Gnome Flickmace

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

10 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So, how does the Gnome Flickmace work? It's in Gnomes of Golarion.

It's got an entry, but no description.

It doesn't.

It got cut for space reasons. Gnomes-of-Golarion#75

Liberty's Edge

Nothing official, but I came up with homebrew rules for it since the published stuff was unfinished and it sounded interesting.

I've got it working like a modified Chinese paper yoyo. My version is normally indistinguishable from an relatively ordinary heavy mace but, by pushing a small button while making an overhand chop, the wielder can extend the weapon's shaft (actually a tightly coiled ribbon sheathe) to give it 10 feet of reach. A spring inside the ribbon shaft retracts the weapon as the wielder recoils his arm. The wielder can choose to activate the button as a swift action at any point in his turn but, after it is pressed, the weapon remains a reach weapon until he uses another swift action to lock the spring back into place. Furthermore, opponents who are unfamiliar (never seen it, never heard of it basically) with the weapon are treated as flat-footed the first time they are attacked with it at reach. After that, the opponent and any creatures who witnessed the attack are no longer subject to this effect.

My version of the weapon loses the Trip quality, but I figure the option to choose between close range and reach + the special flat-footed effect make up for it. Otherwise, it's 25gp, does 1d8 damage (for Medium) and weighs 10 lbs (I raised the price slightly since it sound like a fairly complex device.)

Grand Lodge

So, that vague response on it's intended workings by SKR is all we have?

Is this thing allowed in PFS?

If so, how do they handle it?

Liberty's Edge

I don't think it's allowed in PFS since there aren't official rules for it. As stated by SKR, its listing in Gnomes of Golarion is essentially a typo. It wasn't even addressed in Ultimate Equipment, and that or the Advanced Race Guide seemed like the best place to do it if they were going to make it official.

Grand Lodge

You think enough FAQ hits will get us a description?

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Probably not. That Companion came out years ago. Forsaken by its creators, apathy has made it a ghost in the machine, a half-remembered relic from a time that never was and we shall never know its like for none shall be like unto it...or something.

It got cut from the game, and people have been asking the same things you have since it came out. I think there was some hubbub about it in AA and UE discussion threads.

Grand Lodge

Ugh. Half missing crunch always bugs the heck out of me.

Flavor text that goes nowhere? I can deal with that.

I...I really wanna know if it would fit my character.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Freehold DM wrote:
I...I really wanna know if it would fit my character.

Sorry, no, it's more suited to a different character concept than yours.

You're a necromancer right?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Can you throw it maybe?

Grand Lodge

Interesting to see this necro'd.

So, as far as Additional Resources is concerned, this seems legal.

Not seen how it functions in play though.

Scarab Sages

It is legal for PFS as per the additional resources page. It functions as a one handed reach weapon, like the whip, however it only has a reach of 10 feet for small and medium characters.
As for flavor, I like to imagine them being like those party favors that are sticks with paper rolled up on one end that extend when you sing them, but made of metal instead.

Grand Lodge

So, it is the only One-Handed Reach weapon, that I don't need a feat tree to threaten with?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
So, it is the only One-Handed Reach weapon, that I don't need a feat tree to threaten with?

Aside from the old one-size-smaller Reach Weapon trick [complete with its annoying attack roll penalties.]

Kinda wished that the flickmace and switchscythe were added to the Melee Toolbox :(

My understanding:
Works normally as a regular heavy mace; becomes a one-handed flail with the reach and trip qualities as a swift action; becomes back a heavy mace as another swift action.

The reach works like spiked chain: normal reach, but with the ability to hit adjacent opponents.

Think about it: polearms are... kinda stiff; flails and chains are not.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Why would you ever have it in mace form then?

Ravingdork wrote:
Why would you ever have it in mace form then?

Couple reasons:

1) Concealment; having a reach weapon "hidden" is a pretty good strategy to surprise your opponents.

2) Tripping; you can trip, but can your opponents if you fail.

3) TWF; unless you have 2 flickmaces, good TWFing someone with a flickmace and shortsword... when you can't reach the opponent with the sword. Even if it's unraveled, what's the point of the reach quality if you threaten the opponent with the short sword anyway?

4) Disarm; a reach weapon can be disarmed like any other... except that when it does, it lands further away from you than a non-reach weapon.

5) Enhancements; some of them might not work for reach weapons.

6) Feats; see enhancements above.


blackbloodtroll wrote:
It's got an entry, but no description.

Probably works the same as the .

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
It's got an entry, but no description.
Probably works the same as the .

I see what you did there.

Scarab Sages

blackbloodtroll wrote:
So, it is the only One-Handed Reach weapon, that I don't need a feat tree to threaten with?


Any assumptions people have about swift action this or that is still just an assumption, and therefor has no bearing in PFS.
A weapon with reach given in the qualities and no stipulations in the description threatens at 10 feet for small and medium characters. Since the flickmace has no description, this is how the weapon functions in PFS unless an errata changes it.

Segovax wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
So, it is the only One-Handed Reach weapon, that I don't need a feat tree to threaten with?


Any assumptions people have about swift action this or that is still just an assumption, and therefor has no bearing in PFS.
A weapon with reach given in the qualities and no stipulations in the description threatens at 10 feet for small and medium characters. Since the flickmace has no description, this is how the weapon functions in PFS unless an errata changes it.

I know that the whip needs a feat or two to threaten reach, same goes with polearms... but if you don't need a feat to threaten reach with a spiked chain, pretty sure you don't need one for the flickmace.


Polearms do not need any feats in order for you to threaten with them.

I swear I've read somewhere that "reach weapons" only grant reach if appropriately sized, but I'm not seeing in the CRB. Maybe someone answered this on the forums already?

There are some alternatives if you really one a one-handed reach weapon. The Spine Flail from pathfinder #63 is a onehanded reach weapon that can still hit adjacent targets. There is also the Dorn Dergar weapon, which requires a number of feats to use effectively.

If you are okay with a two-handed weapon, the Rod of Razors from pf#35 functions as a Halberd that can hit adjacent targets, but also functions as a longbow (a keen longbow at that, never mind that ranged weapons can't have the keen property).

Grand Lodge

Nardoz Zardoz wrote:

If you are okay with a two-handed weapon, the Rod of Razors from pf#35 functions as a Halberd that can hit adjacent targets, but also functions as a longbow (a keen longbow at that, never mind that ranged weapons can't have the keen property).

It also costs a mere 65,000 gp. Which might be a bit of a barrier.

Nefreet wrote:
Polearms do not need any feats in order for you to threaten with them.

To threaten reach, no, to threaten a range shorter, like 5ft instead of 10ft, yes.

Grand Lodge

Nefreet wrote:
Polearms do not need any feats in order for you to threaten with them.

Ah, but Whips do. They are the only other weapon, other than the Flickmace, that is both One-handed, and can attack at reach.


JiCi wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
Polearms do not need any feats in order for you to threaten with them.
To threaten reach, no, to threaten a range shorter, like 5ft instead of 10ft, yes.

Not quite.

Grand Lodge

That still requires two hands, yes?


Indeed, if the reach weapon in question required two hands to use.

I imagine, although I don't own Gnomes of Golarion, that this Flickmace could likewise be shortened, and still be a one-handed weapon.

It's probably included in its description.

Grand Lodge

Well, or you could just have another weapon, in your other hand.



Grand Lodge

Well, no need for Titan Mauler.

If not for PFS, you could add an Effortless Lace, and finesse it.

Scarab Sages

The flickmace is listed as a one-handed weapon, and there is no description for it. It has reach when wielded in one hand and only threatens and attacks at 10 feet for small and medium characters, like other polearms, the only difference being that it is a one handed weapon.

Grand Lodge

Yes. That is what is known.

It is still unique, in this fashion.

Grand Lodge

Other than this post, I know of no other Dev comment on the weapon.

Scarab Sages

I was more responding to Nefreet.

Grand Lodge

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Maybe I should get a Plant Bane Flickmace.

I will call it, "The Beanflicker"

Apparently there are rules for creating weapons in the Weapon Master's Handbook, and the sample weapons using that system include a gnome flick mace.

Gnome Flick-Mace
The innovation behind a gnome flick-mace, which has an ordinary mace head, lies within its spring-loaded haft and protruding handles. When the mace is compressed, removing the handles instantly springs the mace to its full size. While it is extended, a quick flick of the wrist allows the weapon to be compressed.
Price 54 gp; Type two-handed melee; Proficiency exotic; Damage (M) 1d12; Damage (S) 1d10; Critical ×2; Weapon Group polearms; Weight 12 lbs.
Additional DP (3), improved damage (5), spring-loaded (2), traditional (gnome) (1), weapon feature (reach) (1)

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