Dennis Baker RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, Contributor |
My point is this: If a GM (me or anyone else, it doesn't matter) says something is "easy" or "hard", a player (me or anyone else) is well-advised to take that piece of information with a big grain of salt, because "easy" could mean DC 0 or DC 5 or DC 10 or DC 12 or anything in-between (for instance); likewise if a scenario describes what seems like an easy or hard situation (like crossing a wading pool). And the GM should realise this as well, and not be surprised if the players do the "wrong" thing based on that limited information.
I can't tell if you agree with my point or not, since you keep asking whether the GM should explicitly mention DCs or not (an issue I don't feel very strongly about, frankly).
To be honest, I'm not completely averse to sharing DCs and if the player is honestly conflicted about the difference between swimming across a pond with a fountain in it and using a rope to swing across, I'll tell them what the DC is.
I just don't think that should be the default way you interact with chase scenes. It is completely gamist, non-immersive, and narrows the players options.
hogarth |
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hogarth wrote:I can't tell if you agree with my point or not, since you keep asking whether the GM should explicitly mention DCs or not (an issue I don't feel very strongly about, frankly).To be honest, I'm not completely averse to sharing DCs [..]
Uh...I guess I better bow out here...
Spectral Seriph |
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As a player, I hate it when game jargon is injected into the narrative. It totally breaks immersion and encourages meta-gaming, rather than players acting as your character. I think a good GM should simply set the scene and describe obstacles in objective terms. If a player misjudges their character's ability to deal with such obstacles then allow them to learn from the experience and make better calls in the future.
As for chases: I don't believe I've ever played one using the rules described here, but it seems like any GM worth their salt would allow for creative solutions, just like with any other challenge.
Saint Caleth |
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As a player, I hate it when game jargon is injected into the narrative.
As a player I prefer the DM to be streightforward about what is going on. Usually that means using the unambiguous terms that the game has set forth for things. This goes double for PFS where I am likely playing under a DM I am not familiar with and thus playing the little kabuki theater game of trying to disguise the mechanics has the potential to become way more frustrating.
It's not like that is what is literally coming out of the character's mouths in game, it is just the "out-of-game" translation to make mechanical things flow smoother at the table.
The Broken GM |
I've played in four games with chases, and each time the chase has been a fun sapping torrent of tedium. I am going to follow the allow any check the player can think of that is vaguely appropriate to bypass the obstacle approach. Add me to the chase scenarios should be labeled so they can be avoided camp.
Mattastrophic |
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It's my experience that chases are great when the GM goes for the abstract, highly-descriptive approach instead of the concrete "these are 30' foot spaces, here are the very-specific obstacles with very-specific ways to get past them" approach.
The players need to be on board, too, as they need to be willing to play along and be abstract and descriptive instead of bludgeoning every obstacle with numbers alone.
pauljathome |
So what I think most people are saying is that chase scenes work as long as you mostly ignore the rules. Which, in PFS, we're supposed to not do.
There are other massive problems. In some scenarios being a skill monkey who gets ahead of his group can be a death sentence as you face the BBEG alone for a couple of rounds.
And in at least one scenario the entire chase is essentially irrelevant as the next scene happens in the same way anyways.
I'm definitely in the camp that thinks they should be retired until some good rules are created. The current rules just don't work well, at least in PFS.
nosig |
I often run skill monkey PCs. I need to say that to start in this, because of what I am going to say next...
I hate the way the chase mechanics work. I would avoid scenarios if there were warning labels that said "this adventure uses the chase mechanics". Really.Now that I have everyone all defensive, if you are still reading, here's why I hate them so much. They make the game into a game of individuals. Each player will have had to have a PC able to pass each "test" alone, or THAT PLAYER fails. So, you have winners and losers at the table, the players win or loose the chase as individuals. It might not seem like it sometimes, and good teams can overcome this... but it feels like we should sit at the table and say, "Ok, we got a knowledge expert, a face, a tank, a medic... wait, who's our 'chaser'? Got to have someone in case there's a chase in this...".
In all the games I have seen with chases, not once do we end up with the "hazard" that can be passed by one of your teammates. The Bard in the party can get past the guards - but cannot talk them into letting the rest of the party by. The Rogue can bypass the lock on the gate - but it's locked for the next PC. Can the first guy to the barbed wire fall on it, so everyone else can run over him? No. You're running the course by yourself.
Yes - I know the judge can "modify" the adventure, and that good judges will. But, quite honestly, not all judges are good. Some (like me) are only average. We try to run it as written, so that we don't cheapen the experience for the entire community. The mechanics do not allow for that - where the game we play now (that would be PF) do. RPGs are group games, games that foster the concept of "the party", a "team of heros" or just "a fellowship". The chase mechanics ... just don't.
gets down off of soap box, and heads for shelter
At this point I have played all the scenarios and specials with chases in them... and my opinion expressed above has not changed.
Mystic Lemur |
The iconics aren't good at something? *Shocking
Not helpful. If you're going to set the DC "low" because you know most characters aren't good at it, why would you set it so high that the pregens, the ones we give to new players so they can have fun and feel a sense of accomplishment so they will continue playing, can't make the check more than half the time? Dismissing the pregens does not dismiss the problem. Telling us to ignore the rules for the chase and just "play Pathfinder" does not fix the problem.
nosig |
David Higaki wrote:Biggest issue I have with most chases in PFS is the lack of scaling DC'sRftRK was submitted with scaling DCs in addition to the "common sense" tips for GMs.
Prepping this now, and I am not seeing this with scaling DCs... Am I missing something?
Anyone see where the DCs are scaled for sub-tier 1-2?
It might not really matter though, I'm not expecting my Tier 1-2 table to get off the first card... Let alone catch the guy (Most are not going to make the DC20/DC15 checks) at least not in any timely fashion.
FLite Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento |
John Compton Developer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I am hopeful that the recent chase scene in Season 6 where the chase is a party centric event vs individual, becomes more the norm going forward myself.
That format first debuted in a Season 5 scenario, actually, but I'm glad to hear that it's been well-received. I am likely to recommend this to authors for future chases. That said, there might be some situations in which the Gamemastery Guide's chase rules would be a better fit, so I'm not ruling them out, either.
Matt Wrycraft |
** spoiler omitted **
I've run the second of those two, twice now, and I LOVE the chase scene in it!
It's dramatic, exciting and has lots of opportunity to ham up the action at pace. I have only two small issues with it as written.1. Considering everyone is basically helping the best person, the DCs are a little easy
2. I breaks down a little if individual members of the party decide to do different things - the emphasis is clearly on everyone doing A together, even if one person is really bad at A and good at B. As long as you're prepared it's not a big deal.
So, individual chase scenes = BAD (IMO). Team chase scenes = Good.
Anyone else hoping for a Pathfinder vs Aspis Consortium team v team chase through the twisting roots and docks of Bloodcove in S7? :)
Farrindor |
Sean Hans wrote:I am hopeful that the recent chase scene in Season 6 where the chase is a party centric event vs individual, becomes more the norm going forward myself.That format first debuted in a Season 5 scenario, actually, but I'm glad to hear that it's been well-received. I am likely to recommend this to authors for future chases. That said, there might be some situations in which the Gamemastery Guide's chase rules would be a better fit, so I'm not ruling them out, either.
I wouldn't either hence my "more the norm". Should I ever rise to the level of actual authoring myself, though, I would avoid the GMG style if I could, or notate for my GMs where they can 'bend' things to allow the less skilled to interactively aid their companions. I love chases myself but they frustrate a lot of my playing peers.
trollbill |
Current chase scenes I am aware of:
3-16: The Midnight Mauler
3-18: The God's Market Gamble
Special: Race for the Runecarved Key
4–01: Rise of the Goblin Guild
5–16: Destiny of the Sands—Part 3: Sanctum of the Sages
5–21: The Merchant's Wake
6–14: Scions of the Sky Key, Part 2: Kaava Quarry
I am not all that fond of chase scenes that use the typical Gamemastery Guide's format as they have a strong tendency to leave certain classes in the dust. In fact, on more than one occasion I have seen these chase scenes in with at least one character still stuck in the starting box simply because they did not have the 2 correct skills/abilities. Later scenarios wised up to this and either offer group-centric checks or, in one case, offered a way of those who could handle chase scenes easily to help those who couldn't at the possible risk of slowing themselves down.
The Fox |
I like chase scenes of all types!
As John Compton said, some chases require the GMG rules, thematically, because they are more individual-centric in nature. It would be really cool to see such future chases try to blend some of the team chase mechanics in.
First, provide suggestions of how PCs can help each other through the chase.
Second, some challenges in the individual chase scenes should not need to be overcome by EVERY character in the party. I could see a chase cards that looks something like this:
High Wall
Climb DC 20
Perception DC 20
(No movement, but reduces the Climb DC to 0 for CLIMB OVER IT for all other characters on future turns.)
Crowded Street
Intimidate DC 25
(This clears the way for all characters currently on this space; immediately move them all to the next space.)
Raging Creek
Acrobatics DC 20
Swim DC 17
Strength DC 25
(This opens another option for you and all other characters on future turns:
Acrobatics DC 7)
trollbill |
It would be great if we had the freedom to do such modifications to the chase rules as GMs, but we must follow RAW. So the onus of making these modifications is on the adventure authors. Fortunately, some of them have done just that.
Personally I like the idea of chase scenes, but a lot of the older ones don't play out well mechanically.
The Fox |
It would be great if we had the freedom to do such modifications to the chase rules as GMs, but we must follow RAW. So the onus of making these modifications is on the adventure authors. Fortunately, some of them have done just that.
Personally I like the idea of chase scenes, but a lot of the older ones don't play out well mechanically.
Yeah, my post was about these appearing IN the scenario, for future scenarios.
John Compton Developer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
trollbill wrote:Yeah, my post was about these appearing IN the scenario, for future scenarios.It would be great if we had the freedom to do such modifications to the chase rules as GMs, but we must follow RAW. So the onus of making these modifications is on the adventure authors. Fortunately, some of them have done just that.
Personally I like the idea of chase scenes, but a lot of the older ones don't play out well mechanically.
Neat ideas
My aim is to make chases something that are fun and exciting, not the cause of frustration. When it gets to the point that a GM announces a chase and most or all of the table smiles, we will have reached that point.
FLite Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
It would be great if we had the freedom to do such modifications to the chase rules as GMs, but we must follow RAW. So the onus of making these modifications is on the adventure authors. Fortunately, some of them have done just that.
Personally I like the idea of chase scenes, but a lot of the older ones don't play out well mechanically.
Actually, you kind of do. Under the general rules for finding creative solutions, PCs who can come up with a creative way to use a skill can often use it in place of another skill, (Admittedly, usually at a harder DC.) This shows up in a lot of scenarios and is generally encouraged.
What you are not allowed to do is to change the DC, but you can award a bonus or a penalty for appropriate or inappropriate tools.
So, if the card says "Climb the locked gate" and the mage says "I cast knock, what locked gate?" (And makes a caster level check at least as good as the DC) then that is a creative solution and the obstacle is gone. Ditto if someone gets to the top and pulls out a rope and fastens it (move and standard) Yes, you lose a turn, but if the next card is a social card, and your social character is stuck because he has to make a climb check he can't make, maybe it is worth it.
I feel like a lot of hate for the chase rules comes out of people being upset that people get stuck because there are only two ways off the card, but there are only two ways off the card because GMs refuse to allow creative solutions. So that is really just a self imposed problem.
Swiftbrook |
My aim is to make chases something that are fun and exciting, not the cause of frustration. When it gets to the point that a GM announces a chase and most or all of the table smiles, we will have reached that point.
I'm not there yet. I've GMed one chase and played through a few others. The best one just came up to the level of OK. It wasn't frustrating, nor a complete waste of time, but I can't say that it was fun.
Correction: There was one chase that was fun. The GenCon special a few years ago. Someone in our party was able to fly. They flew to the end, bypassing all the checks and nerfing the entire chase. Killing the chase felt like we just beat the BBEG.
Also, most chases seem like a waste of time as there really is no chance that your opponent is going to get away. I wonder if the adventures are even written with the bad guy getting away as a possible outcome.
John, I'm not saying don't try to improve the chases or don't include chases. If you don't try to improve them, you're never going to succeed. Make the chases a little more fun. Include a little more RP in them. Write options that take into account you opponent winning - and make that a real possibility.
The Fox |
Neat ideas** spoiler omitted **
My aim is to make chases something that are fun and exciting, not the cause of frustration. When it gets to the point that a GM announces a chase and most or all of the table smiles, we will have reached that point.
I think the teamwork chase mechanics are actually pretty good. When I ran [REDACTED] from Season 6, my players loved it. One of them—the GM from my home game—said, "that was the best chase ever! It seemed really hard, and scary; I didn't think we were going to make it." Meanwhile, the DCs for that chase were actually much too low, and they easily succeeded on every challenge (I told the players which skills or abilities would be used, but not the difficulty other than "easy," "hard," or "very difficult," etc.).
FLite Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento |
Correction: There was one chase that was fun. The GenCon special a few years ago. Someone in our party was able to fly. They flew to the end, bypassing all the checks and nerfing the entire chase. Killing the chase felt like we just beat the BBEG.
The chase rules don't work like that. 60' flight would give you +16 to the checks, but you still have to do them. Most of the fights I have seen, a single character with flight would result in them facing the bad guy alone for 4 rounds... (Lesson, don't leave your friends too far behind...)
Also, most chases seem like a waste of time as there really is no chance that your opponent is going to get away. I wonder if the adventures are even written with the bad guy getting away as a possible outcome.
I seem to remember one I prepped (but never ran) giving a mechanical advantage to the bad guy if they reached the end.
Mark L. Crowell |
I'm getting sucked back into this thread! arg! missed my Will save!
Ok, so we are advised to play chases more like an RPG... "allow creative ideas" to replace the fixed skill DCs, have one players actions effect all the other players "gates" (challanges?)... why do the chase mechanics at all?
Just say:
Judge: "your target brakes into a run, as he ducks thru the back door and out into the alley."
When the players respond:
Player 1: "I leap over the tables and sprint out the door!"
Judge: "roll acrobatics"
Player 2: "I step back out the front door and cut left to the alley entrance!"
Player 3: "Out the front like #2 and turn right in case he goes the other way."
Player 4: "HA! I move up to the bar and order a beer. 'I say barkeep, the guy that just fled out the back, do you know where he lives?'"
Judge: "seeing you" pointing at Player #3 "at the foot of the alley, the suspect climbs thru a window back into the bar - "
Player 4: "where I hit him with my beer! 'Bloody waste!' I say."I do not think I am doing a good job of what I mean.
A chase...
To be fair I actually do enjoy chase scenes and they Should play out more like this. From the first few chases i ran it said refer to the Gamemastery guide or use these abbreviated rules... i find the rules and the advice for chase scenes in the guide to be FAR more helpful.
I always describe the problem, and some of the suggested checks, but most importantly i tell them what they SEE happening and describe their successes or failures in a dramatic way. Also probably the biggest thing with chase scenes, is some of the barriers don't make too much sense for back to back people to encounter, and i have allowed people to attempt harder checks, or use spells, as suggested by the GM guide, to actually remove obstacles for those following. so they can move faster through the area.
Honestly i feel good that i still occassionally hear people chatting over some of the chase scenes as memorable encounters.... like the paladin who rolled a nat 1 with an armor check penalty into the Ornamental pond... and had to get fished out by a rogue using an actual fishing pole with rope tied to it... or the time one of the players in a certain scenario encountered a mob... and made a diplomacy check to lead the whole mob away, leading them away from the beast they were chasing.... taking himself AND that square out of the chase and the fight following... but having a blast doing so.
Personally i think the chase mechanic CAN be fun, but there are more rules to it and it does give a lot of room for GM intervention using the full chase rule set. And requires a bit more work from the GM to make things interesting..
Personally i like using Index cards, with a notation on it of What the challenge is (but no dcs listed... they shouldn't know that anyways.) and only setting out the next cards as they Actually get in a position to see what is going on in the chase. It feels a lot more like a chase in progress towards an unknown destination that way, instead of just moving along boxes. And I also love describing their quarry's successes, or failures.
Your table may be different, but i really think this is a mechanic that used sparingly, CAN make things more exciting and spice up a scenario... but it is also one that requires more than just slapping the paper on the table and saying, hey this is how it works, start rolling. Because that isn't going to be fun for ANYONE.
BigNorseWolf |
** spoiler omitted **My aim is to make chases something that are fun and exciting, not the cause of frustration. When it gets to the point that a GM announces a chase and most or all of the table smiles, we will have reached that point.
You'd have to redact the old chases to the new chase mechanics. As it is, its much easier to make a very negative impression than a positive one.
nosig |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
John Compton wrote:You'd have to redact the old chases to the new chase mechanics. As it is, its much easier to make a very negative impression than a positive one.
** spoiler omitted **My aim is to make chases something that are fun and exciting, not the cause of frustration. When it gets to the point that a GM announces a chase and most or all of the table smiles, we will have reached that point.
Oh, gods... I'm agreeing with BNW.
nosig |
Kyle Baird wrote:David Higaki wrote:Biggest issue I have with most chases in PFS is the lack of scaling DC'sRftRK was submitted with scaling DCs in addition to the "common sense" tips for GMs.Prepping this now, and I am not seeing this with scaling DCs... Am I missing something?
Anyone see where the DCs are scaled for sub-tier 1-2?
It might not really matter though, I'm not expecting my Tier 1-2 table to get off the first card... Let alone catch the guy (Most are not going to make the DC20/DC15 checks) at least not in any timely fashion.
Any suggestions on how to make one of the old chases fun for a Tier 1-2 table (I mean short of ignoring how the chase rules work, i'm trying to run at least close to Run As Written) realizing that they may not actually get out of the first box? (many of the skill checks are DC 20) and are likely not to catch the target at all (and if someone does, she's likely to just get killed before anyone else gets there)
BigNorseWolf |
BigNorseWolf wrote:Oh, gods... I'm agreeing with BNW.John Compton wrote:You'd have to redact the old chases to the new chase mechanics. As it is, its much easier to make a very negative impression than a positive one.
** spoiler omitted **My aim is to make chases something that are fun and exciting, not the cause of frustration. When it gets to the point that a GM announces a chase and most or all of the table smiles, we will have reached that point.
I think frogs are next. Or is that locusts....
nosig |
nosig wrote:Kyle Baird wrote:David Higaki wrote:Biggest issue I have with most chases in PFS is the lack of scaling DC'sRftRK was submitted with scaling DCs in addition to the "common sense" tips for GMs.Prepping this now, and I am not seeing this with scaling DCs... Am I missing something?
Anyone see where the DCs are scaled for sub-tier 1-2?
It might not really matter though, I'm not expecting my Tier 1-2 table to get off the first card... Let alone catch the guy (Most are not going to make the DC20/DC15 checks) at least not in any timely fashion.
Any suggestions on how to make one of the old chases fun for a Tier 1-2 table (I mean short of ignoring how the chase rules work, i'm trying to run at least close to Run As Written) realizing that they may not actually get out of the first box? (many of the skill checks are DC 20) and are likely not to catch the target at all (and if someone does, she's likely to just get killed before anyone else gets there)
** spoiler omitted **
well, my prediction was correct, they never even got off the first card.
Well technically, one of them made it to the second card by riding the animal companion of another PC... but only on the last round of the encounter.
I did try to make it "better" by not telling them what exactly were the Challenges (Skill tests), or DCs - just to give them a description of the challenge but several of them objected strongly and so I relented slightly and did tell them what Skills were listed on the card (I had done up 3x5 cards with a description of the challenge "Crowded Street - a lot of people out shopping today - or just seeing the sights? What are they all doing here? How do you get thru?", but no skills or DCs listed). It did not go over very well with the players... especially after they found out the skills needed to get thru "crowded street" were a Overrun attack, or a Sense Motive check...
FLite Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento |
Did you follow the suggestions in this thread and allow creative application of alternate skills?
It sounds like you made things worse and even harder for them by pulling a bait and switch (asking them how they got through, and then shoehorning that into a skill other than the one they thought they were using, wasting their action.)
nosig |
Sure I allowed creative application of alternate skills...
One of the players asked to use her knowledge engineering on it, which I said sounded fine with me -I even offered an explaination on how it might work when the player had no idea... (something about traffic flow being affected by building design), the problem wasn't the skill choices, it was the DCs.
"Crowded Street: Follow the Crowd (Sense Motive DC 15) or Out of My Way! (Overrun CMD 20)" are not very viable at tier 1-2...especially in CORE, and that makes alternate skill checks in the DC 20-25 range...
The guy that made it to the second card was using an iconic (Lem, the Bard), and riding the Druids animal companion to get bonuses on his Sense Motive check... (For the faster movement)...but the high level table ended it before anyone else got off the first card...
nosig |
Yeah that should have allowed for escape artist, Intimidate, strength check to just push though, things like that. DC 20 or 25.
(My guess would be)
The archer or rogue at the table had the best Escape Artist skill, and could have done it with a roll of 15+...depending on armor check penalty...
Lem had the best Intimidate... And I wouldn't even have stuck him with a -4 for being small... But not knowing what he needed, he chose the Sense motive and pulled it off...
The fighter might have been tempted to try a strength check, but I would have suggested he just try the CMB roll (a CMD of 20 he could make, a STR DC 25 he couldn't).
nosig |
Did you follow the suggestions in this thread and allow creative application of alternate skills?
It sounds like you made things worse and even harder for them by pulling a bait and switch (asking them how they got through, and then shoehorning that into a skill other than the one they thought they were using, wasting their action.)
From the instructions: "Immersion: While some GMs may wish to describe obstacles exactly as they're presented on the card, describing obstacles and possible ways of overcoming them in more details will enhance the immersive and cinematic feel of the chase. Additionally, if possible, GMs are encouraged to keep the exact skills required and the associated DCs from the players, as this will go a long way to improving the chase experience."
nosig |
Did the instructions explicitly say to make alternate skills DC 5 higher? If not, you've got leeway to make them hard but doable. If it did, well, I guess that was written before writers realized the chase rules needed some work still.
From the instructions:"Creative Skill Use: Allow for alternative skills to be used when it makes sense, but assign a higher DC for the alternative skill use. For example, a PC may wish to use Acrobatics to jump over some collapsed rubble instead of using the Climb skill to clamber over the obstacle as presented as an option for that chase card. In this instance an increase of 5 in the DC would result in a difficult obstacle, but still reward the player for his creativity. This is especially important when the obstacle calls for trained-only skills."
nosig |
Ok so yeah that's not so great. I personally would error on the side of "provide a fun experience" instead of "run precisely as written" especially if there are new to PFS players but it's always kind of a dilemma.
the problem with this scene is that PCs who actually pass the checks are more than likely just going to die. So if I "error" to let them pass a couple checks - it looks like I was just trying to kill a couple PCs....
Thankfully I had a table of old hands playing this in CORE (which is why they knew how Chases are ment to be run, with the skill checks listed on the card where they could read them...and so were a little upset that I was not "running it by the rules"...), so they concentrated on having fun... Which is partly were the request to use knowledge Engineering came from ...
Paulicus |
Personally, I like chase scenes. I tend to make characters with a variety of skills, though.
What I've learned from this thread is that many people don't understand their responsibilities as GMs. It's not to "play only by the written rules." Even in the Guide to PFS, it says GMs need to use common sense when running games. Pathfinder is not a game that can run purely on rules, it requires a GM to adapt and bend rules to the situation so everyone has fun.
nosig |
Personally, I like chase scenes. I tend to make characters with a variety of skills, though.
What I've learned from this thread is that many people don't understand their responsibilities as GMs. It's not to "play only by the written rules." Even in the Guide to PFS, it says GMs need to use common sense when running games. Pathfinder is not a game that can run purely on rules, it requires a GM to adapt and bend rules to the situation so everyone has fun.
Sarcasm alert:
So, as long as we don't use the rules as written, The Chase rules work fine...End sarcasm....
But this is PFS. We need to try to "run as written", right?
So my question was,
"Any suggestions on how to make one of the old chases fun for a Tier 1-2 table (I mean short of ignoring how the chase rules work, i'm trying to run at least close to Run As Written) ..."