Monk 2 / Fighter 5 using flurry of blows with a monk weapon

Rules Questions

Since the last errata, you can flurry with a monk weapon. How does it work for a multiclass Monk 2/ fighter 5, who flurries with his Kama? Does he have extra attack?

Grand Lodge


Dark Archive

There is nothing keeping you from getting your normal extra attack out of FoB as long as you are using a monk weapon. The way the FoB math works out you will basically treat your BAB as +7, apply the -2 to hit across the board as though you were using Two Weapon Fighting, use any other modifiers you have + your d20 roll.

Basically yes, you can still use Flurry of Blows as a multiclass character as long as you use monk weapons.

You're a BAB +6 and considered BAB +7 when flurrying and using the TWF feat. Your attacks are +5/+5/+0. If you don't level monk to 8 you don't get the extra flurry attack on your first iterative and only ever get the extra attack on your highest BAB.

A monk2/fighter9 is treated as +11 BAB when flurrying and would attack at +10/+10/+5/+0.

All flurry of blows rules still apply.

Thanx all :)

As a side note maybe take a peak at crusaders flurry feat. 4 lvls of paladin (or one of cleric if you don't mind the bab hit.) might very well be worth more then fighter to flurry with a better weapon. Like say a glavie.

where is that at?

It's in Ult. Combat.

Dark Archive

It's in Ultimate Combat, you require Channel Energy, and weapon focus with your dietys favored weapon in addition to Flurry of Blows to get it.

It allows you to flurry with the given weapon type.

Yep. It's a great feat. Was a good laugh watching all the Sohei hate when you could be flurrying with a Greatsword or any deity weapon by level 3 instead of 6.

so good for a monk/paladin build huh?

so you can still flurry with monk weapons.

Could a paladin/monk of erastil flurry with a temple sword in melee and a longbow in ranged combat then?

Just remember, no armor as per FoB rules.

@Pendagast: no to the bow. The feat specifically calls out deities favored melee weapon.

monk/paladin couldnt wear armor before.... so it's not a 'new' restriction.....

Dark Archive

Pendagast wrote:

so good for a monk/paladin build huh?

so you can still flurry with monk weapons.

Could a paladin/monk of erastil flurry with a temple sword in melee and a longbow in ranged combat then?

No, since TWF only applies to melee attacks, and Flurry is based of the functionality of that feat, the only exception to this is pointed out in the Flurry rules and is for Shuriken.

Pendagast wrote:
monk/paladin couldnt wear armor before.... so it's not a 'new' restriction.....

You can wear armor, you just lose wisdom to AC and the monk abilities that are negated by armor. Paladin gave you proficiency.

having the proficiency isn't that same as the build being able to use it.

There would be no point to going monk/paladin and wearing armor. Especially any decent armor.

It's basically a saving throw melee build. But now, with that feat you can flurry with some more interesting weapons.

Monk/Paladin (or cleric) with a glaive could be a fun build being able to both AoO with reach and upclose (elbow, knee, headbutt)

And the Drunken Master Monk/Cleric of Cayden Cailean is born.

It also opens up the possibility of a dervish dance monk to lessen the monks horrid MAD. Not really fleshed out the idea or anything but its possible.

Isn't that Shelyn for the glaive?

(I just had a horrible image of someone building a monk/cleric and flurrying with a great sword aaaaaaah nooooo make it stop!)

Pendagast wrote:

having the proficiency isn't that same as the build being able to use it.

There would be no point to going monk/paladin and wearing armor. Especially any decent armor.

It's basically a saving throw melee build. But now, with that feat you can flurry with some more interesting weapons.

Monk/Paladin (or cleric) with a glaive could be a fun build being able to both AoO with reach and upclose (elbow, knee, headbutt)

I didn't know there was a monk/paladin build. Seems like it takes MAD to the next level.

Ya it's shelyn with the glaive. Cayden is a rapier. I just like the idea of the drunken duelist.

I thought about that too for Seranrae, and scimitars, having a heavy Dex and wis build means lots of AC, keeps damage up, and reduces MAD huge.

A single level dip of cleric, weapon focus, and flurry. Can also pick up weapon focus from the crusader archetype I think.

There really is no point in flurrying with a twohanded weapon that does not offer some other benefit (reach.) as the str mod while flurrying is limited to 1x. Sure you get more out of power attack but is it worth the feat cost and dipping for just that? I would say no.

Stome wrote:
There really is no point in flurrying with a twohanded weapon that does not offer some other benefit (reach.) as the str mod while flurrying is limited to 1x. Sure you get more out of power attack but is it worth the feat cost and dipping for just that? I would say no.

Flavor is all I'm going for. Theres not a huge benefit to a rapier build with this either but being a drunken buffoon that trash talks his way into duels seems fun. Wonder if I can bless water on my ale.

Also with dervish dance you might not be able to have a weapon or shield in your off hand but there is still other uses. Perhaps take dangerously curious trait and not dump CHA so its a wand hand. Or there is Flagbearer feat... Or I am sure someone can come up with better ideas then this heh! Still you get my point.

Khrysaor wrote:
Pendagast wrote:

having the proficiency isn't that same as the build being able to use it.

There would be no point to going monk/paladin and wearing armor. Especially any decent armor.

It's basically a saving throw melee build. But now, with that feat you can flurry with some more interesting weapons.

Monk/Paladin (or cleric) with a glaive could be a fun build being able to both AoO with reach and upclose (elbow, knee, headbutt)

I didn't know there was a monk/paladin build. Seems like it takes MAD to the next level.

Ya it's shelyn with the glaive. Cayden is a rapier. I just like the idea of the drunken duelist.

I thought about that too for Seranrae, and scimitars, having a heavy Dex and wis build means lots of AC, keeps damage up, and reduces MAD huge.

A single level dip of cleric, weapon focus, and flurry. Can also pick up weapon focus from the crusader archetype I think.

Good catch on the crusader archetype there. That's perfect!

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