New Texas

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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jmacq1 wrote:
LazarX wrote:

Interesting factoid.

The only reason that Texas ever existed as an independent Republic, was because for years, the United States wouldn't take it.

I'm sure that had nothing at all to do with a significant political bloc in Texas that didn't want the United States to take it, either...(They also wanted to stretch The Republic of Texas all the way to the Pacific Coast, incidentally).

Considering that a large segment of the population were basically criminals and malcontents, that's not really surprising. The major problem however that Texas had as an independent nation was that it was continuously broke and had to sell off large tracts of it's land to help pay the bills. And that still wasn't enough.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Garydee wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Huh. A large desert with vast oil reserves populated by heavily armed religious fundamentalists who don't like homosexuals, womens' rights, or centralized government.

We'd be invading it for oil in a week.

Hey, Dingo. That's what I was waiting for. I knew it wouldn't be long. ;)

6.1% unemployment right now.

I love the whole "those ignorant f~&#ing Texans" spiel.

Not the whole state. Just the textbook adoption committee.

The Exchange

So any way, I got an email back from the Texas legislature...they have passed the suggestion along to the appropriate people (code for: read it out loud at a drunken BBQ and we all laughed).

Remember this isnt 100 trillion profit over 1 year, its a hundred trillion profit over 20 years or 5 trillion per year. But what do you do with 6 terawatts? you use it to mass produce hydrogen for hydrogen powered cars. The less profit you care to take, the lower the price of Hydrogen (to a point where it is comparable with petrol.

Congratulations Comrade Dingo!

The Texas legislature, the, whatever it is called in Albania, you're becoming a regular gadfly for our leaders, locally and internationally!

Vive le Dingo!

Also, there is an embassy call from Elbonia... They are very interested in this turbine thing you apparently know something about, and very interested in a joint venture for constructing a "windmill", something top Elbonian scientists have discovered must be possible.

New Hampshire is cooler than Texas.

And we have a lower unemployment rate--we pawn them all off onto Massachusetts!

Live free or die!

That's OK, we ship lots of tax avoiders up to you ...and then they vote for more taxes in NH! Vive La liberalisme stupidite!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cambridge Brute Squad wrote:
That's OK, we ship lots of tax avoiders up to you ...and then they vote for more taxes in NH!

But we still don't have an income tax!

Live free or die!

[Drives off in his Towncar, smoking a spliff with one hand and shooting an AR-15 out the window with the other. Not wearing his seatbelt.]

Quick, gobbo! Put your seatbelt on! You'll get shot by swedish seat belt police!

The Exchange

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Congratulations Comrade Dingo!

The Texas legislature, the, whatever it is called in Albania, you're becoming a regular gadfly for our leaders, locally and internationally!

Vive le Dingo!

Only Awesome if it happens...

The Exchange

Sissyl wrote:
Also, there is an embassy call from Elbonia... They are very interested in this turbine thing you apparently know something about, and very interested in a joint venture for constructing a "windmill", something top Elbonian scientists have discovered must be possible.

I tell you what...if they go and do this stuff, you can say I am a BBEG for getting my Death Star. See if New Texas pull this off, they will have 200 trillion dollars - enough to go to the Moon and Mine Tritium (or Helium three or what ever the s*@$ is) and build a reactor on the moon and use it to beam a laser back at the earth to power s&&* here (Three cheers for the Death Star Laser Moment :P).

Burgomeister of Troll Town wrote:
Cambridge Brute Squad wrote:
That's OK, we ship lots of tax avoiders up to you ...and then they vote for more taxes in NH!

But we still don't have an income tax!

Live free or die!

[Drives off in his Towncar, smoking a spliff with one hand and shooting an AR-15 out the window with the other. Not wearing his seatbelt.]

For now.

[Sharp intake of breath]

[Clicks on the link]

[Relieved sigh]

Man, I thought for a second they passed a seat belt law!

It's only a matter of time. It's for your own good after all ...

He He Texans remind me of Queenslanders....

The Exchange

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
He He Texans remind me of Queenslanders....

A s*&+ load of Texans moved to Australia in the 60s.

There is a town called Texas in Queensland.

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