jaws900 |

I have been creating a campaign with a bit of a diffrance. The idea behind it is very simple. It is set in a mythical area where a large destert streaches the east cost with a mountain range to the other side. However that is a large city known as "Citidel" in the middle that sprang up from nowhere and is by all logic doing very well. It also has seemingless endless syply of water. It is also viewed as a place for people of all races can live so it has a high population of humans, elves, Half orcs, Dwarves and even Drow. It is lead by a King.
However the tiwst is that it is actually led by a court of outcasts. at it's head is a Blue Dragon along with a Goblin Wizard, Vampire Swordwoman, a peace loving Archon and ofcourse the King him self. They also have alliances with other races such as Merfolk.
The problem is how to introdue them as the existance of this court is secret. My thoughts where to indroduce the allys and slowly get them to work there way up to the court and help them make the city prospous. Any help with this idea would be great.