Does size directly correlate to speed?

Rules Questions

If my size is reduced but there is no mention of my speed being reduced, is my speed reduced? The same goes for when I am enlarged - does my speed automatically increase? It would seem for the most part that speed and size are related, but they're listed as 2 separate properties in race templates and a dwarf is one such race that proves they aren't always correlated. Also, enlarge person specifically says there is no change in speed.

no, many small things are slower, and many large things are faster, but simply changing size does not modify this explicately. If your size is changed by a spell or other effect it will specifically state if your speed is modified.

Is an iron golem fast? What about a humming bird?

Grayfeather wrote:
Is an iron golem fast? What about a humming bird?

Iron Golem: "Speed 20 ft."

While hummingbirds exist (providing focus components for Foresight), they're not listed in the bestiary. The closest analogue would probably be a diminutive bird, such as a Thrush which has Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average).

Small creatures like Gnomes and Halflings have a speed of 20ft... while Golblins and Kobolds have 30 feet speed (because of racial abilities... plus as a species they are used to running away from predators [adventurers! lol]).

If you enlarge or shrink normally any of the above creatures, their speed does not change.

However certain spells or effects can change their speed (such as Longstrider spell or wildshape,ect)

FYI... a Dwarf with medium or Heavy Encumbrance gains no benefit from the Longstrider spell because of the Dwarf racial ability to carry huge loads without reducing speed.

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