druid and Wild Shape

Rules Questions

Hello :)

I'm French and i made my apologie for my writting :)

One friend and i are not okay of one point of Wild Shape.

if i' m a Eagle and i want change for another bird, it's necessary to return from original forme (human per example), before do that.

I find nothing any where on the PRD for a explication clear about that ??

The problème become from this :

" ... turn herself into any Small or Medium animal AND BACK AGAIN once per day


" ... The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, OR UNTIL SHE CHANGES BACK ... "

Thank's for the answer's :)

The Exchange

I had asked that same question recently to some Pathfinder Society GMs, "Can I wildshape from one form to another without changing back to my natural self?"
They said yes you can.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You would not have to change back into your original form, but when you changed back from your second form it would be into your first chosen form.

Example: Arni the 6th level Orcish Druid (Wild Shape 2x/day) dives into the water on a move action and wild shapes into a dolphin (nice for a swim speed of 80), but in swimming quickly along the coast encounters a series of nets too looming to leap over, so he uses Wild Shape on a leap out the water to become an eagle (keeping up the pace with an 80 fly) to fly over the hazard. As he approaches a certain castle he does not want to be spotted as an eagle can make a noticable presense. When changing "back" from an eagle he must change into a dolpin first, so chooses to make the change while still above the water. The dolphin swims up to the shore, changes BACK into Arni the Orc, walks up the beach.

Time should be tracked as total time for each form is 6 hours. So he could swim for 4, fly for 6, swim for 2 ...

I thought you could only shift a number of times equal to your times per day. SO 2X/d means you can shift into two forms.

The Exchange

Tiny, you are correct. Akaharose, in your example the druid can change into dolphin and then eagle but not back to dolphin (that would be 3x/day). Changing back to your natural self does not use up a wildshape use, but wildshaping into another form does.

Hello :)

Thanks everybody for the answers :)

Good Game and others things ^_^

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