Season 4 story arc of +1 awesomeness - 4-9, 4-11, 4-13

Pathfinder Society


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I had a chance to catch up on a few season 4 scenarios at Genghis Con.

In particular, I wanted to voice my approval of the 4-9,11, and 13 series. If folks haven't played them, I recommend they do so, in order, with a table of strong role-players and a balanced party.

The series was a wonderful combination of open ended problem solving, puzzles, and thrilling combats tied together by a reasonable strong narrative and central villain. It was the first time in PFS I've used handouts from one module to good affect in another part of the series.

Altogether, I found this particular sub-arc much more coherent then, say, Shades of Ice or Echoes of the Everwar - and this with three separate authors.

Good job!

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Thanks for the kind words. And keep in mind, 3-25 has a tie-in with the central villain. You may also see the central villain a few more times.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

I agree and have to say that I love the two that I have played so far. One small criticism that I have regarding it, though, is the wonky level ranges for it. It jumps from 3-7 to 1-5, then to 5-9. You have to have a level 4 or 5 to play them in order next to each other. The scenarios themselves, though, are pure genius. The writing for season 4 has been truly excellent, even if the difficulty is really, really high for a couple of them.


Netopalis wrote:
One small criticism that I have regarding it, though, is the wonky level ranges for it. It jumps from 3-7 to 1-5, then to 5-9.

I'd like to add my praise for this arc, and really Season 4 in general.

Some of our local players raised the same concerns as Netopolis, but I actually quite like that the scenarios draw from different levels of talent. To me, it makes the Society feel more like a large organization working in concert, rather than one band of adventurers moving the plot forward by themselves.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know in the past, development has always wanted to tell the story in the tier it is appropriate for. Hence, why different parts of the same story arc may involve different Pathfinders having to achieve a different mission. Sending levels 1-5 into an embassy on a reconnaissance mission is certainly something low levels can accomplish. They aren't as well known, there is less loss if they are captured, etc...

That same group probably doesn't have a chance of surviving entering into and leaving from a Hellknight prison. So, the Decimverate calls in bigger and more experienced agents to handle this next mission. While the same character may have difficulty playing these adventures in order, it makes sense to the storyline that different teams might be needed to accomplish the different missions.


I too am extremely fond of this story. Also the (previously thought) odd level requirements do make sense after reading Mike's post.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

Michael Brock wrote:

I know in the past, development has always wanted to tell the story in the tier it is appropriate for. Hence, why different parts of the same story arc may involve different Pathfinders having to achieve a different mission. Sending levels 1-5 into an embassy on a reconnaissance mission is certainly something low levels can accomplish. They aren't as well known, there is less loss if they are captured, etc...

That same group probably doesn't have a chance of surviving entering into and leaving from a Hellknight prison. So, the Decimverate calls in bigger and more experienced agents to handle this next mission. While the same character may have difficulty playing these adventures in order, it makes sense to the storyline that different teams might be needed to accomplish the different missions.

Well, that's fair enough. Now that you mention it, it IS an interesting way to connect your characters.

Scarab Sages 5/5

I am also a huge fan of this story line. I also love that it ties into the previous seasons scenarios. I came into this season expecting to throughly enjoy the high tier metaplot, more so then the low tier. I was completely wrong. Not that the Lissala plot isn't great, but the low tier plot is so awesome. II look foreword to being able to GM and play the whole storyline.

Please keep up the good work.

4/5 ****

I also think this was a great bit of linked story. There was no requirement to play them in order however there were a lot of subtle advantages to be gained in Fortress of the Nail from knowing the details of what happened previously.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Everyone please remember spoilers... I want to thank everyone who has posted so far for being careful...
You see, I have a 4th level who has played 4-11 (at 3rd), and I'm working hard to get him to 5th so I can play him in 4-13. Originally I created him with the intention of him becoming a Hellknight - and he was looking into Order of the Nail, so this may be a life changing event for him, and ... but I'm talking to much, can you tell this story arc has me excited? It feels like it was created for him!

Anyway, I just had to chime in too, and say thanks! for this series - I'm hoping I can get him to level 5 to play in 4-13...


Percy Footman wrote:
Anyway, I just had to chime in too, and say thanks! for this series - I'm hoping I can get him to level 5 to play in 4-13...

Non-spoiler spoiler:
Don't play up.
Silver Crusade 5/5

redward wrote:
Percy Footman wrote:
Anyway, I just had to chime in too, and say thanks! for this series - I'm hoping I can get him to level 5 to play in 4-13...
** spoiler omitted **

LOL! I figured it was ok to peek at a non-spoiler spoiler... and yes. I never play up. Not even in season 0's...

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I must have missed something; I've played 3 of the 4 scenarios we're talking about and haven't noticed any links between them. (Fortress of the Nail is the only one I haven't played).

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This has also been a favorite story arc of mine. Kudos!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Avatar: (Spoilers for the first three below)

The BBEG of 3-25 is the brother of Tancred Desimire. In 3-09, you can bring up the fact that his brother was killed working for the Aspis Consortium to humiliate him in front of the wedding. He retaliates by forging evidence against the Paracountess, causing her to get disappeared. You find out that he did this in 4-11.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Iammars wrote:

Avatar: (Spoilers for the first three below)

** spoiler omitted **

That's incredible. I'll have to go over this again when I GM them. When I first heard the fellow's name, I didn't recognise it or why it was important.

spoiler from 3-25:
We killed his brother too quickly in 3-25 to find out he was actually his brother, after using some retreating tactics.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

3-25 spoiler:
To be fair, it's not easy to pick up on unless your Chelish or Taldan, as those faction missions blatantly spell it out.

Silver Crusade 5/5

There are further ties in bonekeep, and 4-EX.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

You can also find a note from Aglorn in 3-14 Snakes in the Fold. I forsee Tancred becoming quite the thorn in the Society's side...

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