Demonic Warlord's page
46 posts (47 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
Gary Teter wrote: Making it easier to find games and gamers is definitely on the todo list. It'd have to be an opt-in thing of course. It sounds like you might need to increase your staff to handle the number of request. Even if it just temps.
That sounds like a fight waiting to happen. What if someone disagrees or takes issue with the testimonial?
That would be a great addition!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Evil Lincoln wrote: Elorebaen wrote: If you want simple in Maptool, it is as easy as any other tool out there. Except versioning, port-forwarding, and documentation. Compared to Roll20.net — or indeed probably the future GameSpace — those three hurdles are probably not worth the extra features for 90% of the potential VTT users. Indeed, the list of "missing features" on Roll20 is shrinking almost as fast as they were added to MapTool... and MapTool's stagnated for the past year or so.
Don't mistake me, I love MapTool. But for a multi-user application, installing clients on local machines is a stone age approach. I couldn't agree more!
TimD wrote: Personally, I’d avoid forums where the image & video embedding was allowed if this was turned on. Your plan would only diminish my viewing the 3PP forum or whatever forums this would be made active.
I do much of my message board browsing while at work and I avoid any areas of the website where I may be viewing something which would call more of my coworkers’ attention to my monitor.
If I’m browsing through the store area I know what I’m in for and therefore only go to that area when I’m not worried about the graphics being seen or when I’m at home.
Just another POV to consider.
by the gods, Read the post! the OP said one image, (no video) by the Publishers only, during their product announcements !
it means you don't have to click to see what the cover looks like, that's all.
ConflictRoleplaying wrote: Demonic Warlord wrote: Odraude wrote: That's a really nice looking book. I got the PDF and have to agree; the art is pretty awesome. I don't know why he doesn't mention this but they got layers in the pdf, so you can click a button and print just the formatted text and images. But the background art and all of the big splash pages ( which I love, but don't want to print) go away. I waste a lot of ink on 3rd Party suff so this a great little feature that I wish other publisher would do. Thanks for the nice words about the product. The Adobe layers feature isn't that hard to implement via Adobe Indesign. As long as you go into the project with that goal in mind. A few of the other features of the pdf are shown in the IMAGE HERE . However, It might be too small to see clearly. Yep, I see it, but only because I was looking for it. I would have missed it otherwise. You may want to give it an enlarge potion. :)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just for the record, I would like to see an image with the 3rd party stuff. It not a bad idea if done properly.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Odraude wrote: That's a really nice looking book. I got the PDF and have to agree; the art is pretty awesome. I don't know why he doesn't mention this but they got layers in the pdf, so you can click a button and print just the formatted text and images. But the background art and all of the big splash pages ( which I love, but don't want to print) go away. I waste a lot of ink on 3rd Party suff so this a great little feature that I wish other publisher would do.
Are they still moving forward with this project, or is it dead? Anyone have proof? 'cause roll20.net is kidda kicking ass over there.
BigMac - The CEO replied. so I think "the guy" is good.
Jadeite wrote: Pledged.
Will the Adventure Path added at the 18k stretch goal be print or pdf only? 40$ seems a bit low for a hardcover, a GM screen and six modules. Not the I would complain.
I agree, not that I would mind, but I have been burned by Kickstarters a few times when the business model or finances behind a product isn't thought thru..
TrickyOwlbear wrote: Just as an aside here, are you guys aware there is a drow house also named Everhate in the Forgotten Realms? So funny I thought of the same thing when I saw the kickstarter.
sweet deal thanks - 4 maps + the hero lab files are a nice touch.
From what I see, its kind of like 2nd edition vs. Pathfinder.
It a new edition with like more match types and bunch of new pre-gen characters. They fixed the battlepoint system too so that is scales better. And the biggest area is adding PvP into modules and campaign side trek missions and stuff. My GM started of the a new campaign of with a bunch of the suggestions in the book. I have to say, it was a very nice little twist to the campaign.
So far it looks like we are getting money worth.
Hey OP! I m adding a link to my post cause it really really easy just to click it! So I vote we leave this site as is.
Anyway, I don't understand the Donation Bundles on your site? Is the $20 hardcover include in the bundles?
also looking forwerd to the PDF version
Whats up with the title its all....eh
Sounds cool cant wait to get it!
It looks great with the added grass and color textures to it.
The book your looking for is called Conflict PVP and they sell it right here at paizo. This box set comes with a map and they just reduced the price down to $15.00 click here for the link
oh god the goblin's have attacked ower citys now there taking ower hearts

So my GM rolled this out on us yesterday and we started to moan a bit. But then he told us we could play all these crazy character combination that he originally said no to for the campaign. The characters concepts started to pour out, we started searching the forums for crazy combos and the like . we had a really had a good time with the character creation end. To balance this out this system has what they call battlepoints and was easy enough to figure out and actually worked in evening out the characters a bit.
Anywho, we played the snatch and grab match. Which was funny as heck cause we had to figure out way how to drag the one of the other players off the battlefield into our into our special room. We grabbled the wizard and beat him up for a round. Unfortunately we did way too much damage to him cause, when the other team saw us dragging him away, their archer put two arrows into him and killed him. My team was feaking out cause we didn't think they could do that. But boom there it was in the conflict book, Mercy Killing your own teammate was allowed. which in way, for this scenario is kidda cool.
Anywho, we played three match last night for some good fun more importantly we got all to test out some awesome builds and get them out of our systems.
two things you need imagenation and maps then start making up a new campaign
will you have pick your spots with craft,i mean what happens if your traped in a barn and have to hind? make a cover out of hay and make it like natraul.
i think its pretty good at times.
my question is where are the player starting? because i dont know where to start up from.
reminds me of when i use to play yu-gi-oh.
The cover is very intresting dual swords or dagger i can see this coimc
will be great!
AWESOME! i have been waiting for a long time for the finsh print.
sounds like a intresting story/adventure.
Im looking for new magic items and armors. My mage will be pleased
2 people marked this as a favorite.
glad to see " the good guys " getting a little attention for there hard work.
" I cant wait " im buying it on release!
have you checked out conflict pvp yet?
im glad that kids today are getting into rpgs like pathfinder
thank you for sharing
its hard to main tain a monk charater because it need dex wis and str and you cant maintain all at the beginning
i think it very creative and well though in both skill and class
i think a high level githyanki is deadly
dont use a weapon instead be unarmed because you gain bonues on flurry of blows plus if you are not wearing armor you gain a natural bonues to you ac. Monks are great aginst fighters, because they are mostly close combat a charaters with lots of armor and monk can do lethal damage to them with armor.
in this im am hopeing to be able to have a fire monkey bear companyn
o so fun
so is this for kids to play or no?
sounds look you put some thinking into this zomble survivel thing.
Full Name |
Jesaren Valoric |
Race |
Chelaxian Human |
Classes/Levels |
Paladin 1 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
5'10" 198lbs |
Age |
22 |
Special Abilities |
Aura of good, detect evil, smite evil 1/day |
Alignment |
LG |
Deity |
Iomedae |
Languages |
Common, dwarven, draconic, varsian |
Strength |
16 |
Dexterity |
13 |
Constitution |
18 |
Intelligence |
15 |
Wisdom |
14 |
Charisma |
18 |
About Jesaren Valoric
A well groomed human male in clean chainmail w/ a steel shield strapped to his backpack. A longsword rides at his left side and the top of a shortbow protrudes from the quiver on his back. He has blue eyes and a beard, which is the same color as his reddish brown hair, which is pulled back into a ponytail. He has a thigh length white surcoat upon which is emblazoned a symbol. He has a confident yet relaxed expression upon his face.
Combat Melee: Longsword +4 1d8+3(19-20x2) or dagger +4 1d4+3(19-20x2)
Ranged: Shortbow +2 1d6(x3) or dagger +2(19-20x2)
Armor Class: 21, flat-footed 19, touch 12
Speed: 20'
Saves Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +4
Skills known and feats (ACP -7) Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (religion) +6, Ride -1, Sense Motive +6, dodge, shield focus
Equipment Chainmail, heavy steel shield, longsword, shortbow, quiver w/20 arrows, 2 daggers, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, waterskin, pipe and tobacco, whetstone, flint&steel, small steel mirror, 3 torches, 4 days rations, signet ring, grooming kit, armor polish, 50' hemp rope, holy symbol, 2 flasks of holy water. 9gp, 6sp, 43cp. Equipment weight 101 lbs