
jaws900's page

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Thanks a bunch. Tiamat was something i looked at, bit without the book i can't find the stats. I think i will work of this "gorynch"
A few more heads and it will be fine. thank you everyone

I have been running a campaign and i need help for the "final" boss. I have a person going out searching for items known as heart scales. the scales that in-front of a dragons heart. At this point he has a massed all 5 heart scales form the 5 Chromatic Dragons. He aims to use them to become a dragon and a 5 heading dragon.
I need help in coming up with stats for him as no current stats exist for such a creature.

the part would be around lv12-15 at this point and consists of a sorcerer, 1 Cleric, 1 Cleric/Paladin, 1 Finesse fighter (Fighter/Rogue hybrid without back stabs) and possibly a Half-orc barbarian. I also know that i want each head to be able to use it's own breath weapon bases on the original dragon, all though of course not at the same time.
any help on just how to get this monster started would be great.

There is no rush to finish this creature, but i have never build a creature from scratch. Only altered existing creatures such as a Feral Green Dragon, Gnoll captains, etc

thank you for any help

I have been creating a campaign with a bit of a diffrance. The idea behind it is very simple. It is set in a mythical area where a large destert streaches the east cost with a mountain range to the other side. However that is a large city known as "Citidel" in the middle that sprang up from nowhere and is by all logic doing very well. It also has seemingless endless syply of water. It is also viewed as a place for people of all races can live so it has a high population of humans, elves, Half orcs, Dwarves and even Drow. It is lead by a King.

However the tiwst is that it is actually led by a court of outcasts. at it's head is a Blue Dragon along with a Goblin Wizard, Vampire Swordwoman, a peace loving Archon and ofcourse the King him self. They also have alliances with other races such as Merfolk.

The problem is how to introdue them as the existance of this court is secret. My thoughts where to indroduce the allys and slowly get them to work there way up to the court and help them make the city prospous. Any help with this idea would be great.

thanks a bunch.

I just got my main rule book the other day. i have ben playing pthfinder for a while using the starter box so i wanted to make a druid. So after a while i chose a half elf druid but when it came down to my animal i saw the viper and said "I have to have a snake in my hair" So i wanted to use a viper.
The probelm came with his poison which reads
"Special attacks - Posion (frequencey 1 round(6), Effect 1 Con Damage, Cure 1 save, Con Based DC)"
I'm having trouble reading what it exatly does. My best interpritation is i can use it's venom once per round upto 6 times per day. If effected the enemry loses 1 point to Constitiution but a Fortitue save can cure it. Have i got it right?
thanks for the help. jaws900
p.s. Should it be Venom and not posion as venom needs to be injected while posion means if the eaten. Just mensioning this as i belive there are only 2 posionous snakes in the world.