How Much Food Can You Carry?

4th Edition

We are playing the 5e playtest module "Mud Sorcerer's Tomb" (or something
like that) and apparently we are stuck in the dungeon for 1yr until the
outside door opens again.

How many food rations will I need?

Sorry, Tensor, you want to kick over this ants' nest tonight, you're on your own.

1 ration = 1 day = 1 lb.

1 day's water = 1 gallon = 8 lbs.

[Up through 3.x, anyways.]

365 lbs. of food per person
2,920 lbs. of water per person

I recommend create food and water and a lot of good books. :)


Does Create Food and Water still exist in 5e?? I think it's gone.


Scarab Sages

In that case, so is your character (unless there is a useful ecology in that dungeon).

It's the mud sorcerer's tomb. Lots of moisture, so water isn't a problem. Just lick the walls. Once your rations run out, best determine what sorts of edible fungi and algae are available. Be sure to conserve your resources. If you eat all the rats and bugs in the first few months you'll only have the fungi and plant life to live on, so be sure you brought a druid. Once all that is gone, eat the non-optimized characters first.

If you are not sure what spells are carried over to 5e, then you can not be sure what magic items are carried over also.....portable holes, bag-o-holding, wasn't there some sort of "basket of plenty"....

Then again, if you can't use the front door for a year, try to make your own door out.

Also, on a side note, Arnwyn is pretty much correct....during deployment it is always the water that is an issue, 2weeks of meal packs are no problem, the water and ammo big problem, on average we were packing in about 200lbs


At this point, we are each carrying about 1,000 lbs of treasure. And yet
we can still swim just fine. Maybe food isn't that big a deal after all.

Maybe they will add robot servants to 5e, that would be cool.


Shadowborn wrote:
...water isn't a problem. Just lick the walls...edible fungi and algae are'll only have the fungi and plant life to live the non-optimized characters first.


Wall-licking, consuming dungeon fungus, and cannibalism...not sure if srs.

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