thoughts on a "lineage vampire"

Homebrew and House Rules

I have been considering special abilities awarded to to dhampirs turned by the vampire who created them. The lazy part of me wants to just slap on the advanced template and call it good, but frankly I want more. Ideas I've had include constant deathwatch/detect undead, the ability to "adopt" spawn from other vampires, and even to see and experience through their spawn. thoughts, suggestions?
Edit: oh god, I kinda flooded the homebrew boards. whoops

you know what, i am curious again. bump

so nobody else gives a crap?

There is a booklet on this. I've got it. Blood of the Night. I don't like it much since it doesn't have the stats on the parent vampire lineages.

Try looking at the vampire class levels. you could give them a few abilities from there, or a free level or just the ability to take vampire levels.

CCCXLII wrote:
Try looking at the vampire class levels. you could give them a few abilities from there, or a free level or just the ability to take vampire levels.

hmm a decreased level adjustment would be good for player characters, but i am looking at special abilities for BBEG.

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