Carrion Crown Pawns Please


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im running this AP, and sadly, theres no minis nor pawns for this adventure path, i guess we realy enjoy the pawns for this one (i mean, important npcs, and unique monsters and so) but i realy want to know how many people like me, want this come true... maybe if paizo see this can be affordable, then, they make it for us!!

i actualy are waiting my pawns from amazon (Bestiary, Shattered Star, and RotRL)...

So, please, leave a comment with yes or no for this pawns!!


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I'm always in favor of more pawns, for every adventure everywhere.

Trinite wrote:
I'm always in favor of more pawns, for every adventure everywhere.

then spread the notice and help me with this one... i wondering if at some point the paizians will stare at us and think... "we most collect all those money there" and we must say "i want those pawns"

Fair enough!!

yes more minis

I would prefer a pawn set, but will take even paper mini's for this AP.

Please Paizo make this happen!

mmmh no one comes here to contribute!! jezz im all alone... :(

I suspect that Paizo won't be making pawns for previous APs, but you might be able to talk the fine folks at Pathfinder Paper Minis into it.

Good luck!

tbug wrote:

I suspect that Paizo won't be making pawns for previous APs, but you might be able to talk the fine folks at Pathfinder Paper Minis into it.

Good luck!

i dont know how to use those programs and i haven´t them

do you do your pauns?

Pathfinder Paper Minis is a company, not a program. They create pdf files that you can print out and assemble into pawns. I use them for Serpent's Skull. It's more work than the Paizo pawns, but it's the only option for that AP.

Casts raise thread

Yes! Carrion Crown pawns would be magnificent! Papers minis would be ok, but...PAWNS!!

Knock knock knock... is there anybody here from Paizo ??

We demand carrion crawl pawns, please !!

Dude, im gonna run this AP for 3rd time and still nothing with Pawns for this one.
So sad!!

The Exchange

I would like a pawn set or a figurine release for this one. What is the likely hood of either, Piazo team?

Sovereign Court

My GM doesn't have pawns for Carrion Crown, he always has pawns.

Wow I agree, this adventure needs pawns. I'm just thinking of getting into Pathfinder and one of the main reasons is they have everything for it including pawns and the campaign setting for Ustalav is what sold me on Pathfinder. To find out it doesn't have pawns for the Carrion Crown adventure, the only one I can find in Ustalav. Is really disappointing. Like a kid unwrapping an xmas gift and finding the perfect toy, then seeing it's broken when you take it out of the box.

Unfortunately, Carrion Crown missed out on the pawn train. You'll have to supplement that with the proper Bestiary Boxes, Inner Sea Pawns and NPC Codex.

On the positive side, there are Carrion Crown item cards - but no one seems to like item cards.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Buy the pdf for the AP, photoshop the images, and make your own pawns for that particular brand. That's what I did for some of the older APs. It took forever, but it was worth it. Now I have pawns for every AP, counting the ones I have now which I subscribe for.

I made pawns for almost every pathfinder image at this point because it's the best fantasy artwork ever imagined.

Sun Kil Moon wrote:

Buy the pdf for the AP, photoshop the images, and make your own pawns for that particular brand. That's what I did for some of the older APs. It took forever, but it was worth it. Now I have pawns for every AP, counting the ones I have now which I subscribe for.

I made pawns for almost every pathfinder image at this point because it's the best fantasy artwork ever imagined.

I want to use Mini's for mine but I think I'm going to go this route for the AP.

Grand Lodge

It's 2018 and we still don't have pawns. I really wish this could retroactively be fixed.

You have to figure out how to work it. If you want to see pawns for the older APs, then push for the adventure to be re-released in a collected edition. This will be accompanied by a pawn set.

Grand Lodge

Brother Fen wrote:
You have to figure out how to work it. If you want to see pawns for the older APs, then push for the adventure to be re-released in a collected edition. This will be accompanied by a pawn set.

Second Darkness will be first since it has be adapted from 3.5 to Pathfinder. Maybe a 5-year anniversary edition for Carrion?

That's what I would love to see, but Second Darkness is still filling the Paizo warehouse. We'll most likely see Kingmaker updated to PF 2 in the near future.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Just to keep this hope alive that one day they will print a Pawn box for my favorite AP of all time, Please print pawns for the Carrion Crown AP.
Tis an awful shame they were never made...

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