attack of opportunity question about reach and attacks

Rules Questions

A creature has a reach of 20 ft, dex 18(+4) and combat reflexes. If an attacker of medium size is moving in to attack, does the creature get an AOo for each 5 feet of movement until the medium attacker is threatening the creature or is it one AOo at 20 ft.

Liberty's Edge

The creature would get one AAO when an opponent moves through his threat area, regardless of the number of threatened squares the opponent moves through.

get one AoO per triggering action...

Which does leave a question of double moving...

Actually, the larger creature would get an AoO for every threatened square the medium creatures leaves in order to approach it. The medium creature would have to leave three threatened squares in order to be adjacent to it, so it would provoke three separate AoOs. And since the larger creature has a high Dex and Combat Reflexes, it would definitely get those three AoOs. Keep in mind, though, that if this larger creature has a 20ft reach due to a reach weapon, that it would only get one AoO when the medium creature leaves the outermost threatened square.

Edit: Misinformation. =\

submit2me wrote:
Actually, the larger creature would get an AoO for every threatened square the medium creatures leaves in order to approach it. The medium creature would have to leave three threatened squares in order to be adjacent to it, so it would provoke three separate AoOs. And since the larger creature has a high Dex and Combat Reflexes, it would definitely get those three AoOs. Keep in mind, though, that if this larger creature has a 20ft reach due to a reach weapon, that it would only get one AoO when the medium creature leaves the outermost threatened square.
CRB wrote:
Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn't count as more than one opportunity for that opponen

Nicos wrote:
CRB wrote:
Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn't count as more than one opportunity for that opponen

Blerg. I was misremembering Combat Reflexes. It lets you make more AoOs per round, but I guess not towards the same opponent in a round. *shrugs*

submit2me wrote:
Nicos wrote:
CRB wrote:
Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn't count as more than one opportunity for that opponen
Blerg. I was misremembering Combat Reflexes. It lets you make more AoOs per round, but I guess not towards the same opponent in a round. *shrugs*

Combat reflexes let you make two AoO against the same target, it is just that moving is an exception.

I think my GM has been doing it wrong, and that is also where my confusion is coming from. So, even considering a high Dex and Combat Reflexes, you can enter an enemy's threatened area, use up all of your movement to dance circles around them, and still only provoke one AoO from them in that round, right? At least, if all you're doing to provoke is moving.


Grand Lodge

submit2me wrote:
I think my GM has been doing it wrong, and that is also where my confusion is coming from. So, even considering a high Dex and Combat Reflexes, you can enter an enemy's threatened area, use up all of your movement to dance circles around them, and still only provoke one AoO from them in that round, right? At least, if all you're doing to provoke is moving.

Only one AoO for your movement. He can still take more AoO on you if you do something else to provoke and on your friends, which is often what you'd want to prevent by knowingly provoking an AoO.


Fun aside...greater trip + reach...they provoke, you trip, they provoke from being tripped, you hulk smash (or in my case flense with a whip)

Grand Lodge

Being tripped doesn't provoke, but getting up does.

Grand Lodge

Nuku wrote:
Being tripped doesn't provoke, but getting up does.

The Greater Trip feat changes this.

Grand Lodge

That sounds horrifying.


It is very horrifying...for the DM...the only consolation for the DM is I'm using a whip (with all appropriate feats) and it does only 1d3+4....unless I buff it an additional 3d6 from my arcane pool! :)

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