Adamantine Dragon |

Protection from evil/good/chaos, etc. One of the best buffs in the game.
I use cat's grace as a defensive buff on my light armor characters, including wizards with mage armor. It's a +2 to dex AC bonuses. Bear's endurance might also qualify since I use it to temporarily add con bonuses to my character's hit points.
Barkskin is great because it stacks with most existing AC buffs.
I don't really even view "mage armor" as a "buff" since it's more or less required as base armor for most armor-less builds. And shield is so short-lived.
Probably the best "defensive buff" in the game is "contingency" though.

Kahn Zordlon |

When I get home, I might post the rest. My mage archer had every one that I could scrounge up from 3.5 and Pathfinder. From the top of my head:
Greater resistance: 24 hr duration, spell compendium 3.5 I believe. +6 or +8 resistance to saves. Arcane spell, 5th or 6th level.
Create magical Tatoo: Magic of Farum(sp?) allows 24 hr tatoo of varying types, including +1 cl, +2 ability score, +2 moral to attack, +2 resistance, and +1 luck to attack. (2nd level)
Where it really is 24 hours for that shield, arrow mind, and whatever other personal spell: Perpetual spell feat, found in one of the 3.5 books, or maybe that farum book. With extend spell as a prereq and +6 level adjustment, any spell with range of personal lasts 24hrs.
Also like the heroism. Good luck!

Kayerloth |
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Let's see for my Loremaster I'd usually have the following (a 3.5 character), sticking to the PHB (outside of Elminster's Evasion) and going off 8+ yr old memories.
Permanency - Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, Darkvision
Telepathic Bond (permanent with one other individual)
Greater Magic Weapon
Detect Scrying
Mages Private Sanctum (available) +/- Secure Shelter
(or Mages Magnificent Mansion)
Prying Eyes (or Greater Prying Eyes)
Overland Flight
Contingency (linked to Teleport/command word to a 'safe' location upon being triggered), later Elminster's Evasion
Mind Blank
Moment of Prescience
Depending on circumstances:
Extended Protection from "Energy" (of whatever I expected to go up against)
Extended Stoneskin
False Vision and/or Screen
Instant Summons
Dimensional Lock
(Extended) Prismatic Sphere

Rynjin |

It's not as useful as some listed here, but I always thought Draconic Reservoir was pretty good if you were playing a melee caster.

Kurukami |

It's not as useful as some listed here, but I always thought Draconic Reservoir was pretty good if you were playing a melee caster.
Draconic Reservoir seems as though it'd only be useful against a small enemy category - namely, enemy spellcasters. Wouldn't most natural-energy -attack users (say, red dragons) be immune to the very energy you just absorbed?
I find communal resist energy more useful on a party basis.