Tribal Scars and other such feats in PFS

Pathfinder Society


So what determines "member of a Mammoth Lords tribe or following"? Is there any kind of trait/ethnicity/race/whatever requirement? I ask because in a home game it's all backstory, but in PFS there's no real way of checking on that.

More generally, what is the ruling for this sort of thing in PFS? I vaguely recall some feat that requires you served under some specific captain at sea, which Hero Lab assures me is legal for Society play, and there's upbringing feats like the Shoanti options, yadda yadda. Is this waived a la the PrC roleplay requirements? Or is it still in place, on the honor system?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:

So what determines "member of a Mammoth Lords tribe or following"? Is there any kind of trait/ethnicity/race/whatever requirement? I ask because in a home game it's all backstory, but in PFS there's no real way of checking on that.

More generally, what is the ruling for this sort of thing in PFS? I vaguely recall some feat that requires you served under some specific captain at sea, which Hero Lab assures me is legal for Society play, and there's upbringing feats like the Shoanti options, yadda yadda. Is this waived a la the PrC roleplay requirements? Or is it still in place, on the honor system?

If you do not know if you are a member of a Mammoth Lord tribe, then you are not a member. While fewer than one in a thousand of us are not of the Kellid ethnicity, sometimes, like the Snowmask Huscarl, there is an outlander who proves their honor and strength and joins a tribe. Considering that the Pathfinder Society already contains more tengu, aasimar, and summoner members than the entire Inner Sea Region combined (if not all of Golarion in the case of summoners), it would not be totally shocking if it also contained several non-Kellid Mammoth Lords.

Dark Archive 4/5

Patrick - I would take the prereq of "member of <whatever>" to be a roleplay thing, and thus waived as per the character creation guide.

I could be wrong here, though; I'm no rules guru.


Not sure. Big Game Hunter, Mammoth Baster, Spirt Animal (Mammoth, Smilodon, Wooly Rhino), or Supersticious (realm of the mammoth lords) for traits would probably get you there RP wise, but I doubt rule wise they are even remotely needed. I think the above posts are correct. Waived per PFS creation guide.

Scarab Sages

You just need to say "my new character is blah," and you cannot change that after 2nd level - you cannot take any other traits/feats/etc requiring another ethnicity or membership (excepting the PFS, of course)

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

I would be curious how that is handled too.
Can you for example take no "mammoth lord" or other traits from the north, be a gnome or whatever and then choose tribal scars as a first level feat? Herolab tells me it´s possible, but that doesn´t necessarily mean it´s right.

If yes i can see that feat totally becoming the toughness replacement and you can always take toughness later then. 3hp more than toughness on level 1 and other boni is too good to look over it.


Now you can make a Human Barbarian at level 1 with 12+6+3+Con HP! Yay! ... errr...


I am now sad that I started this thread because at this point I'm willing to bet this feat is going to end up getting banned for being too good. :(

Grand Lodge

Where is that from?


People of the North.

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:
I am now sad that I started this thread because at this point I'm willing to bet this feat is going to end up getting banned for being too good. :(

That´s what i actually thought too.

Of course it can be abused for barbarians like described, but then i would better take fey foundling instead of toughness because of the sheer amount of healing you will need.
For casters and rogues it´s pretty good and helps surviving first level a lot though and i guess that was the intentions of that feat.

Liberty's Edge

Actually, that's precisely what I was searching...
Am I the only one thinking this is the worst kind of overpowered feat, completely unbalanced against other feats?
Seriously, for one feat, you can get one of these:
- Toughness (3 hp at lvl 1, +1 for each level over 3)
- Great fortitude (+2 fortitude)
- Persuasive (+2 Diplomacy and Intimidate)
Or you can get Tribal Scars (Bearpelt), which gives you:
- +6 hp (so a little bit less powerful than toughness in that regard, as you need these hp the most at lower levels)
- +1 Fortitude (so exactly half of Great Fortitude)
- +2 Intimidate (so exactly half of Persuasive).
That's about 1,75 feat to me... :/
Why take any of these other three feats (if it fits thematically for sure)?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Great work, developer of Tribal Scars. You dun wroter a good un.


For those curious, Page 24 of People of the North:

Tribal Scars
You endured the grueling coming-of-age rituals
of your tribe or following, and proudly bear the
scars that grant you the blessings of your tribe’s
ancestors or totem.
Prerequisite: Member of a Mammoth Lords tribe or
Benefit: You gain 6 hit points. In addition, you gain
another benefit, depending on which Mammoth Lords
following you belong to.
Bearpelt: You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves and a
+2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
Greattusk: You gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver
checks to make bull rush or overrun maneuvers and a
+2 bonus on Ride checks.
Ice Chasm: You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and a
+2 bonus on Climb checks.
Night Hunt: You gain a +2 bonus on Perception and
Survival checks.
Raptorscale: Your base land speed increases by 5 feet,
and you gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Slothjaw: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves and a
+2 bonus on Handle Animal checks

Scarab Sages


Just got this one, and am also wondering if there is a clear answer. I'm fine with it being a role playing option, if that is the clearest answer.

Also, does this feat stack with the Toughness feat for +9hp at level 1?

Its fine if it isn't an option, but if it is, I'd like to know.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

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Murdock Mudeater wrote:


Just got this one, and am also wondering if there is a clear answer. I'm fine with it being a role playing option, if that is the clearest answer.

Also, does this feat stack with the Toughness feat for +9hp at level 1?

Its fine if it isn't an option, but if it is, I'd like to know.

Last I knew, you're in the clear.

And yes, it does stack with Toughness. Go nuts. ^_^

Scarab Sages

Very cool, thanks.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Jacksonville

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I got two characters with it. I went with they are half-kellid (they both share the 'Blood of Two People's trait. Kellid/Ulfen. That and blood of the dragons.

The backstory is they are fraternal twins (brother and sister), children of an Ulfen Yarl who raised them in Taldor.

Auric Yarlsson (Human Male, Spell Warrior 3) -He's the runt

Elsbeth Yarlsdottir (Female Human Unbreakable fighter 7) She's the hard to kill one with HUGE amounts of HP.

The both have Tribal Scars and Toughness @ 1st and they are both a blast to play

The Exchange 1/5

what about daggermark lore? 0Lore

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

Daggermark Lore should be fine, too. ^_^

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Most of the debonaire brothers have it, despite having a backstory in taldor. Acrobatics bonus AND movement on a kitsune and hp on melee? Oh hell yes.

I just figured they went over the north pole to see Dad and along the way someone thought saving some villagers from an ice giant sounded like a good idea...

Scarab Sages

leonvios wrote:
what about daggermark lore? 0Lore

That one might be a bit different, as there is whole prestige class around that one: mark%20Poisoner

Though, maybe it doesn't matter.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Their is a way of checking. Ask to see the character sheet and ask for the backstory. I would also consider the wording of the feat. It has an RP impact. You are a member of the tribes and PROUDLY show your scars and TOTEMS. There are a few scenarios were this can bite you on the bum or even help you. The feat is not just about Mechanics ITS about the story. Its also one of the few feats that help someone build a back round especially new players. Anybody can power game. Most of us can make a plausible argument against any feat.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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A plausible argument against a feat isn't what it takes to declare that a character shouldn't have it. Each character is allowed one regional affinity, and there are very few feats and traits that require one.

Digging up this bone legitimately constitutes archeology

select one affinity at character creation which, most of the time, is the land you grew up in or your character is most-associated with (as this applies to traits).

most people don't bother, especially with a non human where you wont get a racial language. So the affinity is open until you find one of the few feats that needs it, like lastwall affinity or one of your traits.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

literal archaeology


Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

And technically, Tribal Scars doesn't have an "affinity" prerequisite. It's a roleplaying prerequisite, much like the Hellknight's "kill a devil" thing.

I know PrCs can ignore those... is that a blanket rule, though, or just for PrCs?

2/5 *

I would say you would have to be Kellid, or a half elf at the very least and from the north.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

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I was not suggesting he or she could not have it. I just said "Most of us can make a plausible argument against any feat." Generalization. Just a way of looking at Feat choice. Not legalities.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

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Fair enough. Sorry for the misunderstanding. ^_^

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

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Scarab Sages

How about animal companions?

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

I would probably raise an eyebrow at that, but - given that your animal companion would need at least 3 Int anyway, and how the Mammoth Lords tribes feel about animal companions - I could see it.

(I had plans for putting it on an eidolon, after all...)

3/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Murdock Mudeater wrote:
How about animal companions?

My Mammoth Rider's megaloceros has Tribal Scars, because he was gifted to my PC from the Greattusk clan after adventuring in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

...OK, really he has it because I wanted the +2 to Overrun. But the lore just makes it cooler.


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I very nearly took Tribal Scars on my Tiefling dragon disciple. During a scenario, she found herself connecting incredibly strongly with a Kellid tribe despite their xenophobia after they watched all her companions sit back and throw arrows and spells while she charged forward and tore the head off of a t-rex with her bare hands. Combined with crimson teeth from a long-standing barbarian chew habit, and "honorary blood speaker" was a title that came pretty naturally.
It was a heavily RPd experience with no real official backing, but RP requirements are waived anyway, right?

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Where is that velociraptors symbol of our tribe?

That IS the symbol of our tribe you idiot.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Jacksonville

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James Apostolou wrote:

Their is a way of checking. Ask to see the character sheet and ask for the backstory. I would also consider the wording of the feat. It has an RP impact. You are a member of the tribes and PROUDLY show your scars and TOTEMS. There are a few scenarios were this can bite you on the bum or even help you. The feat is not just about Mechanics ITS about the story. Its also one of the few feats that help someone build a back round especially new players. Anybody can power game. Most of us can make a plausible argument against any feat.

And trust me.. he asked. When I told him the scars (they both have a MASSIVE tribal scarring/tattoo of a dragon on their backs) and the other feat.. it DID come into play in the module.

Nothing says 'Oh @#$' than the brine dragon ignoring the face and saying to the fighter 'You smell of dragon child.. tell me why..."


Louis-Philippe Desroches wrote:

Actually, that's precisely what I was searching...

Am I the only one thinking this is the worst kind of overpowered feat, completely unbalanced against other feats?
Seriously, for one feat, you can get one of these:
- Toughness (3 hp at lvl 1, +1 for each level over 3)
- Great fortitude (+2 fortitude)
- Persuasive (+2 Diplomacy and Intimidate)
Or you can get Tribal Scars (Bearpelt), which gives you:
- +6 hp (so a little bit less powerful than toughness in that regard, as you need these hp the most at lower levels)
- +1 Fortitude (so exactly half of Great Fortitude)
- +2 Intimidate (so exactly half of Persuasive).
That's about 1,75 feat to me... :/
Why take any of these other three feats (if it fits thematically for sure)?

The feat is front loaded to be sure, but by level 11 6 extra hp is fairly meaningless, Persuasive is giving +4 on two skills and if you care about your fort save that much great fort has unlocked imp. great fort.

I would prefer the feat have a "must be taken at 1st level" rider (and maybe something to prevent it being retrained). At least then are paying the opportunity cost of your first level feat.

Scarab Sages

tlotig wrote:

I would prefer the feat have a "must be taken at 1st level" rider (and maybe something to prevent it being retrained). At least then are paying the opportunity cost of your first level feat.

It is a bit harsher than "must be taken at first level," in many respects. I mean, I'd have to modify my backstory to take the feat, or attain Membership to a Mammoth Lord's tribe during play. I can't just get this one with any backstory at first level and you can't retrain backstories...

Kalindlara wrote:

I would probably raise an eyebrow at that, but - given that your animal companion would need at least 3 Int anyway, and how the Mammoth Lords tribes feel about animal companions - I could see it.

(I had plans for putting it on an eidolon, after all...)

INT isn't hard at first level. Go with Human and take the "Eye for Talent" Racial Trait. Or a Halfling with the "Caretaker" Racial Trait. Both of those are +2 to any stat for the animal companion or familiar. So INT 3-4 at level 1 (INT 2 with Vermin Companions).

Though regarding the feat requirement, a GM could reasonably impose some sort of "shipping and handling" charge (or delay) for replacing animal companions specifically from your snowy homeland (if you weren't in the area).

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