I have been running a campaign and i need help for the "final" boss. I have a person going out searching for items known as heart scales. the scales that in-front of a dragons heart. At this point he has a massed all 5 heart scales form the 5 Chromatic Dragons. He aims to use them to become a dragon and a 5 heading dragon.
I need help in coming up with stats for him as no current stats exist for such a creature.
the part would be around lv12-15 at this point and consists of a sorcerer, 1 Cleric, 1 Cleric/Paladin, 1 Finesse fighter (Fighter/Rogue hybrid without back stabs) and possibly a Half-orc barbarian. I also know that i want each head to be able to use it's own breath weapon bases on the original dragon, all though of course not at the same time.
any help on just how to get this monster started would be great.
There is no rush to finish this creature, but i have never build a creature from scratch. Only altered existing creatures such as a Feral Green Dragon, Gnoll captains, etc
thank you for any help