Noob Thread for Noobish Questions(free-for-all)

Homebrew and House Rules

kk... I am one of the few unfortunate souls who doesn't have a good gamemaster. SO i have some questions, and u can post some too. hijacking this thread will be only accepted if it is a rule question.

Here is my first question...

If i have a lv1 barb, lv1 DragonrIDER, AND LV2 MAGUS, WOULD I HAVE LV3 arcane caster level cuz from magus and dragonrider?(in dragonrider page, it says that dragon riders use arcane spells).

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I saw your question in another thread. For character's with a mix of spell casting classes and non-spell casting classes, you only count the levels of the spell casting classes for you caster level.

example: for a Magus 2, Fighter 2; the caster level would be 2, unless "Magical Knack " trait was taken, then it would be 4. (Magical Knack allows one spellcasting class to be counted as 2 higher for caster level only. (you only get spells for a 2nd level agus.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
darkorbit wrote:

Here is my first question...

If i have a lv1 barb, lv1 DragonrIDER, AND LV2 MAGUS, WOULD I HAVE LV3 arcane caster level cuz from magus and dragonrider?(in dragonrider page, it says that dragon riders use arcane spells).

I donl't know about the Dragonrider (3rd party material and all)

But unless it specifically says that the levels stack for caster level purposes, then you would have 2 caster levels.

Your Magus caster level would be 2, and your Dragonrider caster level would be 1.

You'd have a caster level of 2 with Magus spells, and a caster level of 1 with Dragonrider spells. However, I have no clue what a Dragonrider is.

Silver Crusade

Having looked up the dragon rider, one thing you forgot is that Dragon Rider doesn't actually have a caster level until 5th level.

So a 5th level Dragon Rider has a caster level of 1.

sry, i figured out answer:

"Through 4th level a dragonrider has no caster level. At 5th level and higher, his caster level is equal to his dragonrider level –4."

And i will always be Dragonrider lv1, so my caster level will depend on my magus level, since i am now planning to go magus all the way

i know elamdri know but thanx

Silver Crusade

Second, Caster levels do not stack.

So you have a caster level of 2 for your magus spells, and if you get Dragonrider to level 5, you will have a caster level of 1 for your Dragonrider spells.

Edit: Ninja

But I thought both would stack cuz both are arcane spell casters . U can even check their pages.

I have another question

For a new race that I am building, would it be fair to halve the rp of a trait like fast healing if it only applied in a certain terrain?

Also, if I had +2 str, +2int, and -8 charisma, how much rp would that be?

For your arcane spellcaster (or a divine spellcaster), caster levels for each class are considered separately. They only stack (in general) when you take levels in a prestige class, such as the loremaster. You could have a character who is a 6th level sorcerer/6th level wizard/8th level bard; his caster levels would be 6th for his sorcerer spells, 6th for his wizard spells, and 8th for his bard spells. Yes, he's a 20th level character. But he never stayed with one profession long enough to truly master the intricacies of that class's magical abilities.

For the fast healing, probably not. Letting the fast healing apply only in certain terrain is iffy. A PC might never find themselves in that terrain at all, giving them a useless ability. Or they might spend all their adventuring time in it, making it so that they got fast healing all the time for half the cost.

For your str/int/cha critter, don't go there would be my advice. Charisma is a common dump stat for many optimizers; you just made sure this race cannot function in certain classes at all (sorcerer, bard, oracle; paladin is also impaired). Also, one hit from any creature with Charisma damage or drain will level this character, or even an appropriate poison. When you take things to this extreme, it's very difficult to properly balance them, regardless of what the numbers may or may not say.

Oh, and keep the questions coming :)

I mena, we are mainly doing some dungeon adventures, but we are starting to go into the wilderness...

so if i do 1hp er 2 rounds in mnts deserve half rp(if not, how many hp per how many rounds?)?

+2 str, +2int, and -8 charisma, how much rp would that be?

+1 RP Weakness (+2 physical, +2 mental, -4 creators choice)
+6 RPs Declined abilities (+4 for the first -2 and -2 for the remaining -2)
+7 RPs Total

*Note: This is based off race creation attribute mechanics, not a real reference.


if i hve a -8, how is the rp so high, higher than when i had +2, +2, and -4?

You end up net +7 RPs.

It would be a 7 point boon to you not a cost.

Speaking as a fellow noob, my advice would be not to mess with the Racial generation systems until you're not a noob any more. The "Advanced" nomenclature is meant to be taken literally.

darkorbit wrote:

kk... I am one of the few unfortunate souls who doesn't have a good gamemaster. SO i have some questions, and u can post some too. hijacking this thread will be only accepted if it is a rule question.

edit* i was one of the unfortunate souls who used to not have a good gamemaster...(so i am advanced now)

oh sekeer so i would gain 7rps back...

darkorbit wrote:
Also, if I had +2 str, +2int, and -8 charisma, how much rp would that be?

As a thought expirament it's fine but please don't make a character like this for real.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

darkorbit wrote:

I have another question

For a new race that I am building, would it be fair to halve the rp of a trait like fast healing if it only applied in a certain terrain?

Honestly, that really depends on the type of game you will be running/playing. Let's say the fast healing only worked while underground. If 90% of the game (or even 90% of combat encounters) took place in an underground dungeon, the ability should be full price. On the other hand, if you were playing an urban intrigue game where only 10% of the encounters were underground, it might make more sense.

In general, I'd stay away from something like that, since it can be so swingy depending on the type of game you're running.

our gamemaster varies on the terrains, but it is mostly dungeon and my terrian is mountains...

and hawk, i am making this

darkorbit wrote:

and hawk, i am making this

Not to be rude, but when you come to a board claiming to be a "noob" looking for advice, and then blatantly ignore the advice of the people you're asking, it doesn't help your position much.

I'll add my voice to the don't do it crowd though. It will be VERY unbalanced, and will put anyone playing the race at a serious disadvantage. +2 +2 -4 would be a much better option.

But this race had no social life because they were all isolated in mountains acroos the world... so they didn't learn how to talk with other people, though they knew how to speak languages

actually, im making a thread FOR noobs, and i am asking questions from my little ones who are just starting pathfinder... they are very curious...

and also, if i am a level 3 magu, lv1 barb, and lv1 dragonrider, how many feats should i have

darkorbit wrote:
and also, if i am a level 3 magu, lv1 barb, and lv1 dragonrider, how many feats should i have

3 maybe more if you are human.

darkorbit wrote:
But this race had no social life because they were all isolated in mountains acroos the world... so they didn't learn how to talk with other people, though they knew how to speak languages

That would mean the average member would have a Cha of 2 or 3. Such a low Cha stat means the barely know how to interact with each completely dull and bland with no personality at all.

I guessed it would be the perfect power gamer race.

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