Wizard Arcane Bond: Staff

Rules Questions

Okay, so I am creating a wizard for the first time and I want to bond with an object. So, a staff. In the description of the staff it says:
"A typical staff is like a walking stick, quarterstaff, or cudgel."
So does that mean I can use it as a quarterstaff weapon for now (since I can't make it magical til like level 8 and I'm level 1 now)? Furthermore, can I make it a +1 magic weapon?

If this is the case, the staff is the best item for a first level wizard! Because the first few levels you can do magic weapon enhancements, and then finally high enough level, you can make it a magic staff.

Am I understanding it correctly?

Shadow Lodge

From what I read of the arcane bond the answer to all the questions you asked is Yes.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

You understand it correctly, but I qould question the concept of this being the best choice simply because the wizard can have a +1 melee weapon. I would posit that a wand might be a better choice for a low level wizard than a melee weapon.

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Remember, you can change your arcane bond. So, you could enchant an amulet as a wondrous item at level 3, switch out to a staff and make it magical at level 5, switch to a ring at level 7(9?), and back to the staff at level 11.

Costs 200 gp per wizard level to change your bond. I think it can be worth it. You end up being able to craft without a feat investment at not much of a penalty.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can go the gamut of choices. A staff can be anything from Ezren's cane to Gandalf's tall white wonder.

You can make it a weapon as if you were using Craft Magic Arms and Armor, or you can make it a casting staff. Of if you're really gilding the lily, you can do both.

All normal rules and requirements apply. the only thing you're saving is on having the feats to do it.

Alexis Jefferson wrote:
So does that mean I can use it as a quarterstaff weapon for now (since I can't make it magical til like level 8 and I'm level 1 now)?

If your bonded item is a quarterstaff, then you get a masterwork quarterstaff.

If it's a staff (as in magical staves) then it's just an object, not a weapon. (Though you could probably use it as an improvised weapon)

Alexis Jefferson wrote:
Furthermore, can I make it a +1 magic weapon?

For a quarterstaff, sure, at level 5 you're considered to have the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat.

For a staff, probably not. Some specific staves are considered weapons, but I think you would have to first make it into that particular type of staff, then go from there. You'll need to be level 11 in order to be considered having the Craft Staff feat.

Arcane Bond: "Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond must fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon."

You won't be able to add weapon enhancement until at least 5th level, but there is 0 reason to do so if you're a straight-up wizard with very low BAB and very little health.

Staff is a good option because it lets you... well, have a staf, but as Zahir said, a wand will benefit you much sooner than the staff.

Also, a wizard can change his bonded item to any existing magic items he finds that is one of the types listed.

You would have a masterwork staff (or club), which you could enchant as a weapon when you qualified for Craft Arms and Armor.

You could enchant it as a staff when you qualified for Craft Staff.

If you make it both a magic weapon and a staff, however, you are looking at cost multipliers for stacking different effects.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Big Lemon wrote:

Also, a wizard can change his bonded item to any existing magic items he finds that is one of the types listed.

True but it gets more expensive to do that as you level up. 250/class level if I'm not mistaken. Not that it's going to stop my 12th level wizard/loremaster from doing that in the not to distant future.

LazarX wrote:
Big Lemon wrote:

Also, a wizard can change his bonded item to any existing magic items he finds that is one of the types listed.
True but it gets more expensive to do that as you level up. 250/class level if I'm not mistaken. Not that it's going to stop my 12th level wizard/loremaster from doing that in the not to distant future.
If the object of an arcane bond is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced after 1 week in a special ritual that costs 200 gp per wizard level plus the cost of the masterwork item. This ritual takes 8 hours to complete. Items replaced in this way do not possess any of the additional enchantments of the previous bonded item. A wizard can designate an existing magic item as his bonded item. This functions in the same way as replacing a lost or destroyed item except that the new magic item retains its abilities while gaining the benefits and drawbacks of becoming a bonded item.

Some DMs might not allow you to change bonds willy nilly, due to italic text above. I think it would be silly to disallow a conscious change of bonded item.

As for cost, as with all linear increases, the 200 gp/level quickly becomes irrelevant as you gain levels. Well worth the feat savings, imho.

Grick wrote:
Alexis Jefferson wrote:
So does that mean I can use it as a quarterstaff weapon for now (since I can't make it magical til like level 8 and I'm level 1 now)?

If your bonded item is a quarterstaff, then you get a masterwork quarterstaff.

If it's a staff (as in magical staves) then it's just an object, not a weapon. (Though you could probably use it as an improvised weapon)

Alexis Jefferson wrote:
Furthermore, can I make it a +1 magic weapon?

For a quarterstaff, sure, at level 5 you're considered to have the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat.

For a staff, probably not. Some specific staves are considered weapons, but I think you would have to first make it into that particular type of staff, then go from there. You'll need to be level 11 in order to be considered having the Craft Staff feat.

Arcane Bond: "Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond must fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon."

I think Grick is right about the magical staves not being weapons. Maybe that was a better question to ask (hehehe). So are magical staves also weapons?

My previous thread on this topic:

Staves and Quarterstaves (or If a staff is a staff is a staff, are all staves the same?)

Whale_Cancer wrote:

My previous thread on this topic:

Staves and Quarterstaves (or If a staff is a staff is a staff, are all staves the same?)

Thanks! I also found this excerpt in Ultimate Equipment (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/ringsRodsStaves/stave s.html) :

"... A typical staff also functions as a walking stick, quarterstaff, or cudgel. ..."
'Functions' is a better word :P now I know not only does it look like a quarterstaff, BUT it also functions like one.

Then I could probably make it magic weapon at lower levels and make it a fancy staff at high levels. :D I know, magic weapon at lower levels is odd but I always see a wizard as Gandalf with a sword in one hand and a staff in the other (I'm an elf so at some point this can be a reality! XD)

Alexis Jefferson wrote:
I think Grick is right about the magical staves not being weapons.

I think I was actually thinking of Rods, where it says "(Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs due to their hardy construction.)"

For staves, we have "A typical staff is like a walking stick, quarterstaff, or cudgel."

and UE Staves: "A typical staff also functions as a walking stick, quarterstaff, or cudgel."

However, it also says "A typical staff measures anywhere from 4 feet to 7 feet long and is 2 inches to 3 inches thick, weighing about 5 pounds. Most staves are wood, but an exotic few are bone, metal, or even glass. A staff often has a gem or some device at its tip or is shod in metal at one or both ends."

So, assuming you can choose how long it is and what material it's made of, I don't see why it couldn't basically work like a quarterstaff (or club, if you wanted).

As for enchanting: Arcane Bond: "A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required item creation feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat."

Since the staff category is listed separately from the weapon category, does that mean you don't get access to craft magic arms and armor, but only craft staff? Or do you get both, since they could both (in theory) be applied to the same item?

And if it's both, does that mean a wizard with a ring can use craft amulet to add amulet magic to his ring? (At +50% cost like usual)

Grick wrote:
Alexis Jefferson wrote:
I think Grick is right about the magical staves not being weapons.

I think I was actually thinking of Rods, where it says "(Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs due to their hardy construction.)"

For staves, we have "A typical staff is like a walking stick, quarterstaff, or cudgel."

and UE Staves: "A typical staff also functions as a walking stick, quarterstaff, or cudgel."

However, it also says "A typical staff measures anywhere from 4 feet to 7 feet long and is 2 inches to 3 inches thick, weighing about 5 pounds. Most staves are wood, but an exotic few are bone, metal, or even glass. A staff often has a gem or some device at its tip or is shod in metal at one or both ends."

So, assuming you can choose how long it is and what material it's made of, I don't see why it couldn't basically work like a quarterstaff (or club, if you wanted).

As for enchanting: Arcane Bond: "A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required item creation feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat."

Since the staff category is listed separately from the weapon category, does that mean you don't get access to craft magic arms and armor, but only craft staff? Or do you get both, since they could both (in theory) be applied to the same item?

And if it's both, does that mean a wizard with a ring can use craft amulet to add amulet magic to his ring? (At +50% cost like usual)

I guess that's the question I was wondering about. Can I make my quarterstaff +1 and eventually make it a magical staff (level 8)? As a GM, I don't see why not. It's not like the level one wizard can get a magical staff until 8th level, so he might as well be able to make it a +1 quarterstaff (even though magic weapons aren't super useful to my wizard build but I was still curious).

A quarterstaff is a weapon and a magical staff. The categories are needed for things like swords and stuff. But it doesn't say your item has to be from ONLY one of these categories.

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am bumping this thread. I want to make a wizard with a bonded item, staff - and treat it as a quarterstaff. So long as this is completely legit (and the character doesn't treat it as an improvised weapon).

So is there really any difference in taking one or the other, aside from the item creation feat circumstances mentioned above?

How about this interpretation: A staff can function as a weapon (i.e. staff or cudgel), but not a *masterwork* version of that weapon? That would preclude most permanent magical enhancements, if indeed that's what the designers wanted to do (and I don't know that it is).

I'm bumping this thread as well, and also asking the following question:
1. What exactly are the powers and abilities of an arcane bond staff at level 1? Does it come with spells already stored in it?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Note that you will have to be holding the staff all the time. No metamagic rods for you. One hand for the staff, one hand for the somatic components of most spells.

Rings are the most versatile bonded item, but I guess the staff option does allow you to enchant it as a weapon... but... how often is your wizard going to be standing toe to toe with his enemies, hitting them with his staff?

Sanjiv, it doesn't have any spells "already stored in it". As a bonded item it does allow you to cast one extra spell, though, as any bonded item does. Only much later will you be able to enchant it as a magic staff (8th level, IIRC?).

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