666bender |
i dont think i saw in any guide the follwing combo, if any one have a link - please do.
the idea is to make an archer that is also a mini-buffer to the party.
i was thinking at Eldritch Knight Vs Arcane Archer, with sorcerrer and either fighter OR ranger.
our DM allow only one prestige class - so cant combo the 2.
option #1 -Eldritch Knight :
lvl 1: fighter or ranger
lvl 2-7: sorcerrer level 6
lvl 8+ : EK
this build allow at level 11:
weapon SP, caster level 9
BAB = 8
option #2 Arcane Archer:
lvl 1-6 ranger
lvl 7 : sorcerrer
lvl 8+ Arcane Archer
this allow at lvl 11:
special feat like precise shot-improved
great fort and ref saves
caster lvl 4 only
BAB = 10
lower caster for dure, but with our low magic world and no buying items, it shall allow nice archer capabilities with mild casting,
any thoughts?

Old Mammoth |
666bender wrote:Why wizard and not sorcerer for EK ?
Ain't the more spells per day a better option ?delayed spell progression sucks. Losing out on bloodline powers suck. Wizards have WAY more spells in their spellbook than a sorcerer has spells known.
With the "no buying magic items" clause, that might not be the case. The only way to add spells would be finding scrolls in loot, and the player would not have any control over what spells they get. (Besides those gained at first level)

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I know this wasn't one of the options, but have you considered Magus for several levels and then dive into Arcane archer. Its a simpler build, no multiclassing, higher caster level all around.
Level 1-8 Magus
Level 9 + Arcane Archer
Level 11 build =
4th level spells
10th level caster
BAB +8
Good Fort and Ref saves
Doesn't suck at melee *(opinion)
The only thing that suffers is not as many skill points as a ranger/sorc build.

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nice idea... hoping the DM approve magus..
I'm also going to recommend the Myrmidarch (Archetype) in the Ultimate Combat. It is specifically an archer/melee magus that will get you started without having to wait for Arcane archer levels. Plus, AA doesn't allow ray spells, but Myrmidarch does. Once you get to AA levels, you can imbue area and rays on your arrow.

kyrt-ryder |
A Brigand! wrote:With the "no buying magic items" clause, that might not be the case. The only way to add spells would be finding scrolls in loot, and the player would not have any control over what spells they get. (Besides those gained at each level)666bender wrote:Why wizard and not sorcerer for EK ?
Ain't the more spells per day a better option ?delayed spell progression sucks. Losing out on bloodline powers suck. Wizards have WAY more spells in their spellbook than a sorcerer has spells known.

Slacker2010 |
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Why wizard and not sorcerer for EK ?
Ain't the more spells per day a better option ?
Sorry been wanting to chime in here again. Work yesterday was brutal.
First off let me say: Play what you want! Its about having fun and reguardless of what combo you take to get there you will be a really effective Party memeber. If you prefer spontaneous casting then go Sorcerer.
Now into the Details:
Wizard lvl 5: 3 third level spells (1+school bonus+INT bonus)
Sorcerer lvl 5: 0 third level
Wizard lvl 6: 4 third level spells (2+school bonus+INT bonus)
Sorcerer lvl 6: 4 third level spells (3+CHA bonus)
See they have the same spells but Wizard gets one level faster, lets keep going on more iteration.
Wizard lvl 7: 4 third level spells (hasnt changed) & 3 fourth level spells (1+school bonus+INT bonus).
Sorcerer lvl 7: 5 third level spells (4+CHA bonus) & 0 fourth level spells.
Why yes, the sorcerer has more third level spells, but while he has 1 more spell in that area the wizard has 3 new 4th level spells. Its not even fair.
Wizard lvl 8: 5 third level spells (got +1) & 4 fourth level spells (2+school bonus+INT bonus).
Sorcerer lvl 8: 6 third level spells (5+CHA bonus) & 4 fourth level spells (3+CHA bonus).
So on the even even levels sorcerers will have a sweet spot that they have one more of their lower level spells. The difference is 9 vs 10, its really minor. Also your lagging a WHOLE level behind. While this might be acceptable for pure sorcerers (all they do is cast). If your doing EK, you dont need that many spells cause alot of your actions will be attacking (firing arrows in this case). So its much better to have more powerful spells than the more lower level spells.
As a sorcerer you get a feat at 7th level, ahh, we dont make it to 7th level so thats just a loss. The better Sorcerer bloodlines would be Arcane and Draconic. Since your only going 6 levels your Arcane blood line will only give you one regular cast time of metamagic per day. You will get some solid spells in Identify and Invis. Draconic would be my preference cause it gets you Perception as a class skill, some resistances and Mage armor (solid if your not wearing armor with your higher dex) and Resist Energy. Resist Energy to me is a must have. You get in your bloodline here so wouldnt have to pick it up. You can also do little more damage when blasting. All in all, I feel the wizard class abilities are better and like above, spells at a faster rate.
While the Wizard is Stronger Mechanically, I prefer spontaneous casters.