Best TPK that wasnt funny then but is now.

Gamer Life General Discussion

Like to hear some before I share my embarrassing ones.

I died to an uber worm. The rest of my party went on without me decided to get me a res later. 4 people died to a brown bear. :P

Scarab Sages

Our party Barbarian failed his save versus Dominate during an enounter in our previous campaign. He proceeded to slaughter the party until the wizard managed to trap him in a Resilient Sphere, right before dying the next round from a bleed effect the barbarian had inflicted on him. The Barbarian's Superstition ability hadn't stopped the Dominate effect, but it stopped every attempt the party casters made to stop him up until he rolled poorly against the sphere. It was terrible at the time, but afterwards it was kind of funny, primarily because the barbarian couldn't roll a crit to save his life despite having a falchion and a slew of critical feats, but once he was swinging at the party he was getting crits every other roll or so. To this day the party's own barbarian is remembered as the worst enemy they ever had to fight.

Living Arcanis, a couple years back.

Due to player apathy towards recording details of the plot (my fault, I should start writing things down), combined with playing a two-parter out of order, certain details about exactly who the BBEG of the module was were unclear.

So when a plot was uncovered, evidence was brought to The Man In Charge, who also happened to be the BBEG. We were supposed to take this information to his more lawfully-oriented underlings -- no, in fact, we were supposed to do more investigation and then take the evidence to his underlings. But no, we confronted the BBEG directly. This in the middle of an army camp, that the BBEG is in charge of.

The main roleplayer in the group insisted that we had found evidence of an evil plot, and when the BBEG asked him if he wanted to give a statement, the character agreed. So the BBEG escorted the PC out, took him back into the barracks, and when surrounded by the soldiers, the BBEG turns and says, "Kill this man, please."

The rest of us died by stupidity which I can only say was founded in the belief that this was all supposed to happen, and the module was supposed to end with us making a deal with the BBEG. No, we also told the BBEG we knew about the plot and we wanted to assist him. He took us all out, surrounded by soldiers of course, disarmed us "as a security precaution", showed us what was happening -- and then told us we were its next victims.

TPK, with no combat or even dice-rolling whatsoever.

Grand Lodge

Our party spent four hours in a dungeon, but then I was slain by an Elf....

Scarab Sages

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
I died to an uber worm. The rest of my party went on without me decided to get me a res later. 4 people died to a brown bear. :P

Oh man, brown bears. In the second edition days I hated those fuzzy b@$t@rds worse than dragons or beholders. "It's just a bear!" he says. "Please, God no!" says I.

And then furry brown death descends.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

When I first started playing Skyrim, I hid behind that oddly rounded funny looking rock. That turned out to be a sleeping bear.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, so, no kidding. 3.5 game. Three players: Me, girlfriend who is brand new to gaming, some other dude. GM: Good friend of mine who is not a good GM. Since we only have three people we're trying pulling double duty characters; I'm a rogue/sorcerer and my girlfriend was a paladin and I forgot what the other guy was but I'm willing to bet it was straight combat. Anyway the paladin powers were never really explained to my girlfriend so she was basically just playing it as a crippled fighter, but we didn't realize that until this happens:

GM throws us up against zombies upon zombies. I mean just way too many zombies. GM then forgets that zombies are by default "slow." We didn't stand a chance. But we went down even faster than expected, because my girlfriend just keeps swinging her sword. "Turn Undead," we keep telling her, and she keeps just waving us off. So we all go down and the GM's all embarassed and finally I turn to my girlfriend and say, "Why didn't you Turn Undead?!"

She looks me right in the eye and responds, "WHY WOULD I WANT TO BECOME UNDEAD?!"

Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:

Okay, so, no kidding. 3.5 game. Three players: Me, girlfriend who is brand new to gaming, some other dude. GM: Good friend of mine who is not a good GM. Since we only have three people we're trying pulling double duty characters; I'm a rogue/sorcerer and my girlfriend was a paladin and I forgot what the other guy was but I'm willing to bet it was straight combat. Anyway the paladin powers were never really explained to my girlfriend so she was basically just playing it as a crippled fighter, but we didn't realize that until this happens:

GM throws us up against zombies upon zombies. I mean just way too many zombies. GM then forgets that zombies are by default "slow." We didn't stand a chance. But we went down even faster than expected, because my girlfriend just keeps swinging her sword. "Turn Undead," we keep telling her, and she keeps just waving us off. So we all go down and the GM's all embarassed and finally I turn to my girlfriend and say, "Why didn't you Turn Undead?!"

She looks me right in the eye and responds, "WHY WOULD I WANT TO BECOME UNDEAD?!"


Nice Patrick. Tough to top that.

My only TPK ever wasn't fun then and isn't fun now. It was pretty awesome though. If anyone had survived there would have been bardic epics written and sung about it. Instead the awesome heroism and exploits of my gnome rogue will vanish into the ash heap of history.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Moved thread.

Sovereign Court

An old 3.5 game, I'm playing an archer ranger/rogue, we have a wizard, a fighter, and a cleric. At 4th level the DM throws a demon against us that had (Evard's) Black Tentacles once per day. The only one of us who stood a decent chance of making the save to get out was the fighter, and he kept rolling low. Needless to say we ended up slowly dying to 1d6+4 damage.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Nice Patrick. Tough to top that.


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