters in fiction, both in fantasy and beyond. Try asking yourself what your favorite type of character would be like if they were raised in Golarion. Also, consider there are 10 excellent philosophies custom-made for Society play, and every Pathfinder is required to take one. In the end, race is an important consideration for a character's personality, but it is by no means the biggest or most important consideration.

I agree 100%, in fact the character I envisioned with the human + kitsune tails is one that has no tails at all (just a 9-tailed demon fox sealed inside him) - but when he uses the feat-granted spells, then the illusion of tails appear as the guy is outlined by a vaguely fox-like shape. (This would be familiar to those who watch or read Naruto.) It's a case of making a story come to life mechanically, rather than having an exotic appearance.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

LoreKeeper wrote:
I agree 100%, in fact the character I envisioned with the human + kitsune tails is one that has no tails at all (just a 9-tailed demon fox sealed inside him) - but when he uses the feat-granted spells, then the illusion of tails appear as the guy is outlined by a vaguely fox-like shape. (This would be familiar to those who watch or read Naruto.) It's a case of making a story come to life mechanically, rather than having an exotic appearance.

It sounds like a great idea for a character in a home game. A GM can really run with something like that and ensure that such a character and his companions really shine. Pathfinder Society (and Organized Play in general) has a lot harder time dealing with such unusual characters.

This is why re-skinning things is simply not allowed.

Rather than adapt character concepts from another source, I'd strongly recommend the opposite and encourage people to read up on Golarion. Think about the wide variety of people who live there. Then focus on one specific area and the residents of that area.

I'd personally love to sit down with a player playing a former pesh addict from Katapesh, who has found redemption in following the Prophecies of Kalistrade. In my mind this is far preferable to someone attempting to recreate the Golarion equivalent of Inspector Gadget.

I'd personally love to sit down with a player playing a former pesh addict from Katapesh, who has found redemption in following the Prophecies of Kalistrade. In my mind this is far preferable to someone attempting to recreate the Golarion equivalent of Inspector Gadget.

You make a compelling argument. For what it is worth, I'm not specifically trying to re-create the Naruto character (personality and all) - I was/am interested in taking it as a seed to grow an original character that has an original (ahem) background. In practice, in PFS, he'd still just be a Pathfinder going about the business of making the world a Pathfinder-friendlier place. Much like a former pesh-addict: the details are in the flavor text.

My own personal take on what you suggest is Sensei Slow Sure Fist (one of my PFS characters) who hails from Chu Ye. Being crippled after battles with the oni who rule his home, Slow Sure Fist has taken over the role of a teacher - and then as a diplomat - traveling to Absalom to represent his home Chu Ye to recruit aid for the beleaguered nation. In mostly all PFS scenarios (whenever he runs into nobles or merchants of some means) he makes compelling arguments to raise awareness and funds to help Chu Ye.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Serisan wrote:

That would make the Racial Heritage feat PFS meaningless, but it is not currently on the banned list of the AR.

If the feat is legal, it must do something.

It is only meaningless if you want something from the ARG or later release.

You can still take things from other races from the Core Rulebook, the Advanced Players Guide, any of the Racial splat books published prior to the ARG, and any other book that offers an racial option that is not in the Advanced Race Guide published prior to the ARG.

The only book that is so restricted is the Advanced Race Guide and any later published books.

So that still leaves you with hundreds of options for Racial Heritage feat.

Just because you can't get specifically what you want, does not make it useless. Just apparently useless to you.


Caderyn wrote:

Mike has said that all future releases will carry the same wording in the additional resources page as the ARG so it should be fairly easy for you to tell, if it has a line in the Additional Resources stating that feats/archtypes/traits etc can only be taken by members of the associated race then thats the only people who can take it.

An example of this is in the blood of the night AR entry

"Note: Racial feats, racial traits, and racial spells are only available for characters of the dhampir race"

Goblins of golarion says

"To create a goblin character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation. Only legal goblin PCs are allowed to choose anything from this book."

Basically Racial Heritage will allow you to take options available to other races as long as it is not banned to other races in the additional resources

Okay. Thanks.

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