black pudding has you grappled, a friend steps in to help ... AoO?

Rules Questions

This is more of a "can an ooze ...?" question. If an ooze with one slam attack has a PC grappled and another. PC steps in provoking an AoO, can the ooze still take it?

Or is its only mean of attack consumed by the grapple and thus could not do anything others than grapple?

Dark Archive

From the grappled condition:

Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.

...unless the black pudding succeeded on the grapple check despite taking the -20 CMB penalty to keep from getting the grappled condition itself.

So using the -20 modified, the pudding could still use its slam again again while holding onto someone. If they hit again do they still get to grab again and hold multiple people?

Dark Archive

That's up to the GM. But the grapple rules are written with biped's in mind. If you don't have two free hands, then you take a penalty on checks made to start a grapple. The ooze obviously needs some GM fiat, but if the GM deems that the Ooze can hold onto more than one person, (and i would in this case), then that is totally legit within the rules.

Bipeds can grapple multiple people as long as they have the free limbs to do so, oozes could also if the Gm rules that they have 'free limbs' too.

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