Ioun stone defense


Shadow Lodge

Is there any way to protect your floating ioun stones?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Get it embedded into your skin? There's rules for that.

Dark Archive

Sew them under your skin. The rules are in SEEKER OF SECRETS


Make them permanently invisible?

Don't sweat it.

An enemy taking actions out of combat to snatch them is giving you a free round to disable them and take it back, along with all their loot.

Both wayfinders and surgically embedding them are viable options. Placing them in a wayfinder has special effects, too.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

But Anguish, what if he's stealing my Cracked Gamboge Nodule ioun stone that gives me immunity to Cloudkill, and I just cast Cloudkill in the area. I need that :(

Get a handful of Ioun Torches; they'll make it hard to catch a "real" ioun stone.

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Just a stray thought when I read thread title: I imagined hundreds of ioun torches floating around you like a shield.

Grand Lodge

VRMH wrote:
Get a handful of Ioun Torches; they'll make it hard to catch a "real" ioun stone.

Even cheaper, buy three times as many dull grey Ioun stones.

Ioun Torches cost 75 gp each.
Dull grey Ioun stones cost 25 gp each.

And then if you ever need it, you can toss one of them into a Wayfinder to get that once per day 10 minute Read magic cast....

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