Is Esmerelda Darkshadow the first...

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

LGBT character ever presented in Pathfinder?

Here's the thing: Esmerelda Darkshadow is one of the Eldritch Knights presented in the NPC Codex. According to her bio, Esmerelda is a female elven knight who seems to be cursed with pain and misfortune, as an oracle predicted that every person she loved will be met with doom. That prophecy occured when Esmerelda's wife-to-be got killed by orcs.

(Why she doesn't seek to resurrect her is beyond me, but whatever... Her girlfriend got killed, not died of old age)

So yeah, touchy subject, but still curious about if it's true...

BTW, I'm aware that this has been done before: in Eberron, as well as in the Races of Eberron book, the changelings (Doppelganger-descended humanoids) had a lifestyle that could have multiple lovers of either gender. However, that was in 3.5, not Pathfinder.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's been long said that one female and one male iconic is gay, and one is trans. (The Female iconic was revealed in the comic Pathfinder #5)

Pathfinder Comics #5:

It's Kyra the Cleric

On top of that there are more:

Pathfinder #1:
There is a Paladin who lives in Sandpoint who is gay.

Curse of the Crimson Throne:
The Arch-Villain is bisexual, and her chief lieutenant is a lesbian

There's many more examples throughout the Pathfinder materials but those are some of the earliest.

Redacted do to being Ninja'd.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am the silent wind of doom whoosh.

So I stand corrected then :)

I wasn't even aware that there was a comic book series of PF, and I didn't have the chance to run an AP, so... couldn't know.


(Kyra has a girlfriend? Huh, who knew...?)

I really want the Comics now...

I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere that all the iconics are bisexual unless stated otherwise. That may have just been TV Tropes though.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere that all the iconics are bisexual unless stated otherwise. That may have just been TV Tropes though.

I believe that James Jacobs said that. (i'm not sure of the exact link though ... )

JiCi wrote:
(Why she doesn't seek to resurrect her is beyond me, but whatever... Her girlfriend got killed, not died of old age)

That would be because of the entirely reasonable fear that if she were resurrected, she would likely be killed again.


Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere that all the iconics are bisexual unless stated otherwise. That may have just been TV Tropes though.

The "bisexual" comment wasn't so much "they're all canonically bisexual" as it was "if you play as an iconic character, roleplay for whichever team you want".

JiCi wrote:
(Kyra has a girlfriend? Huh, who knew...?)

Dammit, man, I didn't click DM's spoiler precisely because I didn't want to know who it was until I got my hands on the comic! *grumble grumble spoilers grumble*

I ain't mad, just make sure when you reference something in a spoiler tag from now on, that you spoil your reference too, okay? :)


Johnico wrote:
JiCi wrote:
(Kyra has a girlfriend? Huh, who knew...?)

Dammit, man, I didn't click DM's spoiler precisely because I didn't want to know who it was until I got my hands on the comic! *grumble grumble spoilers grumble*

I ain't mad, just make sure when you reference something in a spoiler tag from now on, that you spoil your reference too, okay? :)

Oh, sorry about that ^^;

Crown of the Kobold King also featured a gay NPC.

Assistant Software Developer

I added some spoiler tags.

Silver Crusade

Serisan wrote:
Crown of the Kobold King also featured a gay NPC.

I think I know the one you're thinking of, but there are two more that seem to have been largely forgotten.

The two adventurers that went in before the PCs were intended to be a couple, IIRC. The halfling and that caster in the art wearing a more revealing outfit than Seoni ever did.

Thinking about it again, I think those three might actually be the first ever for Golarion in printed form.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The NPC Codex also has a transgendered barbarian cannibal halfling named "Mother" Lanani Shabu. He is his tribes matriarch.

Transgendered. Halfling. Cannibal.

Too awesome for words.

If I understand correctly in Kingmaker:


There is a couple that both died before either could recover some treasure they had hidden.

Though I'm starting to notice something:


Could someone check the the rest of the AP's and see if we have a theme of a homosexual couple trying to store some loot to make a get away and die before recovering the treasure?

Silver Crusade

Abraham spalding wrote:

If I understand correctly in Kingmaker:

** spoiler omitted **

Though I'm starting to notice something:

** spoiler omitted **

Closest match in Curse of the Crimson Throne is:

Neolandus Kaleopolis and Salvator Scream. Neolandus had a hit on him due to knowing too much so Salvator made some arrangements to store him so they could get away later. Things didn't go as planned, but it's generally expected that both characters survive the AP is the PCs do well, though they're likely separated by quite a distance.

Damn it I hope the gay iconic is either Valeros or Ezren they are both so hot!

The Rivals Guide has a pair of gay men on one of the crews/groups, a fighter and wizard who are together.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Rise of the Runelords:

There is a gay couple in RotRL that lives in Sandpoint, I believe it's the leader of the Sczarni faction and the owner of the theater.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

SeaBiscuit01 wrote:
Damn it I hope the gay iconic is either Valeros or Ezren they are both so hot!

Valeros being gay would disappoint everyone who was relationshipping him with Imrijka.

My vote is for Sajan or Ezren.

CalebTGordan wrote:
SeaBiscuit01 wrote:
Damn it I hope the gay iconic is either Valeros or Ezren they are both so hot!

Valeros being gay would disappoint everyone who was relationshipping him with Imrijka.

My vote is for Sajan or Ezren.

I vaguely remember speculation it was Ezran, but that was from unofficial discussions ages ago.

It was being discussed in the Homosexuality in Golarion thread.

Silver Crusade

CalebTGordan wrote:
SeaBiscuit01 wrote:
Damn it I hope the gay iconic is either Valeros or Ezren they are both so hot!

Valeros being gay would disappoint everyone who was relationshipping him with Imrijka.

My vote is for Sajan or Ezren.

It's funny you say this, because I had to buy an Imrijka miniature to use for my human male inquisitor character.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Bigdaddyjug wrote:

It's funny you say this, because I had to buy an Imrijka miniature to use for my human male inquisitor character.

Any miniature can have a sex swap with enough filing, glue, and paint. Even if you are talking about plastic minis.

It would be more funny if you were using the character art for your male character.

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