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asthyril wrote:CRobledo wrote:since when do masterwork tools not help your day job check?Eric Saxon wrote:So how about Healer's kit? Its a +2 to heal to all heal checks right?
Also, since I have an anti-venom kit, that covers 2 of 3 possible ailments that I might treat.
Is there a CDC kit of some sort, don't know if there is an anti-disease kit? Because then I'd have 3/3 covered.
As someone said above, day jobs are not skill checks. They are a separate check that uses your bonus in a skill as a proxy for your "dayjob skill". Healer's kit (as a consumable) would not work.
I think that so far, only the spell crafter's fortune has been the exception to the rule.
The healer's kit isn't really a "masterwork tool" - it's a consumable. I doubt there's some question of whether you can use a healer's kit 10 times over 10 scenarios for day jobs - it would either be allowed or not, and I would assume it's not to keep it simple, since it's not "reusable".
The one exception I can think of was the synthesist wasn't allowed to be in synthesist form to apply Skilled to day jobs, but I assume that had more to do with balance issues.
You haven't addressed the altered version of this question.
Surgeon's Vest was the item or rather Vest of Surgery on p. 223 of the UE.

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Avatar-1 wrote:asthyril wrote:The healer's kit isn't really a "masterwork tool" - it's a consumable. I doubt there's some question of whether you can use a healer's kit 10 times over 10 scenarios for day jobs - it would either be allowed or not, and I would assume it's not to keep it simple, since it's not "reusable".CRobledo wrote:since when do masterwork tools not help your day job check?Eric Saxon wrote:So how about Healer's kit? Its a +2 to heal to all heal checks right?As someone said above, day jobs are not skill checks. They are a separate check that uses your bonus in a skill as a proxy for your "dayjob skill". Healer's kit (as a consumable) would not work.prd wrote:Several common items already count as masterwork tools for particular skills. These are the alchemist's lab, climber's kit, disguise kit, healer's kit, masterwork musical instrument, and masterwork thieves' tools. Therefore, there is no masterwork climber's kit, masterwork healer's kit, and so on—those items are already the best available for general checks with the relevant skill.it is, in fact, a masterwork tool for healing.
It's actually a consumable masterwork tool, and therefore would not apply to Day Job checks.
I liken it to an EMT's First Aid Kit: a roll of tape, clean bandages, alcohol, stitching glue, bandaids, and disinfectant. Eventually, probably after 10 or so uses, you're going to use it all up.

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I can see it working. Just say you are using your profession day job as a sailor to guide a ship from where you are to some other place. Profession sailor is the skill used to steer a ship so having good charts would probably help with that. A master work sextant might also be a good idea.
Charts and sextants are specifically for navigation, i.e. plotting courses. They do not aid in shiphandling, i.e. piloting, rigging, tacking, etc. If navigation is your person's job aboard ship, than you're golden. But smaller ships would probably require one person to have many 'hats' so to speak. But for a day job, I'd say, sure, I work on a big merchant ship as a navigator.

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Relevant Guide text:
Guide to Organized Play, page 22 wrote:Permanent bonuses from equipment, feats, racial bonuses, and traits effect your Day Job check as they would any check for the rolled skill, but temporary bonuses such as those granted by spell effects do not contribute, as the duration over which the Day Job check is made is undefined and represents a longer amount of time than a spell’s duration would permit the bonus to remain. You may take 10 on a Day Job check, but you may not take 20 nor can you aid another.Was there a specific item that you had questions about? The basic rule is, if it's a permanent bonus and not a x/day bonus or sometimes bonus, then it most likely counts.
So is this valid:
Human Wiz 1Craft (snickerdoodles)
1 Rank
Int 20 (+5)
Artistans' Tools, Masterwork (55 gp)
Skill Focus
Trait Meticulous Artisan (Lantern Lodge, +1 trait bonus on Day Job checks using the Craft skill.
Spell: Crafters' Fortune (luck bonus)
Total bonus: 1[rank]+3[class skill trained]+5[int]+2[mw tools, circumstance]+3[feat]+1[trait]+5[luck]=+20
Taking 10 (my rolls suck) = 30 -> 75 gp. An extra potion/scroll per adventure helps at low level.
I suppose one could retrain with free rebuild after your 3rd adventure before you level up if you need the trait/feat/etc... for something else.

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David Montgomery wrote:Relevant Guide text:
Guide to Organized Play, page 22 wrote:Permanent bonuses from equipment, feats, racial bonuses, and traits effect your Day Job check as they would any check for the rolled skill, but temporary bonuses such as those granted by spell effects do not contribute, as the duration over which the Day Job check is made is undefined and represents a longer amount of time than a spell’s duration would permit the bonus to remain. You may take 10 on a Day Job check, but you may not take 20 nor can you aid another.Was there a specific item that you had questions about? The basic rule is, if it's a permanent bonus and not a x/day bonus or sometimes bonus, then it most likely counts.So is this valid:
Human Wiz 1
Craft (snickerdoodles)
1 Rank
Int 20 (+5)
Artistans' Tools, Masterwork (55 gp)
Skill Focus
Trait Meticulous Artisan (Lantern Lodge, +1 trait bonus on Day Job checks using the Craft skill.
Spell: Crafters' Fortune (luck bonus)Total bonus: 1[rank]+3[class skill trained]+5[int]+2[mw tools, circumstance]+3[feat]+1[trait]+5[luck]=+20
Taking 10 (my rolls suck) = 30 -> 75 gp. An extra potion/scroll per adventure helps at low level.
I suppose one could retrain with free rebuild after your 3rd adventure before you level up if you need the trait/feat/etc... for something else.
looks at mass of cookies spilling from the bakery door, as more of them spill from the windows. Glances back at faction mission note:
"Why is it I always get the silly faction missions?"
shakes head and begins tossing cookies into a handy haversack
"Snickerdoodles - 12 for a CP, 10 CP. to a SP, 10 SP to a GP... and somebody wants 75 gp worth? 90,000 cookies?!!"

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Actually, nosig, those are the <ahem> special cookies, made by the druid with the tie-dye shirt with the peace sign. The 75gp gets you three cookies, but they are fiiiiiiine cookies.
Have you ever really looked at your hand? I mean *really* looked?
said as an exclaimation like pah! or Doh!
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So is this valid:
Human Wiz 1
Craft (snickerdoodles)
1 Rank
Int 20 (+5)
Artistans' Tools, Masterwork (55 gp)
Skill Focus
Trait Meticulous Artisan (Lantern Lodge, +1 trait bonus on Day Job checks using the Craft skill.
Spell: Crafters' Fortune (luck bonus)Total bonus: 1[rank]+3[class skill trained]+5[int]+2[mw tools, circumstance]+3[feat]+1[trait]+5[luck]=+20
Taking 10 (my rolls suck) = 30 -> 75 gp. An extra potion/scroll per adventure helps at low level.
Please tell me this spell is an exception to the non-permanent bonuses. A natural 20 will go up to the maximum of the chart! (at level 6)

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Should I require players to slot Crafter's Fortune to gain its benefits at the end of the scenario? I had a player at my last session claim the +5 bonus to his day job but he hadn't prepared the spell. I know it lasts multiple days, so you would probably only have to cast it about once a week. The rules of PFS state that all spells end at the end of the scenario, and I'm under the impression that you can't have any spells currently in effect when beginning a scenario. I let him do it anyway as we were pressed for time during cleanup. I am just curious how I should handle this in the future.

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ok, this is what I got so far. I'm ranger so no class skills in perform or profession. My wisdom is highest for day job purposes. Im going to buy Hunting Lodge with 2PP, Get a compass (+2 Survival). Can I use the rangers Track also?
I assume I can use Compass and Track because the Hunting Lodge talks about finding and killing prey. Both would be needed to hunt and kill prey.
Hunting Lodge (2 PP): You are a master hunter and
have been recognized as such by being invited to join an
elite hunting lodge. As a member, you may take part in
special hunts for rare and exotic prey each year, both on
restricted hunting grounds and in the wild. You can use
Survival to make Day Job rolls.
Why no class skill in Profession? Every class gets Profession as a class skill, except for Barbarian. If you're playing a Barbarian, take Craft as your Day Job skill. The free +3 class skill bonus will more than make up for a low ability score penalty.